Thursday, April 28, 2005

Tiananmen Square, Sun Yat Sen portrait has been set up

Celebrating Nationalists in China.
A good sign of good will by president Hu Jin Tao.
I still shudder under the stare of Mao, without Sun Yat Sen. We are only poor repressed souls whose rights, properties and dignities have been taken away by hardline communists and hardline Taiwanese.

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Lian Zhan's Visit Caused Hail in Nanjing

南京突降冰雹 最大冰雹直徑3釐米[組圖] 中國網 時間:2005 年04 月26 日 文章來源:新華網 Lian Zhan's Visit Caused Hail in Nanjing Posted by Hello 4月25日拍攝的大量冰雹。當日下午5時許,南京市突然下起了冰雹,最大的冰雹直徑達到3釐米。 新華社發 4月25日,市民在南京新街口落滿冰雹的路邊行走。 當日下午4時50分左右,南京天空突然變得一片漆黑,緊接著下起了暴雨和蠶豆粒大小的冰雹,行人四處奔走躲避,這場暴雨夾冰雹大約持續了半小時。 新華社記者 孫參 攝 4月25日拍攝的南京市馬路上的冰雹。當日下午5時許,南京市突然下起了冰雹,最大的冰雹直徑達到3釐米。 新華社發 4月25日拍攝的大量冰雹。當日下午5時許,南京市突然下起了冰雹,最大的冰雹直徑達到3釐米。 新華社發 新華網南京4月25日電 25日下午4點40分至5點20分,江蘇省的南京、鎮江、連雲港等11個市縣,突然出現了狂風暴雨並伴有冰雹的天氣,部分地區所降冰雹最大直徑達26毫米。專家表示,冰雹是由大氣層的強對流造成的,屬正常天氣。 據江蘇省氣象臺首席預報員沈樹勤介紹,下午2點左右,他們通過衛星雷達在安徽省洪澤湖西部發現了一個很小的對流雲團,在西北氣流的影響下,雲團迅速向東南方向移動並不斷擴大。這個對流雲團給江蘇11個市縣帶來了冰雹天氣,部分地區所降冰雹最大直徑為26毫米。 南京地區於下午4點50分左右出現了8-9級大風,伴有暴雨,並開始降冰雹。記者注意到,冰雹小的有黃豆大小,大的有蠶豆大小,最密集的時候佈滿了整個路面。冰雹持續了約半個小時。 沈樹勤說:"這次短時間突發性的冰雹,是由強對流天氣帶來的。降冰雹之前南京的氣溫超過了29度,而此時大氣高層5500米以上的溫度為零下20攝氏度,溫差接近50攝氏度。大氣低層和高層的巨大溫差造成層結不穩定,低層通過輻合系統使不穩定能量釋放,將水汽往上抬,形成對流。水汽結成的小冰晶在對流中上下翻滾,像滾雪球一樣越滾越大,最終形成冰雹降落。" 在暴雨和冰雹天氣發生前2小時,江蘇省氣象臺通過手機短信和121氣象資訊向市民發佈了預報。(記者姚玉潔、姜濤)

Monday, April 25, 2005


Posted by Hello China Proper Main Criminal Being Taken to Execution 4月25日上午8时30分,河南省许昌市中级人民法院依法开庭,向宋留根、马献洲、张广明、刘慈恩、毛海军、刘文贤、陈华、王明军、刘强等9人宣布宋留根一案的终审判决及执行死刑的命令。8时50分许,宋留根等被带出法庭,押赴刑场,执行枪决。 On April 25, 8:30 a.m., in Xu Chang city, Henan, the People's Court announced that Soong Liu Geng, and 9 other people's final verdict were death sentences. At 8:50 a.m. Soong was taken out of the court and was shot at the execution site for criminals. The 40 year old Soong Liu Geng didn't believe that he was going to be sentenced to death. "Just by selling something illegal, and one gets death, must be joking." What makes me feel sad is that why this is major news running on the Sina headlines banner. Right on the eve of the Nationalist leader from Taiwan going to visit China the next day in 56 years. There were no other executions in other provinces or any somber news, just to make Henan a fall guy. My mood was very fragile to think that my father's land was being categorized as the heavy execution site criminal, and my mother's Nanjing, as National Capital has the new communist occupying master, and the heaven was even crying and showing and shaking with hails. Freezing cold emotion for a Nationalist descendant.   河南许昌市中级人民法院于2005年1月21日对“中原涉黑第一案”——宋留根、马献洲、郝洪山特大涉黑团伙案,进行一审宣判。宋留根、马献洲、张广明、刘慈恩、毛海军、刘 文贤、陈华、王明军、刘强等9人被判死刑,其中主犯宋留根以组织领导黑社会罪、故意杀人罪等八项罪名被宣判执行死刑,剥夺政治权利终身。   同时,被告单位郑州恒业运输有限公司以偷税罪和非法金融罪被分别判处罚金100万元人民币,共计200万元人民币。据悉,宋留根团伙被处罚金共5700余万元。   现年四十岁的宋留根,曾用名陈亚军,原系河南省郑州恒业运输有限公司股东。以宋留根为首的涉黑犯罪团伙是河南五十年来最大的犯罪集团,他们以暴力威胁等手段垄断郑州纺织品大世界、郑州二环支路果品批发市场等,获取非法经济利益。2003年7月,宋留根团伙100余人陆续落网。   2004年7月13日,许昌市人民检察院以涉嫌组织、领导、参加黑社会性质组织罪、故意杀人罪等十九项罪名,对宋留根、马献洲等62名涉案人员提起公诉。   

Friday, April 22, 2005

On Bush’s Visit to Russia to Celebrate the Defeat of the Nazis and the End of World War II

If you omit to mention the Chinese nationalist contributions during World War II, you are not familiar with WWII history. The British parliament was touting the last century's two British accomplishments, first, winning World War II, and second, founding the national health care system. British PM Tony Blair pointed out that without winning WWII, then there would not have been any national health care system. Likewise, he should have pointed out that without the ally the nationalist Chinese, then World War II could not have been won by US, Britain, and Russia. After the war, China was not given a chance to rebuild like Britain's national health care system, or MacArthur’s reconstruction of Japan, instead the Chinese nationalists were removed from power by the secret evil pact, called the Yalta treaty, amongst the agreeable parties, Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt. This historical error and injustice should be known, and Bush should honor the Chinese nationalists for celebrating the conclusion of World War II.