Thursday, April 28, 2005
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Lian Zhan's Visit Caused Hail in Nanjing
南京突降冰雹 最大冰雹直徑3釐米[組圖]
中國網 時間:2005 年04 月26 日 文章來源:新華網
Lian Zhan's Visit Caused Hail in Nanjing
4月25日拍攝的大量冰雹。當日下午5時許,南京市突然下起了冰雹,最大的冰雹直徑達到3釐米。 新華社發
4月25日,市民在南京新街口落滿冰雹的路邊行走。 當日下午4時50分左右,南京天空突然變得一片漆黑,緊接著下起了暴雨和蠶豆粒大小的冰雹,行人四處奔走躲避,這場暴雨夾冰雹大約持續了半小時。 新華社記者 孫參 攝
4月25日拍攝的南京市馬路上的冰雹。當日下午5時許,南京市突然下起了冰雹,最大的冰雹直徑達到3釐米。 新華社發
4月25日拍攝的大量冰雹。當日下午5時許,南京市突然下起了冰雹,最大的冰雹直徑達到3釐米。 新華社發
新華網南京4月25日電 25日下午4點40分至5點20分,江蘇省的南京、鎮江、連雲港等11個市縣,突然出現了狂風暴雨並伴有冰雹的天氣,部分地區所降冰雹最大直徑達26毫米。專家表示,冰雹是由大氣層的強對流造成的,屬正常天氣。

Monday, April 25, 2005

Friday, April 22, 2005
On Bush’s Visit to Russia to Celebrate the Defeat of the Nazis and the End of World War II
If you omit to mention the Chinese nationalist contributions during World War II, you are not familiar with WWII history.
The British parliament was touting the last century's two British accomplishments, first, winning World War II, and second, founding the national health care system.
British PM Tony Blair pointed out that without winning WWII, then there would not have been any national health care system.
Likewise, he should have pointed out that without the ally the nationalist Chinese, then World War II could not have been won by US, Britain, and Russia.
After the war, China was not given a chance to rebuild like Britain's national health care system, or MacArthur’s reconstruction of Japan, instead the Chinese nationalists were removed from power by the secret evil pact, called the Yalta treaty, amongst the agreeable parties, Churchill, Stalin, and Roosevelt.
This historical error and injustice should be known, and Bush should honor the Chinese nationalists for celebrating the conclusion of World War II.