Wednesday, May 04, 2005


【新新聞黃創夏-中時王榮霖】94.5.5 Tycoon-Merchant Guo Tai Qiang is the secret “red hat” Top Envoy for the new century Posted by Hello,3687,9405050081+0+0+101146+0,00.html# 新世紀紅頂密使?郭台強不具政治背景,並未有任何官方或政黨授權,靠著與兄弟郭台銘倆人在台海兩岸的經濟實力、台商脈絡為後盾,一手促成包機、連宋江中國行,並在兩岸層峰間成為意見交流平台... Selective English Translation: Guo Tai Qiang, without any politically delegated power, simply relying on his brother Guo Tai Ming’s economic power as the number one tycoon in Taiwan, helped to forge the charter flights between Taiwan and China, and is a go-between to coordinate Lian Zhan, Soong Chu Yu, and Jiang Bing Kun’s China visits, and was the high summit exchange platform man. He is the convergence point between Chen Shui Bian, Hu Jin Tao, Lian Zhan, and Soong Chu Yu. In July 2004, Guo became the Chairman of the Board for Commercial Industrial Development. He understood the Taiwan merchants’ urgent need for direct transport, so he actively pushed for 3 types of communications between Taiwan and China. 連戰、宋楚瑜相繼的中國行,終於啟動台海間冰凍長達十年的政治互動。不管接觸的結果,陳水扁有多跳腳、胡錦濤如何導演一切、連戰怎樣風光、宋楚瑜怎麼如謝長廷所言地「鹹魚翻身」,鮮有人知道,這場政治棋局的背後,為陳水扁、胡錦濤、連戰、宋楚瑜四人在這次台海變局中牽起脈絡的,是長年奔走兩岸的正崴精密董事長郭台強。 郭台強的「密使」身分,近來不斷在台灣和中國引起揣測。 不過,照相關人士所透露的訊息,郭台強其實和過去台海間的「密使」不太相同。過去,所謂的「密使」通常會獲得政府高層的具體授意與授權,在兩岸高層間擔綱溝通甚至談判的秘密任務,而郭台強目前為止,是靠著他與郭台銘在台海兩岸的經濟實力,以及與雙方政府高層關係良好的條件,扮演﹁傳話人﹂的角色,並未如以前的密使那樣,受到政府高層的授權與對方進行實質談判。 整個故事,可以從郭台強推動春節包機一事講起。二○○四年七月,郭台強接任工商建研會理事長,由於長年在兩岸經商,深知台商對直航的渴求,因此他上任後,就積極推動兩岸三通事宜。 扮推手!傳遞兩岸三通想法給胡 郭台強接任工商建研會理事長一個月後,八月十七日,他帶著建研會成員見總統陳水扁,希望政府以具體行動改善兩岸關係,加快實現兩岸三通,當時,針對郭台強所提出的三通要求,陳水扁給了這樣的答案:﹁我已經通了兩個半了,你們應該把跟我講的,去對他(胡錦濤)講!﹂ 或許這祇是陳水扁接見賓客時隨口的一句標準回答,他可能事先想也沒想到,郭台強會真的去和胡錦濤提起此事。由於郭氏兄弟在台灣這幾年成長迅速,在中國的企業版圖也快速擴張,使得郭台強近年來受到中國當局高度的重視。 Free Mind's Comments: A New modern day merchant who can play politics with great influence, he is like the fabled Hu Xue Yan. Hu Xue Yan was a famed Qing dynasty merchant. His nickname was “Red Hat Official top honorary merchant”. His meteoric rise to fortune was like a fable. He worked in Hu Zhou, by Lake Tai (Supreme), as a rich silk trade merchant and worked for the Qing Dynasty, coordinating logistics for the war of resistance against the foreign invasions by the British in the 1840’s and 1860’s. He was highly celebrated amongst the courts. His philosophy was thus that politics was not only ascribed to people like that of the top-minded statesmen like Soong dynasty official Fan Zhong Yan’s high aspiration of “Before the world, I worry first, I enjoy the last after everyone”. Whether you are an official or a businessman, you need to have a sense of social responsibility, not only to work for your own profits, but for the common people. Otherwise, you are either a greedy official or a rotten merchant.


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