River Deer, An animal on China's state class II protection list

Tang Empress Wu Ze Tian 624 – 705 AD
Tang Emperor Gao Zong Li Zhi 628 – 683 AD
Huang Zhang Song, Yellow River Deer Song
After Tang Dynasty Empress Wu (624-705 AD) changed into her own dynasty and in the Ru Yi era, there was a well-known song, The lyrics go like this: "Yellow river deer hiding in the grass. The bent bow will shoot you with harm".
Then the Kidan tribe rebelled. The central court sent 4 generals in succession to fight, and they were all exterminated by the Kidan tribe. The Kidan tribe killed the Zhao general and other generals, and sunk their domain, with altogether 1 million people and horses, at Yellow River Deer Valley.
When they retreated to the Yellow River Deer Valley, there, they could not even escape by one branch. It was a total annihilation.
No one was left. All branches of armies were defeated.
So this folk song became reality, the prophecy of a song.
This is the traditional tribal style, is that when they occupy a village, they must kill all.
From chapter 163, Tai Ping Guang Ji, Soong compilation of Tang and earlier stories
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