Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Music Abstraction: Sleepwalk 抽象音樂: 夢遊

Brothers Santo & Johnny Farina were born in Brooklyn, New York of Italian origin. In 1958 Mike Dee & The Mello Tones (Santo Farina, steel guitar; Johnny Farina, guitar and their uncle Mike Dee, drums) recorded a self-penned instrumental which they called "Deep Sleep". Loosely inspired by the song "Softly, As In The Morning Sunrise (Sigmund Romberg 1929), it had the same chord progression but a much simpler melody line. "Deep Sleep" became "Sleep Walk" and in August 1959 it topped the American charts. "Sleep Walk" continues to be one of the most popular and easily recognised instrumentals of all time. (more)

Music Abstraction: Sleepwalk

抽象音樂: 夢遊
當太陽昇起時 如赴一個大地之初的原始讌會 我, 迷濛濛的走, 如一個夢遊者 Sleepwalk 調子是黃楊古箏. 黃楊的實心做成的琴,古箏. 也是漢最高的喪制, 蒙古女王, 才能有的漢黃楊心棺木. 匈奴啊. 你已經失蹤了. 化身為匈牙利.你還不是仍在彈黃楊木變成的Zither 蘇武到過北海, 塞北, 西伯利亞, 貝加爾湖 Zither楊琴 蘇州聽到的楊琴, 師父敲一排, 弦聲, 五臟肺腑的聆聽, 宋徽宗的回憶 朝昇弦管 暮列笙笆 尚未被金人捉走走前 Soong Hui Zong emperor's reminiscence In the morning I get the strings, the wood flutes going At the dusk, I list the arrays of wood pipes, pipas That's before he got captured by the Jin tribe As Morning Rise Another universe secret day unveiling opens up... I'm sleepwalking Chinese buxwood made boxwood zither shedding tears in the sinew chords... 音樂語言, 隱隱約約相思, 相似之處. 引起我遙遠的回憶 當太陽昇起時 Sleepwalk As the Sun Rises ukulele n. A small four-stringed guitar popularized in Hawaii. Regional Note. The word ukulele is one of a small stock of Polynesian borrowings into American English. Other such words are aloha and luau. Haole is the Hawaiian word for a white person. Ulaan baatar The capital of Mongolia, in the N-central part. Ulan Ude A city of S-central Russia near Lake Baikal and the Mongolian border. Su Wu migrated to Baikal, captured by Xiong Nu, Mongolian. At that time, Mongolian didn't occupy China, we were different countries. Then Mongolia conquered the whole world, we were slaves under Beijing the Big Capital rule. Then we were free! Ming dynasty Free from Mongol's brutality. Oh! I remember that one fine day, as the Sun rises! Xiong Nu went west to the Central Asia, then, mixing in Europe land, the Hungarian, East Europe, Germany. Some path spread my language..and my sour pickled shredded carrots. My habitat. Xiong Nu passing Bering Sea. Xiong Nu came down south Pacific. Hawaiian music In the mist, you trigger my memory. Playing the Ukulele and the wood plank rhyme... Dance Dance Dance Little girl, the Eskimo crisp wood plank..Paul Ankar's Canadian style. Or the silver tinklle.. the bell sounding.. with Greek "Venice.." Baikal, similarity to Hawaii and Polynesian language, due to Bering Sea, coming the migrants, as a bridge land. America natives, similarity to the Pacific islanders, and the Mongolian, Xiong Nu. 蘇武到北海, 西伯利亞, 塞北 匈奴向西, 成為中亞, 混血兒, 匈牙利人, 東歐, 德國. 匈奴向東, 過白令海成為印第安, 向南, 到南洋, 成為玻璃里西亞人, 夏威夷人. 音樂語言, 隱隱約約相思, 相似之處. 引起我遙遠的回憶 當太陽昇起時 Sleepwalk As the Sun Rises ○ This is the signature of an empress or the high secret commander such as the Nationalist Underground organizer, Dr. Zhu's signature.