Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Prior to Soong’s Departure: Hope to Push Forward the Cooperation of Chinese on the Two Coasts

宋楚瑜行前表示:希望推动两岸中国人携手 2005年05月05日07:46 中国日报网站   中国日报网站消息:据台湾媒体报道,即将出访大陆的亲民党主席宋楚瑜5月4日在台北举行行前记者会。他表示,希望此行能积极推动两岸中国人复兴华夏,让两岸互蒙其利,让两岸人民携手合作。   宋楚瑜说,将坚守一中、“九二共识”以及反“台独”的立场。希望此行有助于台海稳定,能继国民党主席连战访问大陆之后进一步凝聚岛内民意,并与大陆方面达成更为具 体的共识。   记者会上,宋楚瑜还强调,自己不是所谓“特使”和“传话人”。   应中共中央和中共中央总书记胡锦涛的邀请,亲民党主席宋楚瑜5日将开始大陆之行,首站将访问西安。   相关专题:亲民党主席宋楚瑜访问大陆 English Translation: Qin Min Party chairman Soong held a press conference in Taipei on May 4th, prior to his departure for mainland China. He hopes that on this trip he can progressively push for the revival of Chinese culture, to let the people to cooperate hand-in-hand and profit mutually. Soong said that he will follow One China policy, “92 Mutual Recognition”, and “Anti-Taiwan independence”. He hopes that his trip will help the stability of Taiwan Strait, so he can solidify the peoples’ desire after Lian Zhan’s China visit. Soong said that he is not a special envoy or someone’s (CSB’s) messenger. At the invitation of Hu Jin Tao, Soong will start his visit on May 5th. His first stop will be Xian.


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