Thursday, June 30, 2005

I Dream of Ancient China

My poem in memory of Professor Wang Guo Wei, 王国维(1877—1927)of Qing Hua university. He was a great scholar, able to link the threads to the ancient civilization. Mysteriously, he committed suicide in the Summer palace, Kunming Lake, Peking, in June 1927.
Oh! Classic you Coming over to lean toward me You, for a long time, in the mist Longing so, still some people Can notice your once ethereal beauty A rare discernment for many You are still, coming to tell me I can't forget The oracle bones’ revelation Dun Huang Grotto Wei Dynasty stone inscribed words Bamboo folders and rolls of literature pearls Many say we don't know each other But I wait for you for an eternity When you appear from beyond the smoky mist My past soul also returned The legends of Luo Goddess Lean beauty in the bamboo forest In the Dream of the Red Chamber Of the daughters from the Shun utopian world Before language is formed Already imprinted and cast their love With shadows everlasting A reflection do not vanish Please do not leave My dream All my love for the ancient civilization By Free Mind 華夏之夢 古典的你 向我依過來。 你﹐已經很久﹐在塵裡﹐ 切盼﹐仍有國人﹐能察覺﹐ 那曾美麗的華亮 不易的審查 你﹐仍盈盈﹐姍姍來到。 忘懷不了。 我的從前。 那麼多人說你我素不相識 我卻等你已很久遠 當你由煙霧那裡出現 我的故魂 也回轉來了

殷商的甲骨文體 魏晉詩卷的遺珠 敦煌石窟的殘簡

歷來瀟湘妃子 洛神 你們的影子 影影綽綽 我永難忘 如何排解呢﹖ 請不要離開 我的夢 華夏之夢

By Free Mind


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