Tuesday, June 21, 2005

武功山﹐萍鄉﹐江西省 Wu Gong Shan Mountain, Ping Xiang, Jiangxi Province, Site of the First Armed Uprising of the ROC Revolution

Wu Gong Shan Mountain, Ping Xiang, Jiangxi Province Posted by Hello 萍鄉人才有 乾隆才子劉風誥 晚清﹐變法中堅文廷式 黄钟杰(1882—1910),又名载生、直生、黄骥等,生于萍乡市湘东区湘东镇黄堂村谷皮冲。1910年4月8日在萍乡西门郊区英勇就义,牺牲时年仅29岁。 1900年,八国联军攻陷北京,烧杀奸掠,而清朝当局竟与列强签订了丧权辱国的《辛丑条约》,割地赔款,置民水火,且与列强共同镇压曾一度“扶清灭洋”的义和团运动。消息传到黄钟杰就学的萍乡中学,他义愤填膺,夜不成寐,组织进步同学举行活动,坚决反对当局签订《辛丑条约》,遭到学校当局开除。 不得已,黄钟杰又前往袁州中学(现宜春中学)就读,在那里他又继续组织进步社团,秘密从事反清的革命活动,不久被袁州府当局发现,派军警搜索,黄钟杰冒死冲出重围,直奔长沙,寻找华兴会领导人黄兴。 黄兴是国民党的缔造者之一,著名的政治活动家和军事家。黄兴对黄钟杰十分欣赏,留他在华兴会工作。此后黄钟杰就一直与黄兴一道并肩战斗,直到后来华兴会与兴中会、光复会、日知会等联合组成中国同盟会。 黄钟杰随华兴会一同参加中国同盟会后,被任命为中国同盟会湘赣外务部员。从此,他接受中国同盟会和孙中山先生派遣,辗转萍乡、浏阳、醴陵一带积极开展革命工作,四处发动群众,播撒革命火种,散发同盟会主编的报刊—《民报》。 他常深入煤矿和醴陵清军营中,与那些同情革命的工人、士兵促膝谈心,发展同盟会员100多人,壮大了革命阵营。 以孫中山為首的同盟會﹐第一次武裝鬥爭在萍鄉﹐ 指揮總部設在萍鄉的萍鄉﹐醴陵﹐瀏陽起義﹐。 為辛亥革命進行的重大演習。 Ping Xiang is an ancient place with culture steeped in the Taoist traditions and myths. Wu Gong Shan Mountain, Martial Arts Mountain, is one of the three famed mountains in South of Yangtze. They are Lu Mountain, Heng Shan Mountain, and Wu Gong Shan Mountain. Ping Xiang personalities: Middle Qing era, Qian Long era, Liu Feng Gao. Late Qing, Wen Ting Shi, a reformist. Huang Zhong Jie (1882 – 1910) fought for the Republic of China revolution and died on 4/8/1910. Sun Yat Sen was the 同盟會Tong Meng Association leader. The first armed uprising against the Qing Dynasty took place in Ping Xiang, the command headquarters for the Ping Xiang Liu Yang, Li Ling uprising. This uprising was a rehearsal for Xin Hai year 1911 October Wu Chang Uprising. Ping Xiang is also Communist Central Politburo Committee member and one of the Communist founders Zhang Guo Tao’s birth hometown. Understanding Zhang Guo Tao will allow one to understand Chinese communists. If there is such a thing as a “good communist”, Zhang Guo Tao is a good communist and socialist. He was ousted by Mao.


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