Tang ladies playing the national game, polo

Yellow Platform Squash Song
Written by the Zhang Huai crown prince Li Xian, the son of Empress Wu Ze Tian and Emperor Gao Zong
Planting the melon under the Yellow Platform
Melon is ripe and the sons are detached
First harvest the melon is well
Second harvest the melon is diluted
Third harvest is still worth keeping
Further harvest you can only hold the vine to return back to the soil
The Prince was trying to indicate to his Mother Empress that you can’t divide all the sons up unless you want to become weakened and you want the Central power system to crumple and to be endangered.
Prince Li Xian loved polo and annotated the great work of Hou Han Shu, Eastern Han History, written by Nanyang, Henan, historian, Fan Ye.
Free Mind’s comments on the Tang dynasty prince’s Yellow Platform Melon poem
1. In the Taipei history museum, there is a beautiful statue of Prince Zhang Huai playing polo. I was touched about his humane visage and his grace, and it generated a quite vivid live image about the sport.
2. The current constitution modification for the ROC is quite like the song. This dilutes the constitution, dissolving the original force of the constitution. The spirit is being violated. The chaos and weakness will follow. The DPP is on the wrong track by not following the laws themselves, and is further picking apart a system. The trauma and havoc will be onto them, based on their own doing.
3. Empress Wu might have been too harsh on her son Zhang Huai prince, as the empire was diluted and the invaders were hard to fight off as a powerful force of 1 million soldiers could not subdue such a wild violent tribe.
The same analogy can be applied to the Nationalists.
Chiang Kai Shek and Chiang Jing Guo who were overly trying to grab on the power and forced the Nationalists to be weakened as Chiang Jing Guo became the sole spokesman for the KMT, only to be usurped by a confused man who identifies with the violent Colonial Japanese and who holds hatred toward Chinese culture, while the Chinese are only trying to maintain their freedom.
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