Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Advice Letter on July 25 to CPU-NC, Chinese for Peaceful Unification - Northern California

Steps for Peaceful Reconciliation One suggestion for those brave and proud communists who have no bones to stand up against the Russians: Get the Russians to pay war redemptions and damages for the Russo-Japanese war conducted on China’s soil in 1905 and in other battles. Russians must pay, as well as the Japanese. It is shameful for the Chinese communists to fight their own brothers so well in the Civil War, but to chicken out in the Sino-Japanese War. It is shameful to let the Russian boots step on the Chinese heads and not to feel anything, in the name of communism. If China doesn’t remove the Mao and Stalin portraits in the public squares and in the schools, there won’t be “Peaceful Unification, or reconciliation.” The Bush administration has allowed a huge trade surplus with China, and in turn, China uses this money to buy weapons from Russia to use against America, as General Zhu is irresponsibly challenging to provoke war by saying China can give up east of Xian and let 200 American cities be in nuclear rubble. This has pushed China’s image back to dark bandit age, and many American different racial groups are starting to get real angry at the Chinese. Please pay attention and monitor what the Americans are saying and thinking. Do not walk toward a self-generated ruin.


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