Thursday, September 29, 2005

Embark on New Renewal Force for a Global Outlook

薰香 薰香,追根溯源,本是一种古老的治疗及美容方法,从古埃及艳后用玫瑰铺满寝宫,到我国唐代杨贵妃用鲜花浸泡沐浴,都可窥见一斑。现代的薰香,除了美容及嗅觉功用外,又增加了治疗心疾、强身健体的功效。在空气污染日益严重的今天,它又因神奇的净化空气之功效成为人们的新宠。 LBS熏香法是将植物精油放入异丙醇内以达永久保存之稳定性。同时异丙醇经恒温60℃的催化蕊头能完全挥发,而使植物精油散播在空气中,净化空气降低污染,可给人犹如沐浴在森林中的清新感觉。精油由人体呼吸循环进入体内后,更起到身心均衡之调整功效。  香精油之所以价格昂贵,是因为提炼纯正香精油需要大量的植物,据说每300朵玫瑰才能萃取成一滴玫瑰香精油,因此一般来说,单价在百元以上的香精油才可能是纯的。  好的香精油从外观来看颜色很淡,香味芳香但不刺鼻,将它涂在皮肤上,会迅速渗入皮肤组织,而皮肤不会感觉油腻及负担,且会促使皮肤产生柔嫩度及滋养性。  芳香精油虽然完全采自天然,但由于其萃取的稀有性(1吨重的蔷薇花瓣只能萃取出1公斤的蔷薇精质油),和高浓缩度(每一滴柠檬精质油等于70个柠檬汁的浓度),因此若使用不当仍然会有危险性和毒性。  使用香精油前,必须了解其特性,按分量使用,不要过多。不要将纯的精质油直接涂在皮肤上,以免灼伤皮肤或导致过敏。当以纯精质油滴入浴缸泡澡时,请不要超过8滴。精油极易与日光接触产生光合作用,所以请保存在阴凉干燥的地方。精油要经常更换,因一种精油使用2至3周后,最好换一换,以保持肌肤对精油的敏感度,另外,3种精油搭配方法比单一精油的效果要好得多。  不可或缺的香薰种类香精油的种类繁多,单嗅其气味也没有什么特别之处,初次使用者真的很难选择。如果你是精油的爱好者,以下几种不能不备。  薰衣草心灵疗效--平衡情绪、放松精神。  身体保健--帮助睡眠、放松肌肉、平衡身心。  皮肤护理--平抚烧伤及晒伤肌肤、愈合疤痕、防止老化,适合各种皮肤。  灭菌能力--对细菌及真菌的杀灭能力为66%和71%。  尤加力心灵疗效--增强记忆力,增进脑力。  身体保健--改善肌肉酸痛,感冒鼻塞、防止蚊虫叮咬。  皮肤护理--消炎抗菌,适合中、油性肌肤。  灭菌能力--对细菌及真菌的杀灭能力为52%和48%。  茶树油心灵疗效--提神,增进脑力。  身体保健--消除头痛、头晕。  皮肤护理--镇静、消肿、去脂,适合油性皮肤。  灭菌能力--对细菌及真菌的杀灭能力为92%和77%

Embark on New Renewal Force for a Global Outlook My birthday is approaching and a mystic power within starts to stir. Why was I germinated to be? When I started to learn Chinese, it seems that I lost my original self without guile. Once I learned English, my Chinese parents were worried that I would become defiant as the unruly western kids. So I will stay as a self that knows none of the great languages, so I am in touch with that original me.

It is a big break if you are in an environment when you do not use Chinese or English, because you may discover your natural self better. Father was afraid to lose me, the pure little girl. He was afraid that I learned English.

I have a red leather Tang and Soong Dynasty book that my father gave me to read. But grandparents were not afraid, they were more open. I heard this beautiful impressionist piano, for a radio show, called the “Lost Seed”. It was from a French impressionist, called the Orange Girl. It is a time to pick up one’s reconstruction plan. Into a world where there is no Google, CNN, FOX, C-SPAN, so to regenerate and remake the perennial tree energy.

One can lose track of politics in the world, the White House and Beijing can all be lost without compromising one's dream. To see the things and rediscover the lost Han. With a spa and massage. I want all of the misgivings to be forgiven. Turkish steam bath Finland Sauna Suzhou massage

Kyoto, Japan Chinese Minority tribes in secret places, with private tour guides in different Chinese provinces. Eastern European countries. Istanbul, Turkey, Greece Finland Pyramids


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