Monday, September 19, 2005

Daughters Facing Cruel Rulers, Women's Rights, and Consideration for a Female Supreme Court Justice

Ancient and Modern Nanking Qin Huai River Women 秦淮河的女兒 These are the geisha girls, with musical training; entertain the men with their natural bodies. One woman served the Qing emperor, Shun Zhi (順治皇帝). Dong Xiao Wan’s Love and Moon 董小宛 的愛情與月亮 With her charm and flesh, the Yangzhou annihilation stopped. In that early Qing Dynasty occupation era, the most popular novel was called “Liao Zhai Zhi Yi”, “Fables of Ghost Stories in a Study Hut” 聊齋誌異, compiled from previous and contemporary writers. Indeed, you can’t discern whether the village, or the person you saw in the morning, really is still alive, or that is merely her ghost talking to you. Many villages were annihilated, so that was the most popular genre for that sad ghostly era, reflecting the people’s mood. From 1931 to 1949, the Tianjin Da Gong Bao Newspaper 天津大公報 issued the most popular long running sequels of righteous Kungfu and mysterious novel, “Shu Sichuan Mountain Sword Knight Tales” 蜀山劍俠傳, written by Returning Pearl Building Master 還珠樓主. This is to reflect the occupation by the Japanese after they invaded Manchuria in 1931, and borrowed the Yangzhou butchery when people ran toward Sichuan for haven and discovered that two friends from Yangzhou were still alive and in the same boat they hugged each other and cried over surviving the tragedy. The story stopped in 1949 because Mao occupied China and stopped the free press. By the banks of Qin and Huai rivers in Nanking Throughout the dynasties, you have the prettiest girls with their most patriotic love toward their country. Even at the advent of the occupiers and conquerors, they raised their neck high in defiance, and they were braver than men in that they didn’t surrender. Such is the Lee Xiangjun’s (李香君) reddening and splashing her Peach flower fan (桃花扇) with her forehead bleeding. She would not obey the Qing lord to be a concubine. Some like Dong Xiao Wan served the Qing emperor, and softened his heart so there were no more killings. With her wisdom and her body, she served the country and her people. She sheltered many lives. In her bed, she had lined the corner with her books. She was not illiterate. Dong Xiao Wan’s words “I have a dream. That is a daughter’s dream. Since ancient time, men are honored beings, and women are lowly. I am not a Qin Huai River Golden dust sitting in waste to be the palm plaything for the men.” In order to uphold women’s rights, America deserves to have a female supreme court justice to replace Sandra Day O’Connor, who is the first female supreme court justice.


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