Thursday, September 15, 2005

霜葉紅於二月花 Linguistic and Geography Study: Where to Enjoy Red Leaves in Deep Fall in China

坐愛→因為喜愛。 唐‧杜牧《山行》 『遠上寒山石徑斜,白雲深處有人家。 停車坐愛楓林晚,霜葉紅於二月花!』坐→因為。 為天地立心 為生民立命 為往聖繼絕學 為萬世開太平 Tang poetry by Du Mu Mountain Walk Walk far above cold mountain slanted rock path In the depth of white cloud resides some families Park my wagon to sit and love the maple forest in late Frost leaves redder than February flowers Why sit and love? Because Sit and muse because I set my heart for heaven and earth I care for the people for their future and life For the saint to create a path to resume the studies For tens of thousands of generations to create harmonious peace Linguistic and Geography Study: Where to Enjoy Red Leaves in Deep Fall in China 每逢深秋,霜寒降临,我国大江南北的枫树、黄栌、乌柏、槭树、柿树、山漆、五倍子、爬山虎的叶子,层林尽染,万山红遍,可谓“霜叶红于二月花”,成了秋游最好的风景线。 Each deep fall, at the time of the first frost, the Yangtze river north and south maples and persimmon trees, smoke trees, black cypresses, Chinese Gall trees, and Boston Ivy forests are soaked in color, and redden tens of thousands of mountains. The so called “Frosted leaves redder than February flowers”, become the best scenic routes for travel. 我国幅员辽阔,由许多观赏红叶的好去处,最著名的有北京的香山、四川的米亚罗、长沙的岳麓山、南京的栖霞山和苏州的天平山。 Most famous are Beijing Xiang Shang, Fragrance mountain, Si Chuan MiYa Luo, Changsha’s Yuelu mountain, Nanking’s Qi Xia mountain, and Suzhou’s Tian Ping mountain. 距北京市中心20多公里的香山,海拔577米,层峦叠峰,满山市黄栌树,它属漆树科落叶灌木,叶状如团扇,霜后呈深紫红色,陈毅诗“西山红叶好,霜重色愈浓”即指黄栌树叶。霜降时节,香山方圆数万亩坡地上遍布红叶,红艳似火,远观以为它是一片片花瓣,近看才辩清它是一片片椭圆状的树叶。香山观赏红叶绝佳处在森玉笏峰小亭,从亭里极目远眺,远山近坡,鲜红、猩红、粉红,五颜六色,层次分明,似红霞缭绕,情趣盎然,成为北国最著名的秋游胜地。 Xiang Shan is over 20 kilometers from downtown Beijing, and is 577 meters above sea level. 米亚罗,藏语意为“美丽的坝子”,是藏在深山人未识的我国面积最大的红叶风景区。位于四川阿坝州理县,距成都263公里,红叶景区面积3688平方公里。秋日经霜,杂谷脑河西岸的枫、桦等树备染成了奇丽的红色、金黄色,广袤无际,远山雪峰晶莹,眼前红叶似火,煞是迷人。 Mi Ya Luo, in Tibetan, meaning “beautiful flatland”. Da Ba Zi is a joint common expression in the Tibetan language, the Han language, and other minority languages such as Yunnan Province languages. So there must be a very ancient route, common to all of these cultures. Note and discovery by Free Mind 长沙岳麓山在湖南湘江西岸,是南岳七十二峰之一。岳麓山下,使我国宋代四大书院之一的岳麓书院,古木森森。在原麓山腰青枫峡山中,建有一座以杜牧《山行》诗“停车坐爱枫林晚”命名的爱晚亭。亭的周围到处生长着一人抱不住地枫树,盘根错节,一片连一片,每到深秋,枫叶流丹,如烁彩霞,风吹叶动,烈火熊熊,十分壮观,无怪乎毛泽东主席曾在此吟出“看万山红遍,层林尽染”的诗句。 南京栖霞山位于南京城东北22公里处,山高440余米,方圆约17公里。山上枫林连绵一片,霜降时节,满山红叶,这天盖地,红似烈火,美不胜收,成为南京著名胜景之一。东峰的太虚亭,正处枫林深处,环亭皆为古枫树林,是栖霞山观赏红叶最佳处,游人至此,犹如置身于彩霞之中。 Nanking Qi Xia Mountain situated at Nanking city north east 22 kilometers, the mountain height is over 440 meters, the radius is 17 kilometers. 苏州的天平山位于苏州城西30公里处,海拔221米,素以红枫、青泉、怪石这三绝而闻名遐迩。苏州自古就有“天平十月看枫林”的习俗。天平山麓有400多株树龄几百年的古枫树,高约30米,由两人合抱之粗,枝干挺拔,相传是明代万万年间由范仲淹第十七世孙范允临从福建移植而来的。与江南枫树不同,这种枫叶呈三角形,红霜的叶子不是一下子转红的,先由青变黄、变橙、在变紫,故又称“五色枫”。又得还呈现出浅绛、金黄、橘黄、橙黄、橙红等美丽色彩,令人感到“似烧非烟火,如花不待春”。攀至半山的“望枫台”观枫,则又是一番奇景,那枫叶色素的变化往往顶部先红起,由上而下,循序变化,远望犹如一抹淡红云霞飘忽山上,气象万千,蔚为壮观。 中央气象台 2004年10月22日 Central Weather Meteorology Center


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