Thursday, September 01, 2005

Two American News Reporters in the Mayhem of Hurricane Katrina

Two American News Reporters in the Mayhem of Hurricane Katrina President Bush can rise above all of the media, or be finished by a few harsh and hard tongued reporters. Comparing two news reporters, One works with his life, dedication, and one sits high like a prima donna with arrogance and a challenging tone. The real reporters give one a feeling of dignity about this profession. At first I thought Anderson Cooper 360 was too Hollywood, too handsome and too stylish to give genuinely realistic portrayal and reportage. But after repeatedly I saw him with the victims in Africa, listless without food just like his subjects. He was lethargic but realistic. In Iraq, he was there in danger too. He was humble and not looking like a hero, just an ordinary reporter. He shows a personal take on the locations. So when today, I saw him reporting from Waveland, Mississippi, with bodies flowing by, and rescue workers coming from California, Sacramento, San Diego, and Los Angeles, all chipped in. Nothing can be further from the truth when the FEMA director is trying to lay blame on the Federal government by saying, “We knew this all along, but the federal government only finds out today.” Then who sent the rescue team from California? To me, it very painful that California always has to help other states, and it never receives help from other states in times of crises, like earthquakes, mudslides, and brush fires. This "water rescue" mission team is only from California, I don't hear other states that offer help. California contributes a high level of revenue to the country. Senator Landrieu said, ‘From me, this senator not going to play the blame game.” So at the White House press briefing, you see some reporters are into the blame game. A news reporter defiantly posed a question despite that Scott McClellan commented a thousand times that no comments will be made on the Carl Rove / Valerie Plame issue until the entire case is investigated completely. The same news reporter is not in the disaster flood zone to do honest firsthand reporting, but addressed again a mean-spirited question: Q “Scott, I know the President obviously is focused on response efforts right now, but can I talk to you about preparedness? Is the President satisfied with the way assets were pre-positioned, specifically in those areas like New Orleans and Mississippi, New Orleans particularly, a place that was identified by the Red Cross as being particularly vulnerable because of its geographical location. Is the President satisfied?” “How do you pre-position your assets?” While there is civil unrest and people are missing, bodies floating, looting and raping going on, how does she help to ask the presidential level question? Earlier she stood in front of the White House as if her own House, by releasing a tape, Bush says: “I will have Al Gonzales to prosecute the looters, the insurance fraud, the gas gouging.” It is so harsh a woman, with prosecution at mind while her fellow Americans are trapped in a Gymnastic Football dome, Superdome. She has put the Administration 3 times, in jeopardy. We are waiting to see the fourth one, hopefully, not Hu JinTao’s visit, and hopefully, God bless the Bush Administration. The three disasters follow the woman in connection to Bush mysteriously are as follows 1. London bombing on July 7. Every time she is the spokesman, a calamity happens 2. August 6th, Cindy Sheehan appeared at Crawford Ranch. This woman went to report it first. Without Bush showing up to greet and invite Sheehan in for a coffee pacifying session, it went out of control like wild fire. 3. September 1st, Civil Unrest in New Orleans. She again appeared in the White House lawn, doing bad image report on the Bush administration wanting to prosecute people. Wanting to point fingers during a crisis. FEMA mission is “Crisis Intervention”, which requires impartiality and humanity across the board, not erroneously biased reporting, no matter what race or what gender. May God help Bush and the federal government, the Navy, and the good conscience American reporters to counter all the unruly people. 生于忧患,死于安乐   孟子曰:“舜发于畎亩之中,傅说举于版筑之闲,胶鬲举于鱼盐之中,管夷吾举于士,孙叔敖举于海,百里奚举于市。故天将降大任于是人也,必先苦其心志,劳其筋骨,饿其体肤,空乏其身,行拂乱其所为,所以动心忍性,曾益其所不能。人恒过,然后能改;困于心,衡于虑,而后作;征于色,发于声,而后喻。入则无法家拂士,出则无敌国外患者,国恒亡。然后知生于忧患而死于安乐也。” To Quote Mencius: Born in Struggles, Die in Leisure Mencius said: “Great men are all from tilling hard. Shun King was thriving from barren acres. The Great PM Bai Lixi who assisted Qin King with his great management and gained people’s hearts was a slave sold for 5 sheepskins worth.” “When heaven is about to descend profound task to you, He will first harden your will and mind Toil your tendon and bone Starve your body and skin Empty your being So you have something standard to uphold your behavior Tolerance in your nature Augment what you can’t do originally Though once you are mistaken, but you modify Trapped in the heart, always in worry, then function Conquered by your seduction In its sound, then realize If internally without legalist and righteous intellectuals Externally without enemy and border challenging This country will perish Then you know you are born from infested worry and invasion But you die in luxury and pleasure”


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