Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Round Moon and Flowers are Fair 月圆花好 Ancient Classic

http://bbs.chinabroadcast.cn/simple/index.php?t93476.html  《月圆花好》 西厢记 Song: Round Moon and Flowers are Fair   (范烟桥词严华曲)  浮云散明月照人来,团圆美满今朝最,清浅池塘鸳鸯戏水,红裳翠盖并蒂莲开。双双对对恩恩爱爱,这款风儿向着好花吹,柔情蜜意满人间。 Movie theme song was adapted from the original proses of Tang dynasty classic novel, 鶯鶯傳 Ying Ying Ji, Memoir of a PM Daughter Cui Ying Ying, or 西廂記 Love Story from the West Wing Prime Minister Estate Translation: Floating clouds are scattered and the moon shines on your face This is a beautiful reunion for today Clear and you can see through the pond Pairs of love yuan-yang purple feathered ducklings In fun chasing water Red lotus with green umbrella top Twin lotus flowers on one linking stalk Every pair is in love caressing A soft wind is blowing toward the fair flowers Tender love and honey intending for the mankind This is a 1930s and 40s historical epoch song, based on a historical classic story set during the Tang Dynasty. In the Prime Minister’s estate, in the West Wing there lived the beautiful daughter, Cui Ying Ying. The story is about her love with a man, Zhang Shen, in secret rendezvous against the value system in that time. The movie 西厢记“West Wing Love Story” song. The movie was made in 1940 occupied Shanghai and became very popular in H.K., Taiwan, and Macao. It created Golden throat and a genre of popular style songs.   金曲赏析:上个世纪三四十年代表现历史题材的歌曲,多是儿女情长的作品新编,比如电影《西厢记》插曲、严华曲、范烟桥词的《月圆花好》,此曲在港澳台地区一直久唱不衰。提到此歌,不能不提这首歌的词作者“大才子”范烟桥,他虽然并没有把多少精力投在电影上,但他当年为国华电影公司改编的《西厢记》、《秦淮世家》、《三笑》,一部连一部地卖座,捧红了包括周璇在内的一大批明星。在这些电影里,“哀怨、柔弱、精致、迷离”等等词汇都可以套用在吴文化上。 西厢记 West Wing Prime Minister Residence Garden Love Story A Tang Dynasty great liberated romance. Classic for Cui YingYing and Zhang Sheng. Tang Dynasty northern cities often became encircled by tribes. The country had great strength to repel invasion. The government used even foreigners as military generals. This led to the mid-Tang Anlu Shan riot. Japanese culture is a microcosm of Tang dynasty, not the other way around. If I want to see the Tang Dynasty, I go to 京都 Kyoto, to reminisce about Luoyang. In 8th century, Kyoto was built copying Luoyang’s blueprint in the city Fengshui. Gardens of the Heian period (794 – 1185) aristocrats. The city of Heian-kyo (modern-day Kyoto, Kyo = capital, Chinese Jin, to= du, Kyoto is Jindu, capital city) and the Shinden (Chinese words God’s palace) residences at which the gardens were built. The first permanent imperial capital, Fujiwara-kyo (kyo = capital), was built in 694 south of what is now Nara city. It had a formal, symmetrical plan based on Chinese models, as would all the capitals after that up until, and including, Heian-kyo, founded exactly 100 years later. The Chinese writing system came to Japan in the sixth century A.D. During the sixth and seventh century A.D., the incipient Japanese aristocracy began to imitate Chinese and Korean culture in an attempt to “civilize” themselves. The original designers of 京都 Kyoto City, by imposing an ancient Chinese civic scheme upon its streets and borders, conceived of the capital as a kind of noble garden. Unlike cities that grew outward from a military center, Kyoto was deliberately, artistically planned, and the gardens throughout the city display the same mindful concern with design. Most tourists who come to Kyoto, however, are pilgrims. When I look at Kyoto today, it may bring me back to the Tang Dynasty because Kyoto was built during Tang and based on Tang’s Fengshui and architecture and sentiment and art. So this song, is a reflection of Tang dynasty, based on a great romance. 6.《月圆花好》 下载 Download to hear, Click! http://www.hubce.edu.cn/stdgs/8_11.mp3


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