Sunday, December 31, 2006

棲霞山 QiXia Rainbow Mountain 送我一枝小紅楓葉

當地老嫗告訴我上棲霞山的路 她說的方言﹐我大略能猜的懂 送我一枝小紅楓葉 不奉陪到底了 送她一些吃茶費 Local old woman volunteered to point the way to QiXia Rainbow Mountain Her dialect I can guess somewhat She gave me a branch of little maple leaves I kept in my notebook She could not get up too high I gave her some change for tea 姨婆說她的祖先長埋於棲霞山 為何美好的江山 常遭橫禍 國民黨到底始終沒有投降日本 Great Aunt said her grandparents were buried In QiXia rainbow mountain I often like to visit here Because you are beautiful So you get the tragic fate After all, Nationalist never surrendered to Japan 如李香君﹐晚年隱身在此山中 血濺桃花扇﹐寧守身如玉﹐未降情。 Just like Lee Xiangjun, as a Nanjing beauty She became a nun in this mountain The forehead spills blood on the Peach flower fan Never did she surrender to the Qing dynasty invader 祖訓如南宋的建康府通判楊邦義﹐1129抗金兵兵敗﹐不投降﹐被刨心。 The Soong dynasty's Nanjing judicial official, Yang Bangyi, he fought the invading Jin tribe, would not surrender and was executed with his heart poked out. 南朝的昭明太子﹐潔身自好﹐編成中國第一部文選﹐他拒絕女人與豪奢。 Southern Dynasty's Zhaoming crown prince was cultivating himself, to compile the first Anthology of Literature. 到底﹐清得學漢字﹐漢的哲學是自由﹐古老的自由。 After all, Qing invaded Han's land, but Han people philosophy is freedom, and the ancient free world. 我就是她們遺下的自由的種子﹐母親生于鼓樓﹐已化了灰﹐秋瑾被處決﹐他們自由的心﹐仍在人間飄蕩﹐永遠的飄蕩。 So I am what they left in the world, a free agent seed, my mother was born in Gulou, the drum Tower hospital, as her ash, Qiujin was executed by invaders, their heart of free spirit, is still floating, and in the rhythm of the local free ambience.

燕子磯下撼地濤 Under the Swallow Rock

燕子磯下撼地濤 我欲乘風歸去 振翅而飛 脫離人世而了於塵埃 Under the Swallow Rock The water is shaking the earth I would like those waiting on the wings Flying away To leave the world of dust

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ford Memorial 哀傷美國福特總統 過世弔唁

President Ford (President from '74 to '77). Ford was APPOINTED Vice President by Nixon after the resignation of Spiro Agnew.

當我孤註一擲來到美國時﹐福特總統的照片懸掛著各公家機關。 他也許並不是最完善最精明強干的領導人﹐但在他的澤幸裡﹐我們獲得滋長。 福特自耶魯大學法律系畢業﹐一個密西根的小鎮紳士﹐他總輕鬆微笑﹐並不疾言厲色。 世界是美好的﹐在你的笑容可掬裡﹐在共和黨水門案件時﹐出來調理舉國上下的爭議﹐ 中國出幾個福特多好﹖可以真正調停﹐處理國事﹐不是誤解﹐而是和解。 福特總統您安息吧﹗ 晚安﹗ When I came to America as an immigrant, the American President Ford's photo was hanging in the public offices. He might not be the most brilliant sharp-tongued leader, but in his aura of kind dew, we gained the right amount of sunshine. Never too intense, a simple gentleman, he was a decent man when the country roiled in debates of conspiracy. A small town Michigan Yale Law School man, he ran the country. The Green Bay Packers offered him $200 a day contract. When Agnew resigned, Ford took Nixon's offer as vice president. He was the only American non-elected president and vice-president. American needed his healing. President Ford, have eternal peace now. Good night! Have a good ball game golfing or football. China should have many Fords, then we could solve problems.

雨花台 Rain Flower Platform

雨花台 僅是偶然的路過 難道你也噤然無再飄雨落花之心﹖ 灑吧﹗ 為何你沒有了詩的情懷﹖ 只因在另個不同國的管理下嗎﹖ 你仍是我的雨花台 我的最初及永遠的雨花台 Rain Flower Platform
I only a passed by without planning So you are forbidden and silent, without spreading fallen rain flowers? That is your name, spread! Why don't you have poetic ambience to your name? Just because you are under the management of another country? You are still my very first beautiful Yu Hua Tai Rain Flower Platform My first, last and forever Yu Hua Tai

點燃帝王香 I lit up the Emperor Incense

點燃帝王香 為南京自由的靈魂 為著這塊土地及所有生靈 我點燃了帝王香 我不會忘記你們的 I lit up the Emperor Incense For Nanjing's free spirit For this land and all the mortals past and present I lit up this Emperor incense I will not forget about you