Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Ford Memorial 哀傷美國福特總統 過世弔唁

President Ford (President from '74 to '77). Ford was APPOINTED Vice President by Nixon after the resignation of Spiro Agnew.

當我孤註一擲來到美國時﹐福特總統的照片懸掛著各公家機關。 他也許並不是最完善最精明強干的領導人﹐但在他的澤幸裡﹐我們獲得滋長。 福特自耶魯大學法律系畢業﹐一個密西根的小鎮紳士﹐他總輕鬆微笑﹐並不疾言厲色。 世界是美好的﹐在你的笑容可掬裡﹐在共和黨水門案件時﹐出來調理舉國上下的爭議﹐ 中國出幾個福特多好﹖可以真正調停﹐處理國事﹐不是誤解﹐而是和解。 福特總統您安息吧﹗ 晚安﹗ When I came to America as an immigrant, the American President Ford's photo was hanging in the public offices. He might not be the most brilliant sharp-tongued leader, but in his aura of kind dew, we gained the right amount of sunshine. Never too intense, a simple gentleman, he was a decent man when the country roiled in debates of conspiracy. A small town Michigan Yale Law School man, he ran the country. The Green Bay Packers offered him $200 a day contract. When Agnew resigned, Ford took Nixon's offer as vice president. He was the only American non-elected president and vice-president. American needed his healing. President Ford, have eternal peace now. Good night! Have a good ball game golfing or football. China should have many Fords, then we could solve problems.


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