Wednesday, February 21, 2007

現代金聖嘆對王金平的正義批判 Modern Critique Jin Sheng Tan Satire toward Senate Head Wang JinPing

現代金聖嘆對王金平的正義批判 Modern Critique Jin Sheng Tan Satire toward Senate Head Wang JinPing 對黑金的姑息﹐立法院的縱容暴力﹐無法用警力維持﹐民進黨公然毆打民意代表﹐如何讓平民百姓感到公正有仁愛仁道﹖暴民的台灣政府﹐如法國大革命後的恐怖組織﹐你對台灣百姓生民的不起。 Wang is complacent toward the black gold financial crimes, lax on stopping the police in Senate DPP's from using violence. DPP hit the legislators, how do you qualify yourself to be any leader to let Taiwan people feel this is a just society? This violent Taiwan ruling government is much like the French terrorists mob regime after the French Revolution. You owe it to the living souls in Taiwan. 連戰既已‘年老體弱色衰’﹐奉勸帥哥兒們﹐余生就多做善事﹐歷史還是會記你一功﹐不要處心積慮的偏袒王金平﹐馬擺在大家面前﹐是得分者。 人生有幾度春秋呢﹖不是讓李登輝放手做過老大﹖中華民國的總統加上國民黨的主席還對台灣人不起嗎﹖ Lian Zhan says he is aging and losing the good looks, so advice toward the handsome guys are to do more contributions. History will write you down your good works. Not to be biased toward Wang Jinping, just because he is a native Taiwanese. Ma is in front of you with high rating and popularity. How many springs and autumns can one man have? After all, we let Lee Deng Hui to be in charge as the president of ROC and the chairman for the KMT. We were not unkind to the native Taiwanese. 陳水扁的犯規纍纍﹐國際上早就確證鑿鑿。 Chen Shui Bian's criminal records are fully disclosed to the international community. 若要當革命家﹐得找美國﹐蘇聯﹐英國算總帳﹐雅爾達密約致成的分裂﹐ 國民黨是受傷害者。 For a true revolutionary to embark for the justice, then he or she should look toward US, Soviet Union, and England for the past mistakes, for the problem of migrating large population to Taiwan, as a result of the Yalta betraying of the Nationalist who were the victims. 蔣家對台灣的功過﹐是一段中華民族心酸史。 Chiang Kai Shek family toward Taiwan, there wer faults and there were contributions. It was a sad Chinese national history. 國民黨在世界上是有輝煌功勞的﹐戰區國民黨﹐組織部長﹐號召民力﹐軍人及學人在盧溝橋七七事變後起義﹐全民抗戰。 The Nationalist has achieved great projects for the world record. In the battle zone, the superb organizational department head called up the human resources, galvanized and with the will to fight and to sacrifice to defend freedom in China, by the popular support, with soldiers, school teachers, students, after July 7th, 1937 the clash over the Marco Polo bridge in Beijing, it was full blown in resisting the militaristic Japan. 中國人犧牲了人民達數千萬﹐美國羅斯福的戰術﹐讓日本狂暴刺刀由中國廣大人口抵擋﹐給點區區小數﹐大家爭得不像樣﹐國民穿破布衣服﹐無衣無食克難度日﹐打敗日本﹐解決日本侵略帝國﹐中國人幫助俄國東邊領土﹐使俄西邊與英美盟軍打敗德國﹐這是舉世無雙何等的偉大的國民黨﹖ Chinese sacrificed several tens of millions, that is the Roosevelt strategy, to let the Japan violent bayonets cut through the Chinese large populations. America for a little money, and as if toward dogs, everyone fought for the crumbs. With tattered clothing, without food and they somehow fought back and defeated Japan. The invading Japan empire was capitulated under the Chinese resistance. China helped Russia's east front land, so that the peace allowed the west side to have alliance with England and America to defeat Hitler in Leningrad. This is peerless achiever under the Natioanlist leadership. 請問台灣人有替世界和平站邊嗎﹖ 莫以為國民黨虎落平陽受犬欺﹐龍困淺水受蝦戲﹐許多人將會來個總反攻﹐別後悔莫及﹐何必當初。 Taiwan, may I ask you, did you stand on the right side of the world peace? Do not think that nationalists are the tiger going to the sun down being fooled by the dog and the dragon trapped in shallow river made fun with by the shrimps. Many may re-group and fight back, then you may regret, why you are not thinking clearly about your identity? 還是把歷史任務交給馬英九吧﹐與中共談一種過渡性質﹐如何融合. 台灣之父是劉銘傳﹐小時候我坐過他建設的台灣縱貫鐵路﹐這就是美麗動人的台灣﹐軌道與管理都來自于大陸﹐台灣的本色就是大陸﹐甚至日本的東京言語﹐來自古吳國方言﹐去看中日詞典會告訴你來源。 清朝加上蔣殺掉的台灣對抗人民﹐遠遠低于日本﹐為什麼你怕日本不去討個公道呢﹖日本在台灣在中國大陸實行了三光政策﹐我們的自尊與人性不容許遺忘。 這就是基本人權﹐我也有﹐你也有。 Suggestion is to let Ma take care of the historical mission. To talk with mainland China about a transitional method, to preserve Taiwan attributes, but still mix well with the Chinese in Taiwan and Chinese in China. Taiwan father is Liu Mingchuan. When I was little, I sat in the Taiwan vertical railroad, it was beautiful. That track and management all came from China. Taiwan true color is China. Even Japan Tokyo lingual root is derived from ancient Wu country dialect, you should find this out from the Chinese Japanese dictionary as to the origin of the Japan language. Qing dynasty government and Chiang Kai Shek killed the number of local Taiwan resistance group combined, still far lower than Japan's killing numbers. Why are you so afraid of Japan to ask for justice? Japan administered the Three Annihilation in Taiwan and mainland China, "Kill all, rob all, burn all". Our pride and self respect do not allow us to ever forget. This is the basic human right, I have it and you have it too. This is the basic human right.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

三星照耀九州 梅花香滿中華 Three Lucky Stars Shine Upon Nine States

三星照耀九州 梅花香滿中華 蘇文 2.18.2007. 丁亥
Three Lucky Stars Fu lu shou (Luck prosperity longevity) shine upon nine states Fragrant plum flowers permeate China
By Elizabeth Chuang

Door gods, Henan Kaifeng New Year Painting, wood block

河南省開封朱仙鎮木版年畫 門神
朱仙鎮木版年畫歷史悠久,堪稱中國民間藝術寶庫中的一顆明珠。 北宋年間,每逢過年過節,特別是過春節家家戶戶貼門神已成為一種風尚,以祈求人壽年豐、吉祥如意、招財進寶、鎮邪除妖。後來北宋沒落、滅亡,開卦幾經戰亂,木版年畫便衰落下來。到了明代,開封年畫雖然又獲復興,但已逐漸轉移到朱仙鎮。明朝末年洪水泛濫,開封被淹沒,百業俱廢,朱仙鎮便成了木版年畫的中心。明、清時期,朱仙鎮就有300多家木版年畫作坊,其作品暢銷各地,於是開封地區的年畫被統稱為“朱仙鎮木版年畫”,影響深遠。 朱仙鎮在河南省開封市城南10公里,雖然是個小鎮,在古代卻名列中國四大古鎮之一。特別是北宋末年岳飛曾率軍在這裏大破兀術的金兵,朱仙鎮更為國人所知。為紀念岳家軍的功績,在朱仙鎮建有一座規模不小的岳王座,而今朱仙鎮木版年畫社就設在這座古廟之中。 朱仙鎮木版年畫有五大特點:一是線條粗獷,粗細相間;二是形象誇張,頭大身小;三是構圖飽滿,左右對稱;四是色彩艷麗,對比強烈;五是門神神碼多,嚴肅端莊。朱仙鎮年畫可分為兩大類,一類是神祗畫,如灶君神、天地神等,另一類是門神類,朱仙鎮木版年畫中最多的就是門神,門神中以秦瓊、尉遲敬德兩位武將為主。 那些大大小小的門神畫中,兩位武將或衣著不同,或形態各異:步下鞭、馬上鞭、回頭馬鞭、抱鞭、豎刀、披袍等,不下20種樣式。除此之外,還有各種文武門神。文門神有五子、九蓮燈、福祿壽等;武門神常是戲曲中的忠臣義士和各類英雄好漢。不同人的房門常貼不同內容的門神:已婚子女輩房門貼“天仙送子”、“連生貴子”、“三娘教子”;中年人房門貼“加官進祿”、“步步蓮生”;老年人房門貼“松鶴延年”和“壽星”之類;少年兒童居室房門貼“五子奪魁”、“劉海戲金蟾”等。

Mice marrying off daughters, Suzhou wood block

蘇州桃花塢年畫 《老鼠嫁女圖》 場面宏大,刻工和設色極具技巧

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

我的國家﹐國家﹗ My Country Country!


悲慘的哭歌 Sad Long Cry 長歌當哭 I cry a long song 伊拉克 Iraq 鬼蜮。被淪亡的土地 Ghost region, sank in plague 伊拉克之子 Son of Iraq 放逐的悲愴 Exile trauma 精英垂垂老矣﹗ Young turning into white head 我的國家﹐國家﹗ Still My Country Country!

The silent Arab world, and the noisy Americans. 無言的阿拉伯世界﹐喧譁的美國人 At least there is one man who loves Iraq. 至少仍有一人愛伊拉克 Listen to his heart singing “My Country My Country”. 聽他的心在唱“我的國家﹐國家﹗” Like me, in exile from China. 如我﹐由中國放逐海外 We love our country. 我們都愛我們的國家 Let me strengthen myself, as I have but the purest heart and intent toward you, my country. 讓我堅強﹐對你﹐我的國家﹐僅有那赤子之心﹐最純朴意念 Blessing for your spirit, I as a descendant, endowed with all your love. 祝福你的精神﹐身為一個子孫后代﹐受你的福澤之愛而充滿生機。