Thursday, May 19, 2005

Review of film “The Myth” at the Cannes Film Festival
Posted by Hello
Posted by Hello Review of film “The Myth” at the Cannes Film Festival Jackie Chan plays an archeologist who went into his past life persona as a Chinese general who was saved by a Korean princess. In real history, there were many China proper men who were sent to Korea for military expeditions, seldom did they return. Another actor, Liang, plays a scientist, whose story is intertwined with a famous Tang Dynasty Emperor, based on the real emperor’s romance with his consort during an uprising. The movie looks good, mixing the ancient world with high tech modern techniques. Basically I like the book that was converted into the movie, "Chang Hen Ge." Chang is long. Hen is 'regret'. Ge, is 'song'. Chang Hen Ge is based on an opera by the number one Tang Dynasty songwriter Bai Ju Yi. Bai wrote Chang Hen Ge based on the Yang Gui Fei, about the emperor's love affair and he had to order his consort to be killed at the request of the unruly soldiers during the An Shi uprising. Wang An Yi is the writer who wrote the novel “Chang Hen Ge”. I believe that her family was a Nationalist, but they had no food, so her mother defected to become a Communist. She came to Nanjing when she was little, so her writing has a heavy Nanjing flavor. I believe it is a segment of intertwined love, with Jackie Chan, and Liang Jia Hui (he is from the award winning film, the Lover, about a French writer’s romance with a Chinese lover in Vietnam). The actress is from Seoul, South Korea. Seoul means Han city. It was like a Chinatown in the beginning, Some Han people settled there, then it became today's Seoul city. In the preview, you can catch some glimpses of China Proper flavor. Jackie Chan’s façade looks like my father’s in a fast-speed blur. Chinese history is presented in motion, which conjures up some images. Nothing is that connected, except one thing, the love. The love is connected, like the long river. From her touch, care, and covering his freezing wounded body. That took seconds, minutes, and long durations. Jackie Chan is playing the general which is the archeologist’s past karma. Sensual love is connected and easier to convey on the silver screen than the cerebral logical thoughts and words. Thoughts are choppy. But love is like a long breath, it is going through waves of emotions. There is no blank spot, or black out of thoughts, when you remember love. It is consistent, because the demand and the feeling is strong. 長恨歌 自是人生常恨﹐水常東。 人生如戲一場。 一個唐朝皇帝的恨。 國民黨的恨。 北洋軍艦管帶的恨 塑造梁家輝﹐ 朱家驊﹐那種恨。 國家利益當前。 美人江山﹐何去何從。 何取何捨﹖


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