Monday, August 29, 2005

Family Reunion Song

***合家歡*** 走遍了萬水千山,歷盡了苦辣甜酸,如今又回到了舊時的庭院,聽到了燕語呢喃,孩子你靠近母親的懷抱,母親的懷抱溫暖。經過了雨雪風霜,歷盡了艱辛困難,如今又回到了舊時的庭院,聽到了親熱的呼喚,孩子你靠近母親的懷抱,母親的懷抱溫暖。從此後我們合家團圓,莫再要離別分散,從此後我們合家團圓,莫再要離別分散,走遍了萬水千山,歷盡了苦辣甜酸,如今又回到了舊時的庭院,聽到了燕語呢喃,孩子你靠近母親的懷抱,母親的懷抱溫暖。 詞 陳蝶衣 曲姚敏 Family Reunion This song was written in celebration of the end of WWII. I walked thousands of mountains and 10,000 rivers I experienced hardship, hot, bitter, sweet, and sour Now I once again return to my old yard And I hear the swallows talking and chirping Child, come near mother’s bosom In Mother’s arms’ warm embrace I have been through rain, snow, wind, and frost All the endless difficulties Now I return to my old courtyard I heard the warm calling Child, come to mother’s arms It is a warm hug From now on we are all united as a family Never to depart and disperse From now on we are as a family together Never to leave and depart It is a song that for many is true, but for judge Yan’s second daughter, my grandmother, it came very late. When she returned to her hometown, to see the old courtyard, she felt saddened. Her father had passed away in the hardship of the approaching Japanese invasion, and with the hardworking Nationalist government in Wuhan. Her mother died of illness in Chongqing. My mother grew up with scarcity and had to go to the back hills to pick up fire wood for cooking. As the eldest, she had to help the younger brothers to bathe. She went to the best schools, but could not do very well in the school. But she was the only one who could sing this song.


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