Sunday, August 21, 2005

Sunnis seek say in constitution Sunnis seek say in constitution By BASSEM MROUE Associated Press writer Groups appeal to U.S. to prevent Shiites from pushing draft throughBAGHDAD, Iraq — A day before the deadline for the new constitution, Sunni Arabs appealed Sunday to the United States to prevent Shiites and Kurds from pushing a draft through parliament without their consent, warning it would only worsen the crisis in Iraq. Leaders of the Sunni Arab, Shiite and Kurdish factions planned final talks on Monday morning according to officials of all three groups. "I am not optimistic,'' said Kamal Hamdoun, a negotiator for the influential Sunni minority. "We either reach unanimity or not.''The initial Aug. 15 deadline was pushed to Monday after no agreement was reached, and Iraqi officials have insisted they would meet the new deadline and present a final document to the National Assembly, dominated by Shiites and Kurds. But the chief government spokesman suggested another delay may be necessary.Saddam Hussein, who faces trial soon on charges he massacred fellow Muslims, promised in a letter published Sunday to sacrifice himself for the cause of Palestine and Iraq, and he urged Arabs to follow his path.The letter was delivered by the International Committee of the Red Cross to a friend of Saddam's now living in Jordan."My soul and my existence is to be sacrificed for our precious Palestine and our beloved, patient and suffering Iraq,'' said the letter, published in two Jordanian newspapers.In violence Sunday, an American soldier was killed by a roadside bomb near the northern city of Tikrit, the U.S. military said. At least 1,866 members of the U.S. military have died since the Iraq war started in March 2003, according to an Associated Press count.A Sunni Arab backlash could complicate the U.S. strategy of using the political process to lure members of the minority away from the Sunni-dominated insurgency. Washington hopes that a constitution, followed by general elections in December, will enable the United States and its international partners to begin removing troops next year.Issues holding up agreement on the draft include federalism, distribution of Iraq's oil wealth, power sharing questions among the provinces and the role of the Shiite clerical hierarchy.Vice President Adil Abdul-Mahdi, a Shiite, said 97 percent of the draft had been finished and predicted the document would be forwarded to parliament on time Monday.Government spokesman Laith Kubba said there were two options if political leaders fail to complete the draft: amend the interim constitution again and extend the deadline, or dissolve parliament.But the Sunni Arabs complained that they have been invited to only one session with the other groups since the extension was granted.As of late Sunday, Sunni Arab negotiators said they were sticking by their opposition to federalism and other demands."At a time when there are few hours left to announce the draft, we still see no active coordination and seriousness to draft the constitution,'' the Sunni Arab negotiators said in a statement.They urged the United States, the United Nations and the international community to intervene to prevent a draft that lacks unanimous agreement among all three factions, saying it "would make the current crisis more complicated.''Shiites and Kurds have enough seats in parliament to win approval for a draft without the Sunni Arabs, who form an estimated 20 percent of Iraq's population of 27 million but hold only 17 of the 275 seats in the National Assembly because so many of them boycotted the Jan. 30 elections.However, the minority could scuttle the constitution when voters decide whether to ratify it in the Oct. 15 referendum. Under current rules, the constitution would be defeated if it is opposed by two-thirds of the voters in three of Iraq's 18 provinces. Sunni Arabs form the majority in at least four.Some radical groups within the insurgency, notably al-Qaida's wing led by the Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, oppose any constitution as an affront to Islam and have vowed to kill anyone who votes in the referendum. Sunni clerics, however, have urged their followers to register to vote.Also Sunday, the Iraqi government said neighboring Jordan has allowed Saddam's family to fund a network seeking to destabilize Iraq and re-establish the banned Baath Party.Kubba, speaking to reporters in Baghdad, cited Saddam's relatives who live in Jordan, where they have "huge amounts of money'' to "support ... efforts to revive Baath Party organizations.'' Kubba did not specify individual family members, but Saddam's two oldest daughters live in the Jordanian capital, Amman. COMMENTS: BIRTH OF EQUALITY FOR THE NEW IRAQ The U.S. should exert wisdom to help develop a constitution in which there is a "level playing field" among all ethnic groups, so that no group feels left out. This will greatly reduce the amount of insurgency, and will help reduce American casualties, so that American troops can pull out faster. There will always be extremists who oppose any consitution, but the critical group now are the moderate Sunnis, who will turn against the U.S. if they feel that they are being cheated out of the constitutional process, which is like our Bill of Rights and Declaration of Independence. It is a sacred process, the U.S. must give ample time to get the constitution right the first time, to give hope to a chaotic state.


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