Monday, August 15, 2005

Homeland's Cotton: A Poem in Memory of Chinese General Yang Jing Yu

Impatiens; Raspberry Today, the Japanese Prime Minister saluted to a line of words. The western press did not understand it, so they erroneously reported that Japan apologized to China for World War II. The PM bowed to a sign that said “全國戰悼者追悼式", “Memorial to the Entire Country’s War Victims”. So be it. Their past crimes require the Emperor and royal family of Japan to bow to the Nanking War Memorial. Still it is in God’s hands, and no human beings can soil the spirit of my pure heroes and heroines. Yang Jing Yu: A Hometown Communist profile He was the First Route Army's commander for the Manchuria Resistance Union Army Homeland's Cotton He ran from the Japanese in Jilin, Manchuria. He fainted and hallucinated. As if his boyhood lover, Little Phoenix, was swaying her two hair braids attached with butterflies, staring at him with two clear and soft as water pupils. "Yang brother! Yang brother!" The voice is echoing like the wind from somewhere. The hill is spread with roseleaf raspberry flowers, he is laying down and smiling, listening to her gentle whisper. The cotton ball bursting out of the green calyx He pulled out to chew on it Wooden clappers with bars of unequal length like the watchman's clicks Then a pair of boots appeared in front of his dimming vision Japanese cut off his head He wanted to know how the Chinese man survived for these days and resisted so long eating the cotton balls and strips of barks With a man's tender love Still thinking about his young love In his far away hometown Ever so gentle A trace A shapeless wisp Going back to His innocent hometown My girl I finally come back to be with you. Together they are running on Their free hometown soil From the concave village His soul and Little Phoenix Are running in hometown hill Already filled with ripe raspberry flowers Resonating in the empty valley The flower season is done -- Written by Free Mind 楊靖宇 東北抗日聯軍第一路軍總司令、共產党員楊靖宇,強忍飢餓和病痛的折磨,只身一人戰斗到生命的最后一刻。殘酷的敵人剖開他的腸胃,看到的只是草根和棉絮。 故鄉的棉花。 他昏了。 仿彿看見小鳳﹐甩著二個雙辮子﹐兩隻清澈如水的眸子﹐ 楊哥﹗ 楊哥﹗ 在漫山遍野的荼糜裡﹐他躺著笑著。 家鄉的棉花 白紗團已自綠萼爆出 雪白的如她的膀子。 由袍子裡抽出一片白團﹐ 他嚼著棉花 梆子巧巧的細細打著。 然後﹐日本軍官的靴﹐近距離站在他的眼前。 日本人砍下他的腦袋。 研究這個中國人﹐怎麼活著這些時日﹖ 刨開後﹐看見一些棉花團﹐一些樹皮。 他的靈魂與小鳳 在故鄉山上自由的奔跑 宋詩歌空谷回音 已是 滿山荼糜 花事了


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