Sunday, August 14, 2005

What is the Priority: Social Security Reform or Immigration Reform?

President Bush thinks that Social Security reform is one of the top priorities for the country. Many disagree, believing that Social Security needs some minor changes, which are not that urgent at the present time. President Bush thinks that Immigration reform should be a low priority, and that illegal immigration is not that serious of a problem. Many disagree, believing that immigration problems are at a crisis level. When President Bush examines his shrinking approval ratings, he should try to examine the reasons. It is not just about Iraq. Many members of his own party are beginning to speak out against him on many issues, such as Bill Frist about stem cell research. I believe that if Bush switched his priorities, concentrating on Immigration reform instead of Social Security reform, his ratings would improve. The border between the U.S. and Mexico is poorly guarded, and many illegal immigrants cross into the U.S. every day. The large number of illegal immigrants places great burdens upon public institutions such as the education and health system, and also leads to a higher crime rate, as drug dealers and gang members find it easy to enter and leave the U.S., committing crimes and then fleeing to avoid justice. The high crime rate places burdens on the law enforcement and legal system as well. The burden on local governments on Border States such as California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas is growing, and the net result is higher taxes and budget cuts, which reduce the quality of education and health care for the legal residents. The U.S./Mexico border would also be a likely point of entry for terrorists, so Immigration policy is part of the war on terror. In the Bay Area, many Chinese owned businesses such as supermarkets and restaurants hire Latino workers, but poor Latinos are often very racist against rich Chinese business owners, and there are more robberies and gang conflicts than before. For example, in the Bay Area, many Chinese own $1 million homes, but Latinos live in second-tier housing and are jealous of the Chinese. Meanwhile, there is a disproportionate number of Latinos in the broadcast news media such as CNN, and in the Bush administration, while there are rarely any Chinese-Americans. One of the greatest shames of American history was the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882; this is the only race that has ever been specifically excluded by a legislative body. Bush has stated that illegal immigrants are good for business, this is the view of many business owners, but only because they can profit by paying them low wages. But even if one group of business owners in Texas benefits, the rest of the public has to shoulder the burdens that the illegal immigrants place on society. Bush wants a level playing field with regards to foreign trade, but there should be a level playing field for all races in the U.S. as well. More border guards are clearly needed and stiffer penalties for illegal immigrants and those who harbor or assist them are also needed. It is often said that America is a country of immigrants, that is true, but it should be a country of legal immigrants, not of illegal immigrants.


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