Monday, August 29, 2005

I put the ROC flag into the Jade Cong Ceremonial Vessel for the Ancient Ritual of Communication to Heaven

玉琮 良渚文化白玉质,有浅黄色斑,器高一节。边棱处隐起人面像,眼圆,有重圈,嘴阔。用弧线勾画出圆胖脸型的两颊轮廓。头上以阴线刻变形的冠状装饰。知此写实的人物画像,在良渚玉器中是比较少见的,良渚玉器的琢治是依重竹片、竹筐、皮革、石英颗粒、鲨鱼牙等非金属工具完成的。因此,在锯切时往往在器表留下弧线琢痕;钻孔采用圆管对钻技术,孔径外大内小,并留有旋纹;孔内常常留有台痕,兽面纹上的重圈眼是田八九条直线环接而成,外圈则是由小圆管琢磨而成的。 玉琮 周 高11.6厘米 Jade Cong, Zhou dynasty, height 11.6 centimeter In the Etiquette book, Dark green jade bi for worshiping heaven, the Yellow jade Cong for the earth. 估价:RMB18000一25000青玉,多沁蚀,分别以四棱角为中线,刻3组简化神兽坟。《同礼》上说:仓璧礼天,黄琮礼地。琮是一种祭祀用具。有学者认为,玉琮的功能远远超山了祭祀土地。玉琮通过很小的体积,把中国上古时期的世界观包括在其中。琼的内圆外方表示天和地,中间的穿孔表示天地之间的沟通,从孔中穿过的棍子就是天地柱,即天梯,在绝大部分琮上有动物图像,表示巫师通过天地柱在动物的协助下沟通天地。因此,可以说玉琮是中国古代世界观和通天行为的很好的象征物。 I put the ROC flag into the Jade Cong Ceremonial Vessel for the Ancient Ritual of Communication to Heaven Cong, a long hollow piece of jade with rectangular sides. Bi is for heaven ceremony, Yellow Cong is for earth. Jade Cong’s function far exceeds to pay tribute to earth. It contains the world. Inner round, outer square, symbolized heaven and earth. The sorcerer can communicate through the posts to heaven. I put the ROC flag into the Jade Zong so I can communicate to heaven, so that Jiu Jia Hua bestows his care on us and this flag. A jade totem for round heaven and square earth would like ROC as a nation, keep its best and stay with us forever. It is our lack of efforts and love, so that ROC is largely portrayed in its most dark and negative side, and only heaven can help and explain by its grace to touch the obscure mind and solicit the honor that is due for good people. I quote Dr. Zhu to the failure of the Nationalists in presenting its true character: When facing the American Ambassador Stuart Layton, I only regret that my English is so inadequate, and if my English was at a high level as German, then our chance and fate might be so much better. The blunder of losing China was expressed by the inquiry in the Congress by Senator Joseph Kennedy. But it was all too late. We are with a modernized China, with many challenging tasks to advance and rely on high intellect for the betterment of China and the U.S.


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