Saturday, September 17, 2005

China Folksong ~~~~中華民謠~~~~

~~~~中華民謠~~~~ ~~~~China Folksong~~~~ 词:张曉松 馮曉泉曲:馮曉泉 編曲:馮曉泉 童白:「朝花夕拾杯中酒 寂寞的人在風雨之后 醉人的笑容你有没有 大雁飛过菊花插满頭 Children talking: “Morning flower picked up in the evening, the wine in your glass. A lonely person after the wind and the rain. Do you have the charming smile? The big swan is flying by, the chrysanthemums are pinned to the head.”
*朝花夕拾杯中酒 Song *: Morning flower picked up in the evening, the wine in your glass. The lonely me after the big wind and rain, do you still have the charming smile? 大雁飛过菊花插满頭 The big swan flying by, the chrysanthemums are pinned to the head. 時光的背影如此悠悠 The shadow of time is so elongated. 往日的歲月又上心頭 The past is surging into my heart. 朝來夕去的人海中 遠方的人向你揮揮手 In the human ocean, morning comes and dusk is gone. The people from the far distance wave toward you. 南北的路你要走一走 You must try to walk a round trip of north and south 千萬條路你千萬莫回頭 Many tens and thousands of roads, do not turn back. 蒼茫的風雨何處游 In the vast misty wind and rain, where to swim to? 讓長江之水天際流 Let Yangtze water to flow to the horizon 山外青山楼外楼 青山與小楼已不再有 緊閉的窗前你别等候 大雁飛過菊花香满楼 Beyond the mountain there are more green mountains. Beyond the many-storied buildings there are more. Though you lost your green mountain and the little building in your own sphere, in front of the tightly shut window, do not wait anymore, go out into the big world. The swan flew by and the chrysanthemum fragrance permeates the building. 聽一聽看一看想一想 時光呀流水匆匆過 哭一哭笑一笑不用说 人生能有幾回合 Listen, take a look and think about it. The time and the flowing water just pass us in a hurry. To cry and to laugh, no need to say anything. How many opportunities do you have? 南北的路你要走一走 You must try to walk a round trip of north and south 千萬條路你千萬莫回頭 Many tens and thousands of roads, do not look back. 蒼茫的風雨何處游 In the vast misty wind and rain, where to swim to? 讓長江之水天際流 Let Yangtze water to flow to the horizon.


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