Saturday, September 17, 2005

Soong Dynasty Great Scholars, Master Su Dongpo and Student Huang Tingjian

黃庭堅《山谷詞》 鷓鴣天

節去蜂愁蝶不知,曉庭環繞折殘枝。自然今日人心別,未必秋香一夜衰。無閑事,即芳期,菊花須插滿頭歸。宜將酩酊酬佳事,不用登臨送落暉。 From the Collection of Huang Tingjian, "Mountain Valley Prose"

Partridge Day Festival is over and the bees worry that the butterflies are not aware Early courtyard circling with bent branches Naturally today my heart is different No need to have a night’s retreat in fragrant autumn Nothing much important that is the expectant fortuitous date Must pin the chrysanthemum to the hair to return Appropriate to be drunk to thank the good date No need to climb high to see the fallen sun ray Soong Poem by Huang Ting Jian 黃庭堅(1045-1105),字魯直,自號山谷道人,晚號涪翁,洪州分宁(今 江西修水)人。英 宗治平四年 (1067) 進士。哲宗立,召為校書郎、《神宗實錄》檢 討官。后擢起居舍人。紹圣初, 新党謂其修史“多誣”,貶涪州別駕,安置 黔州等地。徽宗初,羈管宜州卒。工詩文,早年受知于蘇 軾,与張耒、晁補之、秦 觀并稱“蘇門四學士”。詩与蘇軾并稱“蘇黃”,為江西詩派開山,有《豫 章黃先生文集》。詞与秦觀齊名,有《山谷琴趣外篇》、龍榆生《豫章黃先生 詞》。詞風流宕豪邁,較接近蘇軾。晁補之云:“魯直間作小詞固高妙,然不 是當行家語,自是著腔子唱好詩。” (見《詩人 玉屑》) 另有不少俚詞,不免 褻諢。

Huang TingJian (1045-1105). Northern Soong dynasty scholar and court official. The founder of the Jiangxi Province poetry genre. One of the 4 scholars from the Su Shi School. His prose is open, creative, and unrestricted, close to his teacher Su Shi (Su Dong Po).


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