Bush Meets Frontline Troops via Video Conference on the Eve of the Iraqi Referendum
Today, the President spoke with troops in Iraqi via video teleconference.
Today the President spoke with the U.S. Army's 42nd Infantry Division serving in Iraq, via video teleconference from the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington.
He serves the purpose of a leader who cares in the advent of the Iraqi Constitutional national referendum vote on October 15, about 48 hours ahead of a major national event on Iraqi referendum day. This is a brave and scientific act.
But it met the critical eye of the Washington White House correspondents and the reaction from them was that it was 'scripted', as if to say it is lacks genuine feeling.
The leader of a country talking to frontline troops is for the public, for the good of the country.
I can never forget about the Nanking soybean poisoning of over 200 people and the first arriving journalist's genuine account.
This journalist showed a very good photo of the Nanking old man in their deeply shaken tragedy, made me cry inside for his desperation.
The reports told us the nuance of the story. The village head was told not to talk but only the official Xinhua. Even Xinhua was told that this belonged to a political intrigue, as we know that Tangshan Hot Spring Mountain was the Northern Expedition headquarters for Chiang Kai Shek.
Then the story line started to be blurred as the official started to seal the location, and everything was to be filtered out, and varnished. The initial direct account just told us the scare and the utter chaos and Nanking people's trauma and crying for justice.
The story developed line was that the man who did the poisoning was disturbed, had a quarrel with his cousin, and put the poison into the soybean milk and poisoned hundreds as that is the student-populated area. He later escaped to railroad toward the Henan area and was caught in the train. He was executed shortly afterwards. I forever thank that very initial true account of the report. I think China has good reporters and they showed their social conscience in preserving some glimpse of a society under the heavy veils of news control.
One would like the US to do better than China, not with White House press being arrogant and anti-government.
The president is laughed at as a lame duck. But his lame duck time is after 3 years from now, and for 3 months, from Nov 2008 to Jan 2009.
清君側 Clean the side attendants of the Emperor
In ancient China, the purging of the close bad servants by the side of the Emperor sometimes is necessary, in order to preserve autonomy and the free movement of the national leader, the emperor.
1. Change the format to present the presidency seems to beg the leadership and the no nonsense executive privilege mandated by the Constitution.
Let the neutral and rational station like C-SPAN talk to the people, they usually have some supporting Bush and some not supporting Bush. They are not like the anti-Bush CNN programs to paint, and to whine and moan about every move of the administration.
Fox is friendlier and composed than hyped CNN. There is this Mike Chinoy who didn't do justice in reporting an overseas crisis of the Taiwan presidential election. The aftermath was causing half of a million to demonstrate on March 26. We know that many people appeared. My heart was wet with tears and I wrote poem and song about it. But Michael Chinoy so casually put the doubts into the 'seriousness' of the matter by shrugging it off, like he doubted that it was half of a million.
2, Put the White House under House Arrest.
請君入瓮 There is a phrase, please enter my burning urn.
The current White House correspondents system is looking like a set up for failure. All the news subjects were released a week ahead, so that the news reporters have ample time and to position themselves to strike the administration.
Like the defense bill and the Iraqi bill. Like the justice nominee's protégée and escort person on Capitol Hill. If they don't meet the news people's approval, then they attack the administration. The sabotage doesn't require any solid research, and they purely based on their instinctual reactions.
It is a litany song of discontent. Nothing can quiet them down.
Once they are privy to the important issues, they get the better handle, become sharp tongued, and they run over the White House, trample the administration like the military spending $455 billion. They staged and tape a professor's anti-war remarks in Iraq.
So it is like Hanoi Jane Fonda, we have an Iraqi news starlet.
On the horizon under excuse, and disguise of free press, but in reality just use White House as the vehicle stepping stone, to exercise a personal view, to give American people negative anti-war views.
Like Jiang Qing familiarized herself with ancient Chinese opera and trained by Tian Han great playwright. She used this training, to add on Mao's particular thinking on Communism; together they merged into a force to curtail the Nationalist efforts, as the poor nationalists were too busy in fighting at the frontline against the Japanese invasion like Taierzhuang bloody battle lasting from April 1938 to May 1938.
But at this time, Jiang Qing and Mao were rehearsing and doing this important show called "Da Yu Sha Jia, Revolting of the Fishermen". They were into pleasures while their countrymen were sacrificing. The Communists were trying to educate the people to have violent riots against the local government.
We love America and we love the nation and respect the leader.
We do not want to sink the administration.
A leader has the right to lead and not to be 'reported' and via a tainted lens.
If without love, there will not be any loving report or portrayal.
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