To Celebrate the Double Tenth

Nationalist Goverment Supreme Court, Old Site, Nanjing
To Celebrate the Double Tenth
I celebrate Double Tenth by revisiting and studying the construct of a graceful government.
Study of the Nationalist Government Heritage and the Current Institute Maintenance in Upholding the Pride of the Chinese Revolution against Foreign Aggression, and the struggle for Internal Racial Equality for the Han people, keeping their sovereignty after Qing Dynasty’s cutting land away to sell the Chinese land to the west, to Japan, and to Russia.
We need to return justice to the Nationalist government and pick up the pieces imposed by Mao and his wife for the misery on the masses and to help the oppressed to clear their names, and their tortured life.
So that the Chinese people can see the light once again, and feel the pride of being an ancient graceful land of culture, deep compassion, and humanity.
Nationalist Government Executive Branch old site
It is situated at ZhongShan North road #252, 254. It is the Chinese People’s Liberation army Nanjing Political Academy site.
Xing Zheng Yuan Executive branch one of the five Yuan branches of the Nationalist government. The origin is the Dr. Sun’s Five Power Balance, and is independent in administration school of thought. Dr. Sun borrowed the constitution from Europe and America. He added Chinese cultural-specific “Examination Yuan Department” and the “Supervisory and Auditor Yuan Department”.
His thinking was not realized during his interim presidency and the Northern warlord era. In 1927, Chiang Kai Shek finished the Northern Expedition; and the Nationalist government announced a unified Chinese state. In August 1927, the Nationalist party called for the second term five complete Conference. Chiang announced to end the Military political era, and to start the Political Teaching era and to follow Dr. Sun’s will to practice the “Five Yuan branch system”, with each branch independent, with a balance of power among the five. This is how the Executive branch and the other four branches were formed in this historical background.
Zhong Shan North road 252, 254, prior to 1937 was the Nationalist government’s Railroad transportation division location. In 1945, the Nationalist government Xing Zheng Yuan, Executive branch moved in. In 1949, was used by the army.
The current remaining structure is a straight-line office building, the other buildings have been torn down. It has 10,000 square meters, 18,625 square meters of architecture space, following Chinese traditional palace architecture. The main building has 3 stories, two wings 2 floors. It was designed in 1928, by famed architect Zhao Shen, Fan WenZhao, completed in 1930. 1991 being praised by the National architecture department certified as ‘modern high quality architecture’.
1992, listed as Nanjing city cultural artifacts preservation site.
编辑时间:2005/05/17 南京旅游预订网
在中山北路252、254号。现为中国人民解放军南京政治学院院址。 国民政府行政院是国民党政府五院之一。这五院起源于孙中山的“五权分立”学说。“五权分立”是孙中山借鉴欧美宪法,在“三权”的基础上加进他所认为的中国旧体制中独有的“考试权”及“监察权”所构成。他的这一学说在他担任临时大总统及北洋军阀统治年代,一直没有得到推行。1927年蒋介石完成北伐,国民政府宣告统一。8月国民党召开二届五中全会,蒋介石宣布从会议之日起,军政时期告一段落,训政时期开始,并决定依照孙中山遗教,实施“五院制”,各自独立,相互制衡。国民政府行政院与其它“四院”一起在这种历史背景下成立。 中山北路252、254号,1937年之前为国民政府铁道部所在地。1945年后国民政府行政院迁入。1949年后为部队所用。院内有办公楼、以北“工”字形二层楼为办公人员宿舍、再北有3幢两层小楼,均为国民政府高级官员住房;院内北端有花园式别墅两幢,分别是行政院长和铁道部长官邸,孙科曾在此住过。 现存“一”字形办公楼1幢及孙科楼l幢;其它建筑均被拆除。占地面积10000平方米,建筑面积18625平方米。办公楼坐东朝西,中国传统宫殿式,钢筋混凝土结构,主楼三层,两侧二层,另有一层地下室。重檐歇山顶,琉璃瓦屋面,檐下斗拱彩绘,通面阔157米,通进深35米,建筑面积1048平方米。该建筑为1928年我国早期著名建筑师赵琛、范文照设计,1930年竣工。 1991年被国家建设部、国家文物局评为近代优秀建筑。 1992年列为南京市文物保护单位。
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