Friday, December 30, 2005

On Keeping the Central Daily - Who is the Helmsman for the KMT?

多維郵報 2005年12月29日出版,總第 986 期 立場獨立 報道迅速 觀點多元 Do Wei Post, published December 29, 2005, number 986 issue ( 24 ) 連戰有意買下中央日報 Lian Zhan Intends to Buy Down Central Daily 据中國時報引述權威人士透露,盡管國民党售出「三中」后,仍將買回中央日報与中華日報,但党主席馬英九已決心「党營媒體全部不留」;讓反對出售中央日報的榮譽主席連戰開始認真思考,將集資甚至自己出資,向國民党承接下中央日報,保住這份有七十八年歷史、象徵國民党縮影的刊物。 According to China Times spokesman, although the KMT sold out “three China” (name brands with China in it, like Zhong Guang, China Broadcasting, Zhong Shi, China TV, Zhong Ying, China Film), 中視、中廣、中影「三中」, the KMT still would want to buy back Central Daily and Zhong Hua Daily. But KMT chairman Ma Yingjiu decided to leave nothing of the party managing media, “will not keep any party related media”. This made honorable chairman Lian Zhen to think seriously. He even wants to pay himself to take Central Daily on its own from the KMT. In order to keep this 78 years, symbolizing KMT’s publishing. Free Mind Comments: I start to really respect Mr. Lian Zhan for his action to have the heart to keep the Central Daily. You have to truly believe in the thesis of the party’s founding and the honor of its contributions to China, in order to feel the love and intensity and the value of the newspaper. Yes, it is a party newspaper, but so is the People’s Daily. It has the character of a party. So what is wrong? There is nothing wrong with the newspaper. It is a vehicle reflecting the party, be it KMT or the Communist party. If the KMT party’s newspaper is suspended, to balance things they ought to kill Communist Party newspaper also to remake China. The problem is that you can’t erase history. By erasing the newspaper, you are dishonoring the legacy. I feel very sad about Ma’s not being able to save this newspaper, and still holding the KMT chairman position. We must reform gradually, and not to suspend a belief. The KMT will not cease to exist, though it is gasping sometimes. It is better than 2004. It has come a long way through many KMT supporters’ efforts. Ma Yingjiu won the KMT chairmanship by support of mostly lower and middle level party members, not by an oligarchy. In fact, it is to the surprise of many powerful and rich supporters, that they didn’t want Ma, but Wang Jinping. For the 2008 presidential election and gain votes, so to get rid of the baggage of the KMT party, then this will make Ma feeble. After all, it looks like the mainland China-born but with a strong Taiwan identity Lian Zhan, his blood is still thicker than water toward the KMT. This is why they say Blood is thicker than water. I have a spirited word for Ma Yinjiu and my advice to him: The patriotic Northern Fleet’s thinking is that “As long as the ship is here I am here, but if the ship is gone I am gone.” Why sink the last media flagship of the KMT? You fight till the last teardrop and you ought to have the courage to stand tall and as a lawyer, discern the case of the communists and the nationalists, and to win an ultimate sacred project to restore a sense of dignity to be a new proud Chinese civilization leader. Otherwise, just let someone else be the helmsman for the Nationalist party. You have to be loyal to China and Taiwan both to win the 2008 Presidential election. 据透露,國民党營中投公司將以三點七五億元先買回中央日報、中華日報、幸福人壽、中央文物供應社等股份。据估計,核算資產与負債,要買下中央日報,可能不到一億元;既然國民党中央不愿「留報」,為了不讓中央日報關閉,連戰有意以個人名義買下。 國民党中常會報告「三中」處理情形,至于中央日報与中華日報的處理,并沒著墨。 中常委吳育升認為,若由党營的中投公司購回中華日報与中央日報,等于「留下尾巴」,國民党既然退出經營,購回難免會引起外界非議;他建議不妨比照北市府處理北市公車處,由員工認股、自主經營,完全符合法律規定。但党內高層坦言,要中央或中華員工自行認股,可能性恐不高;如果無法施行,又無其他買主愿意承接,關閉恐是唯一方式。 据了解,中央日報在連戰擔任主席時代,定位為党唯一的机關報,不輕言裁撤;但馬英九上任后,堅持一個媒體都不能留,在二??八年前一定要完全處理掉。馬英九曾指示副主席關中成立專案小組,評估中央日報留或不留的各种可能情況。 馬英九初步傾向,如無适當買主,傾向結束中央日報,必要時可辦理停刊、清算,結束所有党營媒體。親近連戰人士透露,既然說服馬英九無望,連戰開始有向國民党買中央日報构想。希望保住這份伴隨國民党走過四分之三世紀的刊物;且如果兩岸關系改善,也不排除中共開放政策讓台灣媒體登陸的可能,但現在言之過早。


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