Monday, December 19, 2005

Would a Shiite-Dominated Iraq to be like an Iranian protectorate?

President George W. Bush listens as Terrence Hunt of The Associated Press delivers a question Monday, Dec. 19, 2005, during the President's press conference in the East Room of the White House. In response to Mr. Hunt's question, the President responded, "We're at war, and we must protect America's secrets." White House photo by Paul Morse Would a Shiite-Dominated Iraq to be like an Iranian protectorate? Our advice to Bush and the press about Iraq is to follow your conscience and not misrepresent the true voice of the people. From the interview of a right wing TV host O’Reilly with Secretary of Defense Rumsfeld on the situation in Iraq (December 18, 2005). Rumsfeld seems to be acknowledging that there are some roundabout talks on the American troops’ philosophy in Iraq. Rumsfeld gave an information update about Iraq, Iran, and Syria, saying that Iran is not the central front in the war on terror, and talking about Zarqawi being funded by Al Qaeda. O’Reilly challenged Rumsfeld for not disclosing more to the American public, asking “How come the President and you guys are not saying that more?” Rumsfeld shot back, “We are, but why aren’t you guys covering it?” In President Bush’s speech today December 19, he said, “there is an opportunity to amend the constitution.” “And we'll want to make sure we're monitoring and involved with that part. In other words, involvement doesn't mean telling the sovereign government what to do; involvement means giving advice as to how to move forward so a country becomes more unified.” One interpretation is that Bush wants Iraq to have a constitution with all parties included, but he wants the Iraqis to do this themselves, otherwise Bush will in effect be ruling Iraq personally. We urge him to carry this out, not just talk. Senator Levin’s comments on President’s Bush’s speech: “Insurgents will continue if the constitution is not amended”. “Sunni is not a national compact”. “We have to bring Sunnis on board”. “Iraqis need to amend constitution to be inclusive” “Iraq Constitution as it is now is a divisive document” A senate bill was passed already to urge Bush to amend the Iraqi constitution, but he ignored it by simply saying “there is an opportunity to do it.” One wonders why Bush is using delaying tactics against the Sunnis and against Iraqi National unity, unless he likes Iran who relishes seeing Iraq in upheaval. Could it be a collective effort in masking the true situation and issues by the Media and Bush? Or is it simply incompetence on both parts? Failure in communication to the American People will result in failure in Iraq, with people urging troops to return prematurely. As of now, 80% of the people don’t believe that President Bush has a good cohesive plan and will win a victory. Iran wants a Shiite-dominated Iraq to be like an Iranian protectorate. One wonders why Bush has not realized that a divisive constitution is not in America’s interest, and this will really end up helping Iran, as Iran wish Iraq be divided so that America would be preoccupied in Iraq, and not in Iran. Bush’s words are: “Iraq is the central front for war on Terror”. Has he overly depended on his White House Female Press’s input as source of information? One finds it hard that information on the Sunni situation is suppressed. One finds that Bush is in the end is supporting Iran’s aims. Iran wants Iraqi to be in trouble, so US can have the “frontline in Iraq”, and will not touch Iran. Quote from General Clark: “If the Shiites and Kurds dominate the Iraqi military, then this will end up helping Iran.” When you marginalize Sunnis, and benefit Shiites, you are in effect helping Iran. Iran is in process of selling $1000 billion worth of natural gas to China, and Iran is relishing Bush’s continual support of oil rich Shiites and Iran’s lineage and stronghold in Iraq. So Bush and China and Iran all can have access of Iraqi Shiite’s oil under this version of Constitution, which gives a lopsided amount of national resources to Shiites and thus can play an international key role in oil. So the conclusion is that the Iraqi constitution must be amended to include Sunnis, otherwise Iraq will be under the domination of Iran.


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