Wednesday, December 28, 2005

National Teacher Wang Daohan Passed Away in Shanghai

多维邮报 2005年12月25日出版,总第 983 期 立场独立 报道迅速 观点多元 Duo Wei Post, 12/25/2005, number 983 National Teacher Wang Daohan Passed Away in Shanghai ( 1 ) 多維追擊:一代「國師」汪道涵在上海逝世 多維記者報導/因為胰臟癌复發,有「國師」之稱的中國海峽兩岸關系協會會長汪道涵12月24日7時在上海瑞金醫院逝世,享年90歲。而在今年1月3日,前海基會董事長辜振甫在台北病逝。 Because of the recurrence of pancreatic cancer, with the title “National Teacher” China Strait Coastal Relation Association President Wang Dao Han passed away in Shanghai’s RuiJin hospital on December 24th at age 90. Earlier this year on January 3rd, his counterpart in Taiwan, former Hai Ji Ocean Foundation Association Chairman of the Board Gu Zhenfu passed away in Taipei. 汪道涵自從80年代引介江澤民接替自己擔任上海市長,也看著江澤民順利接任第三代領導人后,在大陸政壇就有其不可替代的地位。 Wang Daohan inducted Jiang Zemin to be his successor as Shanghai mayor. After Jiang Zemin became the third generation leader, Wang Daohan became an irreplaceable figure in the political arena. 汪道涵与台灣海峽交流基金會(海基會)董事長辜振甫1993年4月在新加坡舉行了著名的汪辜會談,推動了海峽兩岸的經貿往來和民間交流。 Wang and Gu Zhenfu held a celebrated conference in Singapore in April 1993, this helped push the economic and trade exchanges between Taiwan and China. 汪道涵是安徽嘉山人。早年就讀于上海交通大學机械系。一九三八年加入中國共產党。1949年后歷任華東工業部部長、机械工業部副部長、對外經濟聯絡委員會第一副主任、對外經濟聯絡部副部長、國家進出口管理委員會、中國投資管理委員會副主任等職位。 Wang Daohan studied in the mechanical engineering department in Jiaotong University in Shanghai. 1980年后,汪道涵曾任中共上海市委書記以及上海市副市長、市長等職務。他在1987年當選為中共中央顧問委員會委員,1991年底起任海峽兩岸關系協會會長。 為海峽兩岸關系揭開新篇章的汪、辜二位歷史人物分別在2005年的年頭和年尾辭別人世。 汪道涵是一個非常希歡讀書的人,內容包括文學評論、歷史專著、名人傳略、音樂、美術,到科技專著、經濟理論等。不過他對經濟、管理類書籍最感興趣。据說,汪道涵不但喜歡看書,也喜歡推荐好書給別人看。 Wang Daofan was an avid reader of literature, history, biography, music, art, technology, and economic theory works. He was mostly into the management and economics aspects of books. 因為愛看書,逛書店就成為汪道涵最大的嗜好,每個月都會購買一些書。他愛讀書的程度,已經到了床頭都放滿書。盡管工作非常忙碌,汪道涵下班回家后,還是繼續看書。這些書中的內容,也成為汪道涵說話時「引經据典」的來源。 He loved to go shopping for books and would buy a list of books on monthly basis. The head of his bed was filled with books. He could make great references and basis from what he read. Free Mind comments: It is a great loss for China and Taiwan that two men helped to promote peace have left. The two negotiators had artful skills in negotiation and respected the other side’s position and carved out a high caliber construct as the foundation for peace to secure trust among people. It will be a challenging task now that two of them have both gone this year. One weak point is that America’s side is not expressed well in the general media. To most Chinese, America remains a blocking stone to hamper Chinese togetherness. In reality, there is evidence that America is very responsible in the advancement of science and other projects in Taiwan. Although some Americans are selfish, most Americans are kind and generous.


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