Monday, December 12, 2005

Rumsfeld is Being Challenged for His Remarks about the Troops not being reported positively enough

Rumsfeld is Being Challenged for His Remarks about the Troops not being reported positively enough. Like the President, Rumsfeld wants to concentrate on the positive. He only said that the media seems to report negative things with sensational imagery. This opinion is widely echoed in the C-SPAN program hosted by Brian Lamb from many callers who had been in Iraq. 已經有部隊當證人﹐告訴CSpan的老闆﹐白恩連﹐我們在伊拉克出生入死﹐做許多好事﹐水電﹐電訊﹐醫療﹐學校﹐但一回到本國﹐看到主要媒體如CNN一片糟糕的形像﹐用戲劇化的手筆來報導。 Many witnesses testified on C-SPAN to let owner Brian Lamb know that American soldiers work hard in Iraq on battlefields, and in reconstruction to fix electricity, communications, to give medicine, and to set up schools. But once they return to the U.S., the main media like CNN has only dramatized imagery in short clips. It is untrue. The soldiers said, "we are in villages, and rarely any news reporters will be there, and the reporters are only in the city where there is bombing or shooting is taking place." They suggest to check into different Internet sites to find out the reality. Rumsfeld's soldiers are all backing up his remarks that the media's portrayal is not really reflecting what is going on in Iraq. 而媒體小記者還撒嬌的叱問﹐請白宮新聞主任﹐證實總統是否也與國防部長的意思一樣﹐認為媒體做不忠的報導。明明白白有人證﹐而且一個媒體害群之馬﹐想要總統表態﹐意在幹掉國防部長﹐拭目以待結果如何。 The female White House reporters got very anxious as if their reputation got hurt by the defense secretary for saying that our troops need to be given a good positive report, and asked the press secretary to confirm if the President agrees with Rumsfeld. Scott McClellan tactfully replied that the President believes that there is good progress in Iraq, and that his speeches describe the progress. The implication is that the President would rather talk about the positives than to criticize the media coverage, he doesn’t want to get into a dispute with either the media or Rumsfeld. There are 99% of callers who all say it is true that the media presents overly negative reports on Iraq, the media meanwhile still coerces the President to discredit Rumsfeld’s remarks and clean up their sacred reputation when they have never been to Iraq but the soldiers were there with their blood and sweat. Can the media discredit the soldiers work? Free Mind’s suggestion to the questionable media about what is really going on: 1) Like in Social science field research, conduct a survey of all the soldiers who have been in Iraq. 2) To be there in person. 3) To drop the nasty connotations in attacking the secretary of defense because you don’t have enough information and he has more. If you don’t agree, finding out for yourself in person is the best way to pursue your case. Not to fool around with the President. Many people are sick of you.


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