Saturday, December 03, 2005

Contrast between blue and green before and after the result of yesterday's city and county mayor's elections

Contrast between blue and green before and after the result of yesterday's city and county mayor's elections. 台湾县市长选举前后蓝绿阵营对比。 点击此处查看全部新闻图片   台湾县市长选举今天举行,据票选结果初步统计,国民党籍当选十四席,民进党籍六席、亲民党一席、新党一席、无党籍一席,总计属于泛蓝的有十七席,泛绿六席。其中,国民党光复台北县、宜兰县及嘉义市意义重大。 Taiwan county and city mayor election was held today, 12/3. According to the initial statistics, KMT had 14 seats, Min Jin DPP party had 6 seats, Qin Min party 1 seat, Xin New party 1 seat, No party 1 seat, altogether pan-blue has 17 seats, pan-green 6 seats. KMT restored Taipei County, Yilan County, and Jiayi City, this is very meaningful and significant.


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