Sunday, January 22, 2006

Year of the Dog Promises to Renew All Heroic Acts 国泰民安玉犬来

This paper cut out was made in 江西 Jiangxi Province. Jiangxi Province girl wishes everyone a happy and blissful Lunar Chinese New Year! An artistic word for the symbol of dog, on the year of the Dog. 犬护祥和宅;人过幸福年。 白梅凌雪尽;黄耳报春来。 戌日耀吉瑞;狗年臻福祥。 Year of the eleventh of the twelve earthly branches to shine the luck sign Year of the Dog attains a high level of blessings 鸡舞司晨早;犬蹲守夜勤。 舜犬重临华夏; 犬年大展雄姿。 Saint King Shun once again comes visit the Chinese land Year of the dog promises to renew all heroic acts 犬卧宅阶知地暖;鹊登梅萼报春新。 Dog sleeps on the house step So one knows that the ground is warm; Lark atop plum flower buds to announce the arrival of the new Spring 犬卧阶前知地暖;鹊登梅上唱春明。 犬看门户民长泰;法治国家世永春。 The dog guards your home, the people are peaceful A country of rule of the law has generations of spring 犬能守夜户常泰;人若忘恩天不容。 日新月异雄鸡去;国泰民安玉犬来。 The year of the fast changing pace rooster is past National prosperity and the peaceful people with jade dog coming!


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