Thursday, July 13, 2006

Bereavement for a Dead Cowboy

President Bush has been repeatedly admonishing that the US should not rely on foreign oil, but he puts the new reliance on foreign nuclear fuel and us attempting to sign America’s interests away. Many senators are against his signing an agreement with Putin during the G-8 summit for the fuel. Bush had a recent fun trip to boost Senator DeWine and dispatched his wife to Indiana. For a couple, it is necessary sometimes to go separate ways to be more efficient at raising campaign funds. On the excuse of campaign fund raising, the private affairs can also take place with unbridled desire. This takes precedence also at his birthday, when he apparently didn’t stay with his wife, but his White House Correspondence, nickname, little servitude press, to the State where she went to school. On the Fourth of July, Bush acted so cowardly in responding to the national security threat from North Korea at the West Coast, that it shocked the world, and Time Magazine termed it a ‘End of Cowboy Diplomacy’. He acted not as George W. Bush, but as if he was reduced to a puppet of some sort, with a deranged mind to simply count how many missiles, without knowing how many were coming, or whether they could hit the U.S., it looks like he gave up his identity of the U.S. President. China recently announced that they want America to respect them on the foreign policy, because their missiles can reach Washington, Paris, and Madrid.


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