Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Lu You's Garden

Posted by Hello The picture is of the Purple Wisteria vine climbing up the open air study lattice. This wisteria was used in Soong dynasty gardens. My father was trying to imitate this style. Why did my father excel in gardening? I think that is because gardening is a way to express one’s belongings and one’s identity. You still know where you are from, even if you were banished or on an expedition to a far away country and can’t return. The Purple Wisteria has been used in classical Chinese gardens, from Tang Dynasty, to Soong Dynasty, to the modern Ming Guo (Republic of China) era. Let Wisteria tumble down from the roof, for the lovers to study and to meet. It is situated in the South end of the City. Where we were young and we will return to reminisce. It is in our dream, no matter where we shall be. Lu You, 1125-1210, Soong Dynasty. Lu You was the number one prolific Soong prose writer. He wrote 10,000 poems. He was a Jin Shi, a successful candidate in the highest imperial examinations. Lu You was a patriotic poet of ShaoXing, Zhejiang. In his childhood, at the end of northern Soong dynasty, it was a time of war with the Jin tribe causing havoc in south Yangtze region. 1206 AD, Han Tuo-zhou was the prime minister and generated a northern expedition to retrieve the land. But it failed. Soong Ning Zong emperor and other officials killed Han and gave his head to the Jin tribe and made a humiliating peace treaty. The story of South City never dies and goes on for generation and dynasties Endless Era’s dreams and tears After the wars After death With the tender romantic eyes I will meet you again In the South end city garden In the South side of the city, tucked in an estate where we met. -- Written by Free Mind The old tales and memories still linger. On the city, the slanting sunset with picturesque melancholy eaves It is not the same old pond It hurts to be under the bridge and see the spring green wave Once it reflected your beautiful silhouette You have been gone for 40 years. Old willow trees no longer blew the tender shreds You became the soil on Ji Mountain I am still missing your trace in tears -- Written by Lu You

The Love Keepsake Phoenix Hairpin

Posted by Hello The Love Keepsake Phoenix Hairpin I remember that I loved to pin the blue Phoenix on your hair Throughout the years, you became someone else’s wife, and a mother. I still stroll here to reminisce about our quiet moments together. You gave me the hairpin as a love keepsake. I still treasure it, after all these years. Throughout the wars, when the invaders came looting, and burning, we departed from one another. I went to far away regions to battle fields, to remote regions and border lands. Your family disappeared and left. But you never left my memory and my heart. So today, I come back to revisit our garden, the Shen family estate.

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn

Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn  Posted by Hello From "Today in Literature", 5/26/2005 “If only there were evil people somewhere insidiously committing evil deeds, and it were necessary only to separate them from the rest of us and destroy them. But the line dividing good and evil cuts through the heart of every human being. And who is willing to destroy a piece of his own heart?” — Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn, who returned to Russia on this day in 1994, choosing to go by a route across the Siberia of his Gulag days

Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Theodore Roosevelt

Theodore Roosevelt Posted by Hello http://www.npg.si.edu/exh/wharton/roo.htm Theodore Roosevelt, an old New Yorker, was born on East Twentieth Street, four years before Edith Wharton, in a house three blocks away from Wharton's her birthplace. He broke the mold, for old New Yorkers seldom entered politics, and some of them considered Roosevelt a traitor to his class. He was governor of New York from 1899 to 1900 and the twenty-sixth President of the United States, from 1901 to 1909. Wharton remembered: "Theodore Roosevelt was one of the most humorous raconteurs I ever knew, and a very good mimic; and when we were among a little band of fun-lovers . . . he kept us rocking with his cow-boy tales and his evocations of White House visitors. His liberty of speech, even in mixed company, was startling. Once at a moment of acute tension between the President and the Senate, I was lunching at the White House with a big and haphazard party, among whom were several guests who had never before met the President . . . and suddenly I heard him break out to the assembled table: 'Well, yes, I'm tired; I'm terribly tired. I don't know exactly what's the matter with me; but if only we could revive the good old Roman customs, I know a bath in Senator __________'s blood would set me right in no time.'" Over the years he followed his old friend's writing career, particularly appreciating her first novel, The Valley of Decision. Edith Wharton visited Roosevelt at the White House and saw him when he came to Paris in 1910 on a speaking tour following his presidency. After his death, she wrote to his sister Corinne Roosevelt Robinson: "More and more, as time passes, does the shadow of your brother's loss spread across the world. The waste of it--the waste!" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Theodore Roosevelt 1858-1919 Adrian Lamb (1901-1988) after the 1908 original by Philip de Laszlo Oil on canvas, 1967 National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution; gift of the Theodore Roosevelt Association

Edith Wharton Posted by Hello http://www.todayinliterature.com/today.asp?Search_Date=5/26/2005 May 26, 1891 Edith Wharton (1862 - 1937) Edith Wharton and "Mrs. Manstey" by Steve King On this day in 1891, Edith Wharton's first published story, "Mrs. Manstey's View," was accepted by Scribner's Magazine. Wharton was twenty-nine years old, brought up in wealth and high society, and recently married to a prominent banker; she was as opposite to her destitute heroine as she was to being a struggling young writer, and her first story throws the write-about-what-you-know rule out the window. A view from the back window of her New York rooming-house is all that Mrs. Manstey has. It does not offer much, but she has grown to treasure it: Mrs. Manstey, in the long hours which she spent at her window, was not idle. She read a little, and knitted numberless stockings; but the view surrounded and shaped her life as the sea does a lonely island. When her rare callers came it was difficult for her to detach herself from the contemplation of the opposite window-washing, or the scrutiny of certain green points in a neighboring flower-bed which might, or might not, turn into hyacinths, while she feigned an interest in her visitor's anecdotes about some unknown grandchild. Mrs. Manstey's real friends were the denizens of the yards, the hyacinths, the magnolia, the green parrot, the maid who fed the cats, the doctor who studied late behind his mustard-colored curtains; and the confidant of her tenderer musings was the church-spire floating in the sunset. When a neighbor plans to build an addition and ruin Mrs. Manstey's view, she attempts to dissuade them, first through a polite appeal and then through arson. "We cannot often use a sketch as slight as that which you have kindly sent us...," wrote the cautioning editor of Scribner's, but these would become the familiar Wharton topics – money and society, home and garden –- in The Age of Innocence, The House of Mirth, and three-dozen other books over a half-century career. Within a decade she would begin planning "The Mount," her spectacular home in Lenox, Massachusetts. Henry James described it during his first visit in 1904 as "a delicate French chateau mirrored in a Massachusetts pond." Probably not a place where Mrs. Manstey could feel comfortable, though she would agree with Wharton's imperative for the "inner house": "Make one's centre of life inside oneself, not selfishly or excludingly but with a kind of unassailable serenity –- to decorate one's inner house so richly that one is content there, glad to welcome anyone who wants to come and stay, but happy all the same in the hours when one is inevitably alone." Wharton would eventually leave husband and home to live alone in a real French chateau, with a better view of the Paris that she loved: "the tranquil majesty of the architectural lines, the wonderful blurred winter lights, the long lines of lamps garlanding the quays--je l'ai dans mon sang [it is in my blood!]." The estate and gardens of "The Mount" have recently been restored, and are open to the public. The bookshop there sells a birdhouse which has a roof made to look as if the cover of The House of Mirth, the sides made of pages of text, the front perch a fountain pen. Wharton's first book, The Decoration of Houses, was done with architect Ogden Codman and is regarded as a classic in the field. Codman did only limited work on "The Mount" and in his view it was in many ways a failure: "The Whartons know just enough to be very unhappy but not enough to get anything done right, they have always supposed they knew all they knew and all I knew too. Now they realize they don't." - SK

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Hua Yuan Science and Technology Association Annual Meeting Posted by Hello The Hua Yuan Science and Technology Association is a group in Silicon Valley that promotes business and ventures between the U.S. and Asia. Members and guest speakers are from companies that first designed leading edge critical technologies such as firewalls, along with venture capitalists.

Friday, May 20, 2005

Free Mind's Reminiscences About Childhood in Taiwan

That day my leg was inflamed from the insect bites, and my father took me to his workplace, with the American built hospital. Father driving the American military jeep on the vast airport hill A small jeep can power up the steep hill That is a secondhand one, handed down from the Americans His hometown is by the edge of horizon Guess he can't make it back Father pulled into the hospital front square. We went inside. It is very clean, very modern looking, built with American assistance. There! At the end, there is a fountain faucet. Father helped me with the novelty of a sprouting spring water, my first time. The doctor was very kind. He cleaned the wound on my leg. The powerful medicine was in the white color wrap and the pink paper wrap. He also gave me yeast candy, they were all white color, no coloring. We came out and dad put on his sunglasses just like general MacArthur's, his hero with a reflecting surface. After my leg wound healed, I was able to help him water the front yard grass again, and the Shi Liu pomegranate flower, and grape tree. That was the only grass lawn in the entire village. It is called the Korean grass. It is very green and sharp when you first sit on it. The General's Zi Teng wisteria at the back row is like a piled up flower ocean on top the front gate. So my dad designed a winding vine climbing up the lattice. He is very talented in gardening, a Soong Dynasty tradition. The Colonel next door has a retired soldier carpenter in and my dad asked him to make a desk for me. I heard his radio playing many songs. 小時候 提起了小時候﹐樣樣到心間 就在這桃花樹下﹐就在這小河邊 你爬山我划船 你踢毽來我打球 茅草兒當金簪戴 樹枝當馬鞭抽 爬到那草地上 唱那汾河灣 你扮那薛平貴 我學做王寶釧 Innocent Young Time Think of the childhood, everything comes to the heart It is right under the peach tree, and by the little river You were climbing and I row the boat You hit the shuttlecock and I play the ball Use cogon grass as the gold hairpin The tree branch is my horse whip I crawl to the grass I sing the Fen River You play the General Xue Ping Gui Then I'm the prime minister's daughter Wang Bao Chuan Today, we are less than the fortune of Tang dynasty people The general Xue Ping Gui could return alive His wife Xue Bao Chuan after 18 years of waiting in the cold Yellow soil cave dwelling But his wife can't be expected to ever see him again My father is thinking of all these thoughts. The Colonel’s second wife is a very good cook with Zhejiang style of food. Her roasted pork is making fragrance and the carpenter came inside to eat a very good lunch. American MacArthur is his hero, a resolute combative man. He won't make concessions toward the advancement of the communists. Eisenhower's order is for us to not ever return back to China. The barracks song of "Return back to China" is repeated. I took a basket to the river to wash. On the mound, and walking down the trail, the bamboo grove is swaying with clear soothing wind. The rice field is filled with water and the young shoots are soaking with content. I had a feeling that in my orange chrysanthemum village robe girl costume, I was in China a village girl like this 5 thousand years ago. I like and feel quite a good Chinese girl in this gift given to me by Professor Chen's daughter. The clothing fit me with such a happy fit. The venture I had was amazing. I went down to the river. The twin girls next door told me to pick up fragrant pure white flowers above the creek. You can't find them too easily. As I was leaving, I looked into a hole, quite amazing. A frog is in the mouth of a snake. They are stuck there. I left and didn't want to return for quite a while.

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Review of film “The Myth” at the Cannes Film Festival

Posted by Hello
Posted by Hello Review of film “The Myth” at the Cannes Film Festival Jackie Chan plays an archeologist who went into his past life persona as a Chinese general who was saved by a Korean princess. In real history, there were many China proper men who were sent to Korea for military expeditions, seldom did they return. Another actor, Liang, plays a scientist, whose story is intertwined with a famous Tang Dynasty Emperor, based on the real emperor’s romance with his consort during an uprising. The movie looks good, mixing the ancient world with high tech modern techniques. Basically I like the book that was converted into the movie, "Chang Hen Ge." Chang is long. Hen is 'regret'. Ge, is 'song'. Chang Hen Ge is based on an opera by the number one Tang Dynasty songwriter Bai Ju Yi. Bai wrote Chang Hen Ge based on the Yang Gui Fei, about the emperor's love affair and he had to order his consort to be killed at the request of the unruly soldiers during the An Shi uprising. Wang An Yi is the writer who wrote the novel “Chang Hen Ge”. I believe that her family was a Nationalist, but they had no food, so her mother defected to become a Communist. She came to Nanjing when she was little, so her writing has a heavy Nanjing flavor. I believe it is a segment of intertwined love, with Jackie Chan, and Liang Jia Hui (he is from the award winning film, the Lover, about a French writer’s romance with a Chinese lover in Vietnam). The actress is from Seoul, South Korea. Seoul means Han city. It was like a Chinatown in the beginning, Some Han people settled there, then it became today's Seoul city. In the preview, you can catch some glimpses of China Proper flavor. Jackie Chan’s façade looks like my father’s in a fast-speed blur. Chinese history is presented in motion, which conjures up some images. Nothing is that connected, except one thing, the love. The love is connected, like the long river. From her touch, care, and covering his freezing wounded body. That took seconds, minutes, and long durations. Jackie Chan is playing the general which is the archeologist’s past karma. Sensual love is connected and easier to convey on the silver screen than the cerebral logical thoughts and words. Thoughts are choppy. But love is like a long breath, it is going through waves of emotions. There is no blank spot, or black out of thoughts, when you remember love. It is consistent, because the demand and the feeling is strong. 長恨歌 自是人生常恨﹐水常東。 人生如戲一場。 一個唐朝皇帝的恨。 國民黨的恨。 北洋軍艦管帶的恨 塑造梁家輝﹐ 朱家驊﹐那種恨。 國家利益當前。 美人江山﹐何去何從。 何取何捨﹖

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Reading at adjourning Yukos trial hints at guilty verdict

MOSCOW (AP) — The Moscow court reading the verdict in the politically charged trial of oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky adjourned Tuesday without pronouncing a final decision, postponing the laborious process into a third day. Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the former CEO of Russian oil gaint Yukos awaiting verdict, may spend more time behind bars for tax evasion. By Oleg Romanov, AP The court finished reading summations of the prosecution's case on six of the seven charges against Khodorkovsky and business partner Platon Lebedev. The reading's phrasings appeared to give clear indication that both would be found guilty, but the court first must read summations of witness testimony. A news report earlier Tuesday said the court had found them guilty on most of the charges, but Yelena Lipster, an attorney for Lebedev, said that the court's readings did not constitute a firm guilty verdict. Free Mind's Comments: Russia and China are indebted to Mikhail Khodorkovsky's hard work on setting up the initial system to supply oil from Siberia to China. His Yukos Company was the sole suppier of oil to China, so his ingenuity deserves credit from Russia and China, he should not be captured. Russia and China united to grab the oil from Khodorkovsky's Yukos Oil Company. This has reduced the oil supply to the U.S., causing the price of oil to rise, and Bush's approval rating to drop because the high gasoline prices are causing inflation in the U.S. The Chinese should not be so arrogant about their booming economy, they need to realize that many American people hate them. In different TV programs, you hear hysterical people complaining about Chinese taking American jobs away, and sending nuclear bombs to attack Los Angeles. The image of the Chinese government is very aggressive right now, they need to understand how Americans feel and cultivate a better image.


Yukos Proposed a New Remaining Tax Payment Plan to the Russian Premier Putin Decmeber 23, 2004, from Shi Hua Cai Xun World China Finance News http://finance.sina.com.cn 2004年12月23日 12:02 世华财讯   尤科斯石油公司管理委员会向俄罗斯总理弗拉德科夫提议新的剩余税款偿付计划。   综合外电12月22日报道,据俄罗斯国际文传电讯社Interfax22日消息,尤科斯石油公司(Yukos)管理委员会向俄罗斯总理弗拉德科夫(Mikhail Fradkov) 提议新的剩余税款偿付计划。   尤科斯称,关于其税款问题,已向政府申诉70余次,但均被驳回。虽然已拍卖了主要子公司尤干斯克(Yuganskneftegaz),但尤科斯仍拖欠税款约180亿美元。   19日尤干斯克以90亿美元被此前不知名的贝加尔金融集团(BaikalFinansGroup)收购。尤干斯克原油产量约占俄罗斯原油总产量的11%。 Yukos, on December 19th, 2004, was sold to a nameless Baikal Financial Group for 90 Billion US Dollars.   对尤科斯公司及其负责人的法律和税款调查已历时18个月,首席执行官米卡耶.克多可夫斯基(Mikhail Khodorkovsky)已被监禁。 Mikhail Khodorkovsky has been in jail and under investigation for tax evasion for 18 months.

Jailed Slavic Oil Tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky urges Russia to Become a Parliamentary country

俄首富称俄应成为议会制国家 希望分散总统职权 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年02月01日20:05 中国新闻网   中新网2月1日电 据俄罗斯尤科斯公司前总裁霍多尔科夫斯基个人网站报道,前首富认为俄罗斯应成为一个议会制国家,由议会多数派组成政府管理国家,总统应转变为“最高仲裁员”。   霍多尔科夫斯基宣布:“国家需要新的政治体系构想。总统作为民族稳定的保障,应置身于政治纷争之外。”   霍氏认为,总统的部分职权应移交给议会多数派,特别是政府组阁权,新政府将向议会负责,具体管理国家,发展经济。此时,总统任期将不再是原则问题,其主要职权将是任命个别法官、总检察长、特工机关领导人以及最高政治仲裁员。(固山)   相关专题:俄罗斯首富被捕
俄罗斯首富霍多尔科夫斯基成媒体关注的焦点 . Posted by Hello Free Mind's comments: Mr. Mikhail Khodorkovsky believes that president Putin should be the highest umpire overseeing and managing the government organized by a majority Parliamentary system. China also should be adaptive in becoming a great democratic nation. Please release the good man and let him contribute to benefit Russia and China. As China bought Mr. Khodorkovsky’s oil stakes, now free the man. His Yukos Company was the sole suppier of oil to China, so his ingenuity deserves credit from Russia and China, he should not be captured. Do not house arrest him all of his rest life like Zhao Zi Yang because Mikhail is too young to waste in jail!

俄能源部长秘密访华 承诺输油管将修中国支线

English Translation of Title: Russian Energy Minister Secretly Visited China and Promised to Build the Chinese Branch of the Oil Pipeline http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年02月02日03:58 北京晨报 February 2, 2005, Beijing Morning Newspaper
Posted by Hello 俄罗斯油气管道图(资料图片) Translation: Russian Oil and Gas Pipeline Diagram 点击此处查看全部新闻图片
Posted by Hello 俄提出中俄油气管道新方案(资料图片) Translation: Russian Proposed Project of China-Russia Oil/Gas Pipeline
Posted by Hello 中俄石油管线再起波澜(资料图片) Translation: China/Russia Oil Line Once Again Causes More Waves   晨报讯 (记者 李隽琼)俄罗斯工业和能源部长赫里斯坚科1月的一次秘密访华留下的“迷雾”终于散开。玄机在于:在俄罗斯宣布了西伯利亚石油管线的终点不是中国大庆后,作为俄政府的使者——赫里斯坚科向中国承诺,远东输油管线将修中国支线。 Translation: The fog from the secret January visit to China by the energy department head Hurlischenko is finally dispersed. The important hidden point: after Russia announced that the Russia/Siberia Oil Line terminal stop is not Da Xing oilfield in China, the Russian Government's Emissary Hurlischenko promised China that the far eastern oil pipeline will build a China branch.   上月中旬的一个周末,赫里斯坚科率俄罗斯石油公司对北京进行了低调访问,此次秘密访问的内容对外界一直秘而不宣。但归国后的赫里斯坚科近日在接受俄国媒体《导报》的 采访时揭示了其中的玄机。在回答中俄双方是否商定了什么问题时,赫里斯坚科说:“总统和总理作出的决定将得到执行,石油将流向中国。”   值得特别注意的是,赫里斯坚科用“流向”一词表明俄石油将通过输油管线,而不仅仅是目前的铁路运油方式。一般来说,输油管线运送石油较之铁路运输更充分、更安全。   此前,俄一直在强化通过铁路向中国输送石油,但实际上,仅仅用铁路运输根本无法满足中国国内日益增长的石油需求。俄国营石油公司Rosneft1月31日对外公布,将取代一直以来独自承包对华石油输送的国内民营石油巨头尤科斯,首次将通过铁路向中国输送5万吨石油。 Translation: Russia has been strengthening their method of transporting oil to China via railroad, but in reality, just relying on a railroad to transport oil can no longer satisfy the increasing Chinese domestic demand for oil. The Russian state-owned oil company Rosneft announced publicly on January 31 that it will replace the private company Yukos which has been the sole contractor to transport oil to China. The first time transporting 50,000 tons of oil to China via railways.   外界评论认为,俄能源部长低调访华,其直接目的便是“平息”中国对普京政府最近在西伯利亚石油管线走向问题上的“失望”。   “众所周知,中国希望多年的西伯利亚石油管线的出口最后定在了西伯利亚境内的太平洋沿岸,而不是中国所希望并一直积极筹备的经黑龙江省大庆的路径。中国的失望不言而喻。”外国媒体评论称。   赫里斯坚科的回答承认:俄罗斯输油管线没有忘记中国。赫里斯坚科说:“说什么这是通往日本的管线,把中国给忘了。政府决定中有关管线走向提到三个点:泰舍尔、斯科沃罗季诺、佩列沃兹纳亚。斯科沃罗季诺距离中国边境只有70公里,向中国修支线的可能性是存在的。”   显然,对于中国支线,俄罗斯方面已有日程表。据俄罗斯《新闻时报》报道,俄罗斯前副外长,现驻日大使洛修科夫说,日本对石油管线表示了极大兴趣,但管线路线的不确定性引起他们的关注,在铺设干线管线之前会不会先修通往中国的支线?问题到5月份将会澄清。

Monday, May 16, 2005

世界有多大,我們的機會就有多大 搭起兩岸間和解與瞭解的心靈之橋

http://forums.chinatimes.com/report/peace_travel/home/contents_yu_1.htm 世界有多大,我們的機會就有多大 搭起兩岸間和解與瞭解的心靈之橋-1 English Translation of Title: Our Chance is as Big as the World to build a spiritual bridge of peaceful resolution and understanding between mainland China and Taiwan. Transcript of James Soong Chu Yu's Speech at Qing Hua University, May 11, 2005.   宋楚瑜於清華大學演講稿     2005/05/11    取自親民黨網站  顧炳林校長、陳雲林主任、龔克副校長,各位貴賓,各位老師、各位同學,大家早安。   春暖花開,和風初至,楚瑜與親民黨大陸訪問團,明日將與清華出身的國家領導人胡錦濤先生會面,所以先來拜訪一下執中國科學牛耳的清華大學。有這個機會讓我們了解「半國英才」的搖籃,讓楚瑜及親民黨的同仁們感到非常榮幸,而且意義非凡。   台灣的兩位政黨主席,連主席與我,分別在五四前後來到大陸,又分別在北大與清大演講,是一種別具深意的安排。五四運動的德先生與賽先生,是中國人自省自強的開始。我們分別到德先生與賽先生的大本營演講,正代表兩岸人民,共同期待炎黃子孫出人頭地的願望。   走進清華的校園,楚瑜心中有無限的感佩。清華在民族的衰敗中立校,在戰亂的廢墟中再生,以科技和學術來強國雪恥,造就了胡錦濤先生等近三百位副部長級以上的黨政要員,以及無數的文、法、商、科技菁英,持續推動整個中國走向改革開放。   不只在北京,同樣的清華,1955年在台灣復校。五十年來,台灣的清華,培育了三萬五千多位菁英,不但在台灣經濟奇蹟與科技發展的過程中佔有舉足輕重的地位,更是亞洲的硅谷─新竹科學園區不可或缺的要角。兩岸清華近年來的交流,更讓「自強不息,厚德載物」的清華校訓,成為兩岸推動改革發展的人們,共同信仰的核心價值。   不論在中國大陸還是台灣,清華的校史,正是百年來中華民族由剝而復,否極泰來的民族成長史。也是一部和解再生,迎頭趕上的奮鬥史。清華「一塊招牌,兩間店面,殊途同歸,自強不息」的經驗,其實也正是當前兩岸關係的縮影。   清華的經驗,就是一個中西和解再生的經驗。西方科學的務實態度,與中華文明的人本精神,巧妙的在清華結合,這裡既有像王國維一樣的一流國學大師,也有像楊振寧一樣的一流諾貝爾獎科學家。基於二十世紀初的慘痛教訓,徹底的認清現實,徹底的瞭解世界趨勢,徹底的自我檢討改進,徹底的在失敗中學習。然後兼容並蓄,開始成長,迎頭趕上,開始超越,這是一個從和解、和平、再到和諧與合作的成長歷程。我們成長的方法,是從消除誤解到更加瞭解,從瞭解產生諒解,再從諒解找出方法來化解,由化解才生出可長可久的和解。在這個過程中,我們不但沒有因此吃虧,反而由此成長,我們從中重新找到自我的定位,重新取得民族的自尊。   從這段歷史,我們瞭解,真正的和解,並不只是一種妥協,而是一種再生的開始。   我常講,歷史該是面鏡子,而不是根繩子。鏡子,讓人看清自己的作為,看見前人的教訓,提醒自己不要犯同樣的錯誤;繩子則是一種糾纏,讓過去的冤孽,影響現在人的理性思考。兩岸的歷史與未來,千絲萬縷,正考驗著我們─包括台灣與大陸的人民,以及相關政治人物的智慧。 1) 2) 3) 4) 世界有多大,我們的機會就有多大 搭起兩岸間和解與瞭解的心靈之橋-2   宋楚瑜於清華大學演講稿     2005/05/11    取自親民黨網站  我們要讀通歷史,更應看清世界的大勢。「全球化」是人類社會一系列改變的開端,「經濟全球化」、「區域整合化」,以及「和平基礎化」,隨之而來。全世界無可抵擋的,走向一個「相互依存」的地球村。對立與戰爭,逐漸喪失它決定性的地位,「和平」是唯一合理的選項,也是一切成長與繁榮的基礎。「世界大同」,現在已不只是個夢想,而是必然的趨勢。 另一個全球必須面對的必然趨勢,就是中國的崛起。   就在兩天前,五月九日,這一期的「美國新聞週刊」(Newsweek),以「中國的世紀(China’s Century)」為封面專題,報導了中國近年來突飛猛進的成就。報導中說,改革開放25年來,中國讓三億人脫離了貧窮。去年,美國最大的超市Wal-Mart,它是為美國貢獻2%GDP的首富公司,在它的6千個供應商中,有5千個來自中國,佔所有供應商的80%。現在美國人學中文的急切程度,甚至超過法文。以往我們將電影,視為美國文化的代表,但現在,中國的電影與明星,卻在向美國輸出文化。   所有的數據與事實都說明,中國正在快速崛起。15年前,美國人認為浦東開發是不可能的事,現在那裡卻是整個亞洲的金融中心。歐美經濟學家認為,以這種幹勁與發展速度,中國的經濟實力,在2015年將超過日本,更將在2039年超越美國。   外國人對中國的崛起,是既羨慕又害怕的。其實,外國人所不瞭解的是,中國人一向講求「王道」,富國是為了利民,中華民族百年來深受帝國主義之害,所以強盛之後不但不會霸道,只會更加謙恭。「柔以克剛,王道服眾」,這才是富強之後,我們要多向外國人展現的東方文化特質。 全世界都在等待中國這條巨龍騰雲而起,但,兩岸的中國人,準備好了嗎?<貧窮才是兩岸共同的敵人,均富是我們共同的目標>   現在是中華民族有史以來,最繁榮富足的時代,也是中國人擺脫百年屈辱最關鍵的時刻。因此,兩岸間真正的敵人,不是兄弟彼此,而是束縛中國數百年的落後與貧窮。讓所有中國人都能掙脫落後與貧窮,成就一個「均富」的社會,才是這一個時代,海峽的兩岸,所要共同追求的目標。   事實上,五十幾年前,台灣便認清了「貧窮」才是國家發展的根本障礙,「分配不均」才是讓國民黨政府撤退到台灣的主要原因。所以開始勵精圖治,發展經濟,創造了台灣經濟奇蹟。   創造台灣經濟奇蹟的經驗,繫於同時維持「一高兩低、均衡均富」。一高,就是「持續的高經濟成長」;兩低,就是低通貨膨漲,與低失業率,要同時維持穩定的物價水準與充份就業;最後,政府透過稅制及教育,讓窮人有機會翻身,力求維持較均衡的所得分配;整個社會與經濟,不但要使一部份人先富起來,更要讓所有家庭都能富起來,也就是「均富」。   依台灣的經驗,達成「均富」的主要手段,是較偏向社會性與教育性的。一方面要讓每個人都有公平的機會,攀爬社會的階梯。另方面,知識就是權力,知識不被壟斷,權力就不會被壟斷,只要維持公平的教育機會,貧窮就不會世襲。   舉例來講,蔣經國先生讓台灣在他執政的16年內(1972~1988),台灣的人均國民所得從482美元成長到5829美元,成長了11倍。但最高五分之一家庭與最低五分之一家庭的收入差距,維持在5倍以下的水準。現在,台灣有21項IT產品,居於世界龍頭的地位,去年台灣這個彈丸之地,生產了4500萬台筆記型電腦,佔全世界的71%。即使有所起伏,近年台灣的人均國民所得,仍舊維持在12000~14000美元的水準。   台灣經濟奇蹟的真正意義,不只是「富」,而是在能達成「均富」。台灣經濟成長的主要因素,不在於資源豐沛,而在於全球佈局的營運管理能力,所提供的全球競爭力。   近五十年來台灣,與1978年改革開放以後的中國大陸,成功地從貧窮中翻身的原因,可以歸納為三個:就是尊重市場、尊重專業、與尊重制度。在這三個因素中,資本市場、專業人才,都只能提供一時的突破,制度的改革,才能創造長遠與全面的成長。   前任WTO的秘書長,泰國籍的蘇帕蔡(Supachai Panitchpakdi)曾經講過,中國大陸加入WTO,對亞洲各國最大的挑戰,不在於貿易,而是在於制度的競爭。誰能在制度改革上做得愈快愈好,就會是真正的贏家。   台灣的經驗,正是一系列政策與制度演進的經驗,在可見的未來,兩岸在制度的調整上,還有許多可以互補與互助的空間,例如中鋼等台灣國營事業,及公營銀行的民營化經驗,可作為大陸國有國企改革的參考;股市、房市過熱所形成的泡沫經濟,要如何化解降溫,又不使其瞬間破滅…。再如兩岸如何共同維護知識財產權,保障社會的創新動能,一起融入國際。都是未來兩岸可以多加交流,相互學習的課目。   溫世仁先生,這位台灣土生土長的企業家,又是作者和慈善家,前兩年才過世的英業達公司副董,曾經講過:「消滅貧窮就是最大的商機。」他描述他第一次看到祁連山下的黃羊川,那是一個「拍古裝片不用搭場景的地方」,但是他帶領著工程師們一起努力,現在已經將黃羊川發展成一個國際知名的會議中心。他過世一週年的時候,有一萬人排隊弔祭。溫世仁先生的事例說明,兩岸合作,就是要能夠截長補短,分享經驗,改善制度,互相幫助對方解決內在的問題,面對國際的挑戰。我們不只要有醫院、學校,更要將醫院和學校,帶到鄉村去,帶到內地去,就像我追隨蔣經國先生,曾經在台灣所努力做的一樣,讓每個中國人,都能享受基本的現代建設,享有最基本的人權與照料,這才是真正有價值的「最惠待遇」。,br> 前幾天,我到南京,在夫子廟前面,有位老先生擠過重重警戒,跑到我們團員身邊,用南京鄉音大聲喊著:「宋先生,我們不要打仗。」這說明了「和平」,正是兩岸人民共同的心聲。兩岸應該一起努力,讓兩岸成為世界的工廠,成為繁榮的市場,而不是變成戰場。不論基於人本的精神、商業的需求、還是民族的發展,一個「均富」的中國大陸,一個穩定、開放、進步、和平的中國大陸,是符合世界所有國家利益的。 1) 2) 3) 4) 世界有多大,我們的機會就有多大 搭起兩岸間和解與瞭解的心靈之橋-3   宋楚瑜於清華大學演講稿     2005/05/11    取自親民黨網站  在歷史上,台灣常被視為化外之地。許多福建、廣東的移民,為了生存,冒險來到台灣,那種艱難的過程,一般人難以想像。清朝民間流傳一首「渡台悲歌」,一開始就說:「勸君切莫過台灣,台灣恰似鬼門關,千個人去無人轉,知生知死誰都難」。台灣的客家人愛唱的「客家本色」這首歌,更是入木三分:「唐山過台灣,無半點錢;煞猛打拼,耕山耕田;咬薑吃醋幾十年,無識埋怨。」先民們歷盡風霜,在台灣落地生根,從此與家鄉隔絕,逐漸形成了台灣人特有的台灣意識。   這種台灣意識又受到了政治因素的強化。不僅在明清兩代,三令五申「寸板不許下海」、「片帆不許入口」。清朝更嚴苛規定,「渡台者不准攜帶家眷」,台灣俗語的「羅漢腳」,就是這麼來的。這些政策,說好聽點,是讓移民台灣的鄉親自求多福,說難聽點,就是任其自生自滅。   甲午戰敗,「宰相有權能割地,孤臣無力可回天」,台灣像個因為家道中落,被賣出去的養女,一個不爭氣的朝廷,把台灣割讓給日本。日本人則把台灣當作殖民地,經營了五十年。   1949年,國民黨部隊以及家屬數百萬人撤退到台灣。我跟我的父親,就在這時候登上台灣的土地。接下來接近一甲子的時間,我們都在台灣這塊土地上落地生根,奮鬥打拼,深深體悟「千個人去無人轉,知生知死誰都難」的意涵。白居易有首詩,寫道:「弔影分為千里雁,辭根散作九秋蓬,共看明月應垂淚,一夜鄉心五處同」,頗能描述我們這些失根的蓬草,因戰亂而散至各地,重新落地生根的人,那種既懷念原鄉,又紮根於現在家園的心情。兩邊都是我的家,一邊有我們的祖先,而另一邊有我們的子孫。沒有人會為了爭取一邊的認同,而放棄另一邊。蔣經國先生說他「既是中國人,也是台灣人。」道理在此。   其實,大多數台灣人,既不否認自己是炎黃子孫,也信仰著中國大陸來的媽祖與關公。但是四百年來的疏離,一百年來的隔絕,五十年來的對立,尤其是兩岸發展出不同的制度,讓台灣人與大陸的隔閡愈來愈深。台灣人恐懼他們幾十年來的打拼,會因為現狀的改變而化為烏有。因而形成了高度自我保護的「台灣意識」。   請大家不要將「台灣意識」與「台獨」劃上等號。「台灣意識」是在長期歷史脈絡中自然形成的想法,是一種認同台灣的人與土地的情感。「台獨」則是將台灣與中國大陸徹底割裂的企圖。不可否認,「台灣意識」曾經被「台獨」操縱,但這種政治掛帥的手法,反而混淆了台灣同胞真正的心聲。例如為了台獨而去認同日本人,不但扭曲了歷史,也自我否定了台灣人,這是一小群人偏狹的個人經驗,既丟了「根」,也甩了「本」,所以是「根本不對」。   拿親民黨來說,我們是一個在台灣土生土長的政黨,有著非常強烈愛鄉愛土的「台灣意識」,也有濃厚的華夏民族情懷,但我們從頭到尾堅決反對「台獨」。我們一貫強調的,就是「台獨是條走不通的死路」,而台獨,也從來不是親民黨的選項。   兩岸的未來,必須奠基於這種深入的相互瞭解。台灣人要多瞭解大陸的改變,在此同時,我們也期望大陸同胞多瞭解台灣同胞的想法,兩岸應該要異中求同,從瞭解、諒解、到徹底化解的過程中,創造和解再生,與共生共榮的契機。 1) 2) 3) 4) 世界有多大,我們的機會就有多大 搭起兩岸間和解與瞭解的心靈之橋-4   宋楚瑜於清華大學演講稿     2005/05/11    取自親民黨網站真實的面對歷史,務實的開創未來   所有中國人,都記得「鯀用圍堵,治水無成」,以及「禹用疏導,水患不再」的故事。面對我們存在的事實,我相信中國大陸會在「圍堵」與「疏導」中,做出明智的抉擇。   孔子說:「遠人不服,則修文德以來之。」所以,我在這裡誠懇的呼籲,兩岸沒有必要再糾纏在歷史的恩怨中。兩岸已經疏離了幾百年,開始密切交往,不過是近十幾年的事,我們不要「甲緊弄破碗」,吃得太快,反而把碗弄破了。而要有耐心的互相瞭解與諒解,誠實的面對歷史,務實的開創未來,才能讓我們看到美麗的果實。 豐碑無語,行勝於言   簡單的講,兩岸問題的根本解決之道,既不是喊話,也不是武器,而是雙方的政治菁英,不願見到人民生靈塗炭,不願讓幾十年成長努力毀於一旦,那顆仁民愛物的心;以及對中華民族未來,共同的期盼。兩岸只有把人民的幸福放在第一位,才會傾全力找出雙方都能接受的可行方案。用數學的術語來說,就是找出雙方的「最大公約數」。   從和解到再生的過程,絕對不會是短暫的,也不會是一帆風順的。李白有首詩,叫作「行路難」,這首詩寫道:「行路難,行路難,多歧路,今安在?長風破浪會有時,直挂雲帆濟滄海」。我想兩岸和平的進程,也會是一樣的起伏,但只要我們有信念和堅持,一定會雲開見日。   大家可能會懷疑,為什麼道路如此艱險多變,我們還要提著腦袋去做?因為,許多像宋楚瑜這樣的人,不是親身經歷了戰火洗禮,體驗了骨肉離散,就是聽著父母們的痛苦歷史長大。我們不願意我們的下一代,再跟他們的子女,講述他們血淋淋的經驗,這就是我們這麼義無反顧地致力於兩岸和平的原因。   最後,我願用「豐碑無語,行勝於言」這八個字,來與各位共勉。清大校園的日晷上,「行勝於言」這四個字,不但是清華人的信念,也是我們應該奉行的價值,更是兩岸雙方,在未來關係中,檢視對方誠意與善意的基礎。事實是檢驗真理的唯一標準,所以,「不要光看我在大陸說什麼,更要看我們在台灣做了什麼。」(Ask me not what I am saying here in Beijing. Ask only what we are doing in Taiwan.)   今天在座的每一位,都在為中華民族寫歷史。我相信,讓我們一起,站上歷史的制高點,宏觀的看見兩岸合作的未來。世界有多大,中國的機會就有多大,讓我們一起掌握這個機會,攜手同心,腳踏實地,迎接一個為兩岸中國人所準備的21世紀。 Free Mind's Comments in Blue: Despite James Soong (Soong Chu Yu) is the only substantial speaker for the mainlanders, still, the KMT’s trouble is that no one is an advocate for its achievements, and embodies its truely graceful spirit, but, looks at it through a distorted magnifying glass. 事實上,五十幾年前,台灣便認清了「貧窮」才是國家發展的根本障礙,「分配不均」才是讓國民黨政府撤退到台灣的主要原因。所以開始勵精圖治,發展經濟,創造了台灣經濟奇蹟。 To Quote Soong Chu Yu: “The main reason for the Nationalists to retreat to Taiwan is “the distribution of wealth was disproportional”.” The quote from Soong’s speech in QinHua reveals that he is unschooled in the spirit of the Nationalists. Unfortunately, this man does not understand the Nationalists but was allowed to make historically damaging decisions for the Nationalists at the crucial moment. Soong’s crime is that he hastily crowned Lee Deng Hui with the chairmanship of the KMT, in addition to the presidency, when the old and fragile Meiling Soong knew that Lee Deng Hui was a junior and less qualified. Lee Deng Hui is renowned for the Lafayette scandal under his administration, which he blamed on the Nationalists, quickening their demise. Soong, whose father was a General, recently made a horrible comment that his family received no benefit from the KMT but only from the Nationalist army. This is a tacky remark from a high position man. One note to remind this selfish Mr. Soong that it was not his family and his province of Hunan that made the sacrifice, as most sacrificed soldiers and generals were from Henan province, during the Kemoy bombing of 8/23/1958, when half of million bombs flying to attack Kemoy. During the 2nd protection of Shanghai battle, 8.13.1937, 90% of the newly drafted Henan province young men gave their lives as gunpowder ash, for China, in brave resistance against Japan’s invasion. So many brave souls never could utter such a relentless statement toward the Nationalist party and the nationalist government, yet, Soong could have the heart to do so. They didn’t die in vain, but Soong’s statement disqualified himself as a great statesman but only as a vain person. Soong’s mistake, like so many, is that to treat the Nationalists as synonymous with the Chiang family. By simply saying he is a follower of Chiang Jing Guo, does not give him the mandate or leverage to be the inheritor or the leader, and spokesman for the Nationalists or many mainlanders. Chiang’s family is not equivalent to the Nationalist. KMT is not equivalent to a military despot, it is a humane party and it has great educators and economists, other than brave soldiers. 台灣人恐懼他們幾十年來的打拼,會因為現狀的改變而化為烏有。因而形成了高度自我保護的「台灣意識」。 Quote and translation from James Soong: “Taiwanese are frightened that after several decades of hard work, it will turn into nothing after the status quo gets changed. So it forms a highly self-protective “Taiwan consciousness”.” DPP wants to get hold of the looted Nationalist vault and not to let go of the the control. Communist China wants to repossess the ‘renegade province’. Between the wolf and the fox, there is an amazing joint agreement in chastising the victim, the old Nationalists, so this legitimized their claim for the possession of the victims’ rights and belongings. DPP’s success of selling America the rhetoric of being independent is right and synonymous as anti-communism. Now, the Americans seem to understand beyond the rhetoric. This is a very important first step. A very first step for the underdogs who have been demonized for so long, and waiting to be free of this ideological shackle, and gain freedom for an accurate history, returning to their historical perspective. My belief is that only Hu JinTao or the reform minded great statesmen not limited to the Communist party, can support the Chinese KMT achievements, bolster the Nationalist true spirit and will turn things around and ultimately win the fight between Communists and the Nationalists by transforming the Communists into the Nationalist original form, the New Three Principles in transformation and an edited version to advance to freedom.

中國國民黨主席 北大演講全文 連戰:堅持和平 走向雙贏

http://forums.chinatimes.com/report/peace_travel/home/contents_len_1.htm 中國國民黨主席 北大演講全文 連戰:堅持和平 走向雙贏-1 Transcript (in Chinese) of KMT Chairman Lian Zhan's Speech at Beijing University, April 30, 2005 Lian Zhan: Persisitence in Peace and a Win for Both Sides 【時報】                        2005/04/30     閔校長、陳主任、各位貴賓、各位老師、各位同學、大家早安:   今天我和內人偕同中國國民黨大陸訪問團,我們一起來到北京大學,受到各位這麼樣的歡迎,內心感到非常的榮幸、溫馨,要向各位表示感謝之意。   北京大學的現址,就是當年燕京大學的現址。我的母親在三十年代在這裡唸書,所以今天到這裡,備感親切。看到斯草、斯木、斯時、斯人,想到母親在年輕的歲月,在這個校園接受教育、進修成長,心理實在感到非常親切。她老人家今年已經九十六歲了,我告訴她我要到這裡來,她笑咪咪的很高興。台灣的媒體說我今天回母校,母親的學校,這是一次非常正確的報導。   北京大學是中國大學的翹楚。也是中國新思潮的發源地。蔡元培先生的兩句名言「循思想自由的原則,取兼容併包之義」,這種自由、包容的校風之下,長久以來北大為國家、社會不知培育了多少精英分子。尤其在國家、民族、社會需要的時候,都能挺身而出、各領風騷,不但為國家、民族、社會做了很大的貢獻,尤其是展示了中國知識分子感時、傷時、憂國的情操。所以我今天來到這裡,心理非常感動。同樣的,我的母校,也是我服務多年的台灣大學,師生們也以能夠參與爭自由、為民主、保國家的各種活動為榮。 自由思想北大台大一脈相傳   也是因為歷史的因緣際會,台灣大學曾經成為兩岸高等學術人才的鎔爐。一九四九年後,北大好多的老師和同學們,好像種子一樣,跨洋過海,到了台灣,尤其是到了台灣大學,讓自由的種子在台大開花結果。當時除了胡適之先生在中央研究院之外,其他如傅斯年、錢思亮、洪炎秋、臺靜農、沈剛伯、陳雪屏、蔣夢麟等都在台大當教授,受到大家非常的歡迎。尤其胡適之和傅斯年兩位先生都是北大教授,也都是五四運動健將,傅斯年先生曾經代理過北京大學的校長,後來出任台灣大學的校長。一直到今天,台大校園內,悠靜的「傅園」,迴響不已的「傅鐘」都是我們台大師生生活裡的一部分。   簡單來說,自由的思想,北大、台大「系出同源,一脈相傳」,一個是在大陸上自由主義的前峰,一個是台灣自由主義的堡壘,隔了一個海峽,相互輝映。   今天來到北大,我願回顧一下,中國近百年,整個思想的發展應該也可從北大開始,胡適之先生提倡自由主義,代表了我們追求自由民主與繁榮的憧憬。曾經引起了很大的迴響,但是我們仔細來看,自由主義的思想,在中國走的是一段坎坷的路,不是很順利,也不是很成功。   記得在那個年代,胡適之先生介紹杜威的實用主義,談到科學的方法、科學的精神,面對重大政經社會的問題,提出問題取向的態度,要大家以漸進的、逐步改良的方式來面對所有國家的問題。他相信,不要任何的武斷、不要任何的教條,點點滴滴,積沙可以成塔。這是實用主義或自由主義進入中國的最主要的橋樑。 為民族立生命為萬世開太平   那時候,胡適之和李大釗先生在新青年雜誌經過了一系列的辯論,題目就是「多談些問題,少談些主義」。我想這樣的方式在一個正常的時刻和環境之下,也許是一個最好的選擇。但是,為什麼自由主義在中國,它的影響大部分還是在知識分子中?為何如此?我們可以回憶一下,十九世紀末、廿世紀初,那段廿、三十年,你看看這個國家所面對的是什麼?是中法戰爭、是中日甲午戰爭、是八國聯軍、是日俄戰爭、是第一次世界大戰,可以說整個國家都在列強、帝國主義燒殺擄掠,不平等條約喪權辱國的環境中,老百姓的生活已到了貧苦的極至!烽火連天,在這樣的環境,中國人民實在沒有環境來冷靜的思考自由主義所代表的深刻的意義!   各種思想雖然在校園裡百花齊放,百家爭鳴,但最後吸引青年人最大的政治號召,不外乎還是以中國國民黨所代表的三民主義,和中國共產黨代表的社會主義兩條總路線。   今天北大已一百零七年,來到這裡,好像把我們帶領回到近代中國史的時光隧道裡。因為在這裡,不但是人文薈萃,中國近代史也濃縮在這裡。我看到大家,我就想到,各位除了各有專精外,宏觀的思維一定是和北大的前輩先賢一樣,大家念茲在茲的還是要想一個問題,那就是中國的未來到底是在哪裡?我們到底要選擇哪一條路?當然在找尋這兩個問題的答案的時候,我們大家都知道,是歷經曲折和挑戰,讓我們不知走了多少的冤枉路!也不知道得到了多少慘痛的教訓!當然,這些都是非常困難的事!身為知識分子,我相信大家都有百折不迴的決心與勇氣,因為在各位的肩膀上,要擔負的就是要為歷史負起責任,要為廣大的人民找出路!如何讓中華民族不要再走上戰爭和流血的道路?如何實現和平?如何提升人民的生活水準?如何能夠不斷提升我們的國際競爭力?這些重擔都在各位的肩頭上。一肩挑起來,就是現代知識分子偉大的格局。用什麼話來形容這樣子的格局,這樣子的勇氣來帶領我們到一個正確的歷史的方向和目標呢?我想了再想,把它歸納成十二個字,就是希望各位能「為民族立生命,為萬世開太平」。聽起來好像有點老古董,但是畢竟這是我們老祖先心血的結晶。用現代的話來講,這十二個字可以再縮減為八個字,那就是我們大家一定要「堅持和平,走向雙贏」。   當然有人會問我,你的勇氣不小,你的基礎在哪裡?我要在這裡跟各位坦白從寬,在台灣要「報他一備」,我認為這個基礎是歷史的潮流與民意的趨動。這讓我和許許多多人能有勇氣提出來。   什麼是「歷史的潮流」?中國國民黨、中國共產黨都以中國的富強康樂為目標。但是,不幸的,由於日本鐵蹄的侵略,阻礙終止了這個國家該有的文明的建設,以及現代化的進程。抗戰勝利後,國共兩黨對於國家所應該走的總路線又有不同的看法,結果是以內戰的方式來解決,直到今天,一條台灣海峽阻隔了兩岸,不曉得阻隔了多少的家庭,造成了多少的不幸、哀怨!尤其還形成了若干民族間的嫌隙,直到今天仍迴盪不已! 中國國民黨主席 北大演講全文 連戰:堅持和平 走向雙贏-2 【時報】                        2005/04/30   蔣經國鄧小平扭轉歷史關鍵   但是我們也看到,在這樣的歷史的進程中,關鍵的歷史人物,在關鍵的歷史時刻,做了關鍵的決定,扭轉了關鍵的歷史的方向。這是驚天動地,了不起的事情。形成了一個新的趨勢、新的方向,我在特別要提到蔣經國先生和鄧小平先生。   經國先生在兩次能源危機之後,曉得台灣沒有任何的天然物資,要靠自力更生,所以也捲起袖子全心全力推動十大建設、新竹科學園區的建立、技術官僚、號召留學生回國研究投資等等作為,為台灣創造了經濟奇蹟,之後再推動政治民主化的工程,包括,排除威權政治,奠定了政黨互動的模式,並更進一步開放黨禁、報禁,取消戒嚴,以及開放赴大陸探親,從此開啟了兩岸交流的大門,在歷史的時刻扭轉了方向。   小平先生開放改革,不但轉換了文化大革命的方向,全面提升了人民的生活水準。這都是劃時代、了不起的作為。經國先生晚年的時候曾說,他是中國人,也是台灣人,這代表了他內心的一個憂慮,他的憂慮就是大陸和台灣共同的未來要怎麼走。小平先生講到「改革開放的路線要管一百年,動搖不得」。今天大陸經貿的發展、經濟的成長,樣樣都是名列前茅。我是五十九年前離開上海,回到台灣,那時還是一個年輕人。今天來到大陸,所看到的一切的情景,跟我的記憶完全不吻合了。我是懷著一顆祝福的心,一顆持續不斷期盼的心,希望這塊土地能夠更快速的發展。   除了經濟的發展,政治的發展也很快速,例如在基層有很多定點的民主選舉的制度;在憲法裡也提到,財產權是最基本的人權。我相信這些都是正確的歷史方向,是值得鼓勵的歷史的步伐。整個政治改革,無論是腳步或範圍,在大陸還有相當的發展空間。但我必須說,在過去這段時間內,兩岸所走的路和方向已經使兩岸的差距或差異可說是越來越縮小,這是歷史的潮流中非常重要的方向。   接下來,我再談民意的驅動。   我這次到大陸來訪問,來的不易,因為有人質疑,甚至批判,認為我這次訪問代表第三次的國共和談,說我的目的是要「聯共制台」,那個「台」下面應該還有一個「獨」字。這是一個非常嚴肅,且嚴重的扭曲。因為講這種話,是從一個僵化的思維,冷戰、內戰時期的思考來看問題,時間對他們來講的確過得太快了!讓他們留在廿世紀,甚至於是三十、四十、五十年代!我們今天怎能不重視、放眼當前共同展望、開創未來呢?我們為什麼不能以善意為出發點,以信任為基礎,以兩岸人民的福祉為依歸,為民族的長遠利益為考慮呢?所以,人民為主、幸福優先!我想這是包括我們所有的台灣兩千三百萬,大陸十三億的人,大家會共同支持的方向。 勿讓制憲台獨打破幸福基礎   過去面對東西德,柯爾總理說「我們相互需要」;面對南北韓,盧武鉉說「同理心、兄弟情」,這些聲音難道引發不起我們應有的惕厲嗎?我想答案是我們會的。今天我們所走的這條路是人民所支持的;我們搭橋鋪路,是人民所願意看到的。他們不願意再看到兩岸的對峙、對抗,甚至於對撞!他們願意看到的是兩岸的對話與和解,大家的相互合作。   我必須非常嚴正的指出,這是非常嚴重的歪曲與誤解,也是停留在上一個世紀的觀念。過去國共之間,是一種內戰的思維與格局。但我這次的訪問,則是走出不同的思維,我是站在重視現實的基礎上,以善意為出發,以信任為共識,以人民的福祉為先,以民族前途的利益為依歸,讓兩岸走上互惠互利雙贏的道路上去。讓台灣海峽再也聽不到砲聲,兩岸人民不要再流一滴血了。這是我的期望,我也確信這是符合兩千三百萬台灣同胞,與十三億大陸同胞與的共同意願。   我個人也確信,歷史會給和平之旅正確的評價,因為我們是跟著民意走,為兩岸人民服務,再度打破僵局,化解對立,為兩岸的對話、和解、和平、互助做搭橋舖路的工作,這都是人民給我們的力量。   去年底,台灣立法委員的選舉,我們明確提出「走對路,才有出路」的訴求,我們認為不能讓民粹主義取代民意政治;不能讓所謂的「制憲、正名」、「去中國化」、武斷的「台獨時間表」來打破我們幸福的基礎。結果大家都知道,認同支持這種看法和政策立場的在今天立法院佔有絕對多數的立法委員。很多國民黨籍的立委都爭著要來,但是我說不,我們不能「放空營」,人家會偷襲!從他們的當選和得率票就可看出人民的取捨。   星期天,我們出來之前,有一個民調,有百分之六十六的人民認同支持兩岸的和解對話,百分之三十認為可能沒有什麼太大效果。這也是民意明顯的取捨。 民意驅動維護現狀多元包容   在這樣歷史的趨勢和民意的驅動下,我認為現在我們總結過去歷史的契機,好讓我們有一個新的環境、新的思考,以發展建立我們共同的未來和願景。這是非常重要的事情。我們不能一直活在過去,就像邱吉爾所言,「如果永遠讓過去和現在糾纏不清的話,你很可能就失去未來」。   我認為,我們的願景要回到自由的思想,應該朝三個主軸來共同努力,第一是「多元與包容」,第二是「互助與雙贏」,第三是「現狀的維護與和平的堅持」。   各位親愛的朋友們,在資訊網路暢通的時代,台灣與大陸的社會發展越來越多元,而且本身就具備多元的基礎,例如少數民族、不同經濟階層、乃至於不同的政治主張。在一個多元的社會,一定要有包容,像蔡元培所說的包容。如何檢驗是否有包容呢?很簡單,應以理性溝通、相互尊重取代激情謾罵和批判。我再以北大為例,當時北大校長蔣夢麟先生曾有過這麼一段描述:「保守派、維新派和激進派,都同樣有機會爭一日之短長。背後拖著長辮,心理眷戀著帝制的老先生與思想激進的新人物並坐討論,同席笑謔」,這就是包容。   第二個主軸是「互助與雙贏」。今天,市場經濟力量已發揮整合兩岸資源的功能。不過現在是全球化的競爭時代,市場經濟的力量已經席捲全球,在這樣的大時代,競爭力更是關鍵。提昇競爭力,必然要鼓勵合作創新,才有機會。今天兩岸的關係,我們不但是相互依存,而且是互補互利,是一加一大於二的情況,我相信台灣在創造了第一次經濟奇蹟之後,現在正在向第二次經濟奇蹟的這條路努力。今天我們所面臨的是一個千載難逢的機會,中華民族的現代化和富強康樂已經不再是遙不可及的美夢而已了!在即將面臨的未來,兩岸合作賺世界的錢,有甚麼不對呢?我們一定能夠實踐如虎添翼的加乘效果,這種加乘效果不只是雙贏而已,而是多贏。東南亞國家、亞洲其他地區、乃至於世界各國,哪一個國家不關心兩岸?兩岸的和平、互助、雙贏對大家何嘗不是一個「利多」?   第三個主軸是「堅持和平、維護穩定的現狀」。沒有人希望有不穩定的和平。以海峽兩岸目前的互動而言,「穩定」是很重要的基本條件。「穩定」就是要妥善地維持「現狀」(Status Quo)--任何人不要也不應單方面挑戰或改變現況。所謂的現狀的維護,不是靜態的、退縮的、消極的,一方面應避免彼此的爭議;另一方面還要存異求同,凝聚善意,累積動力,開創嶄新亮麗的未。這才是status quo今天所代表的意義。 化刀劍為犁鋤我們不做誰做   過去長久以來,戰爭流血不只是在我們之間,整個世界都普受痛苦和摧殘!在聯合國大廈前有一座雕塑,一根槍桿子打了個死結,這座雕塑的底部有一段深具意義的話:「Swords into plowshare」,意思把刀劍等武器熔化成為犁鋤,來從事民生建設、改善生活!另外美國一位知名教授密傳尼(David Mitrany),他所撰的「營造和平」一書中強調:「和平是點滴心血,累積而成」(Peace by pieces) ,一點一滴的累積,我們可以達到和平的目的。   以色列特拉維夫的猶太人博物館前寫著一段話:「全世界的猶太人對彼此都負有責任」,我們雖然曾經彼此有過戰爭,有過流血,今天要談溝通和平,有時候會覺得談何容易!但是猶太人那句話讓我感觸良深。我相信,有能力、有智慧的中華兒女都了解我們可以「化刀劍為犁鋤」、「化干戈為玉帛」,點滴的心血累積而成我們長長久久的和平關係。   各位親愛的年輕朋友,江山代有才人出,長江後浪推前浪,各位都知道,年輕就是機會,年輕就是希望。在這個時候,大家回想一下前輩先賢曾經負起了他們應該負起的扭轉時代的歷史責任,現在要輪到大家了。大家都是將來國家、社會,乃至於民族的領航人,在這樣的時刻,讓我也想到美國雷根總統的話:「假如我們不做,誰來做?假如現在不做,什麼時候做?」我就是因為這樣來到這裡。讓我們大家共同堅持互惠、雙贏,堅持和平,這是我們的自我期許,也是歷史的責任。惟有我們能夠達到這樣的目的,「為民族立生命,為萬世開太平」。我相信,這將是中華民族為舉世所稱讚的重大成就,也是我們炎黃子孫,面對世世代代的炎黃子孫共同的光榮。謝謝大家。 Free Mind's Critique in blue: Lian Zhan identifies himself as a Taiwanese. Lian Zhan profited the most from the KMT, but did the least for the KMT. Mr. Lian Zhan took the profits and works of the old Nationalists without helping them and their fate in Taiwan. This time, his meeting with Hu Jin Tao, is too late for the old Nationalists, but mostly, will enable Lian Zhan’s descendants to continue to thrive and hold onto the rein as the financial kings in Taiwan. Symbolically, this is supposed to be a historical moment, with the Nationalist and Communist leaders meeting for the first time in 56 years, however, it loses the true essence for the many people who migrated to Taiwan after 1949. The people who came from mainland enabled Taiwan to rise in great prosperity as an economic miracle land. But now, they are demonized and portrayed unjustifiably. The Nationalists were persecuted twice, first in China by the Communists, and then in Taiwan by the hateful Taiwanese. The Taiwanese and Communist Chinese are indebted to the millions of Nationalists who worked hard in mainland China, and came to Taiwan and dedicated their youth and energy, or simply their lives. To this day, they are not mentioned and there is no expression of any gratitude, but only persecution and assaults. One constructive suggestion would be for Lian Zhan to take 10% of his personal wealth to set up a foundation to promote understanding between Taiwanese and Mainlanders. His personal wealth is derived from the accumulated hard work of multitudes of Nationalists. Giving some money now would make atonement for the many years that he did nothing, so that we can go forward before it is too late.

Friday, May 13, 2005


http://www.mercurynews.com/mld/mercurynews/news/breaking_news/11639408.htm PENTAGON RECOMMENDATIONS GO TO INDEPENDENT PANEL By Jim Puzzanghera Mercury News Washington Bureau WASHINGTON - Onizuka Air Force Station in Sunnyvale would be closed, costing 278 people their jobs, but Moffett Field in Mountain View would gain 253 jobs as the home to a new regional Army Reserve headquarters, according to the military base closure recommendations released this morning. Spared are two prestigious facilities in Monterey that California officials were worried would be closed. The Defense Language Institute and the Naval Postgraduate School will not close, according to the commission list, which was obtained by the Mercury News from a congressional source. Moffett Field will gain the jobs as the military shuts Army Reserve facilities in Los Angeles and Little Rock, Ark., and creates a new regional command and control headquarters at the Mountain View facility, which already is home to the NASA-Ames Research Center and a rescue wing of the California Air National Guard. California would lose 5,693 military jobs, 2,829 civilian jobs and 33 contractor positions as 12 bases are closed and a dozen more have their missions changed. But the state would gain 2,044 military jobs and 2,018 military and civilian jobs at other facilities, according to the Pentagon's recommendations to the Base Realignment and Closure Commission. The total impact for the state is a direct net loss of 2,018 jobs, with more likely lost indirectly in surrounding communities. The commission can make changes to the list, but it's very difficult and in previous rounds there have been few changes from the Pentagon's recommendations. ``Overall, upon first examination and looking back at prior base closure rounds, California did not do badly,'' Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., said in a statement. ``Of course, any closure, especially for those most impacted in locals communities, is not usually a very good thing.'' The largest changes in Northern California are at Beale Air Force Base near Sacramento, which will remain open but lose 179 jobs. Moffett Field is the region's biggest gainer. The biggest hits for the state overall take place in Southern California. The Naval Medical Center in San Diego will remain open but lose 1,630 jobs, and the Naval Base in Ventura City will remain open, but lose 1,534 jobs. The biggest gains will be at the Naval Air Weapons Station in China Lake, which will gain 2,469 jobs. The states with the biggest gains in jobs are Maryland with 9,293, Georgia with 7,423 and Texas with 6,150. Overall, the Pentagon is cutting 26,187 jobs. The biggest losses are on the East Coast: Connecticut will lose 8,586 jobs, Maine 6,938 and the District of Columbia 6,496. California took a disproportionate hit in the four earlier rounds of base closures, from 1988 to 1995. The state lost a total of 29 major facilities and nearly half of the 200,092 military jobs cut nationwide, according to the California Office of Military and Aerospace Support. The closings cost the state $9.6 billion in lost annual revenue, according to one state estimate. State officials now say part of the reason for the large hit was that California did not have a statewide strategy, leaving localities to fight for their bases on their own. The Bay Area lost its major military facilities in those rounds, including the Naval Air Station at Moffett Field in Mountain View, the Presidio in California and Fort Ord along Monterey Bay. Despite the earlier closings, the U.S. military still plays an important role in California. The Pentagon spends about $30 billion annually in California, which is home to 62 major defense facilities and about 350 smaller ones, including Onizuka and the Defense Language Institute and Naval Postgraduate School. So California, like many other states, fought hard for its bases before the latest round of closures was announced. California had a unique pitch: After having been hit so hard in the earlier rounds, the state should be spared any major cuts this time. Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger last November formed the Council on Base Support and Retention, with 12 of the 18 members having strong connections to the military. In early April, the council released a 76-page report touting the need for the state's defense facilities called `California: The Key to Transforming America's Military. The state sent copies of the report to President Bush, Defense Secretary Rumsfeld and the chair of the Base Realignment and Closure Commission, Anthony Principi, along with a letter signed by Schwarzenegger and all 55 members of the state's congressional delegation. The letter and report stressed California's main strengths: an ``integrated combination'' of military training facilities, research centers, military schools, academic institutions and defense contractors; bases ``ideally located'' for dealing with threats in the Pacific and across Asia; a diverse geography allows all kinds of training; and a climate that allows for year-round training. ``We are committed to support America's military, and believe California provides that support, across the board, better than any other state,'' the letter said. But every state fought to be spared in the process. Governors traveled to Washington to personally press the Pentagon. Many states tapped former military officers to serve on base retention task forces similar to California's to make their case and lobby Defense officials. Communities have held rallies at their local facilities and sent in petitions arguing their base or facility should not be closed.

5月12日,中共中央总书记胡锦涛在北京人民大会堂会见亲民党主席宋楚瑜一行。 新华社记者 李学仁 摄

http://news.xinhuanet.com/photo/2005-05/12/content_2950161.htm 5月12日,中共中央总书记胡锦涛在北京人民大会堂会见亲民党主席宋楚瑜一行。 新华社记者 李学仁 摄 May 12, General Secretary of the Chinese Communist Party Hu Jin Tao meeting Qin Min Party Chairman Soong Chu Yu and entourage in the Great Hall of the People, Beijing, China. Xinhua News Agency

Thursday, May 12, 2005

Bush's Moscow misstep

http://www.boston.com/news/globe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2005/05/12/bushs_moscow_misstep/ By Jeff Jacoby, Globe Columnist May 12, 2005 MOSCOW WAS the last place President Bush should have gone to mark the 60th anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany. Russian soldiers goose-stepping through Red Square, dignitaries assembled in front of Lenin's tomb, the strains of the Soviet anthem introduced by Stalin in 1944 -- this was not a scene that the leader of the free world had any business being a part of. Of course it cannot be forgotten that the Russian people paid an enormous price during World War II -- 27 million dead, more than the losses of the other allied nations combined. Without Russia's enormous sacrifice, the Allies might never have prevailed. But neither can it be forgotten that Russia did not enter the war on the side of the Western democracies. On the contrary: It helped unleash the war as accomplice of the Germans. The Molotov-Ribbentrop pact signed by the Soviet and Nazi foreign ministers in August 1939 paved the way for the invasion of Poland by the Wehrmacht and the Red Army a month later. For nearly two years, Germany and the USSR were allies -- two years during which the Nazis overran Norway, Denmark, the Netherlands, Belgium, and France and sent wave after wave of bombers to attack Britain from the air. In the same two years, the Soviets occupied Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia, and unleashed a vicious war against Finland. Only after it was invaded by Germany in June 1941 did Moscow belatedly become an ally of the West. Sixty years after V-E Day, moreover, Russia is the only major combatant in the European war that is not today a free democracy. Vladimir Putin has strangled his country's independent media, abolished the election of regional officials, driven a major corporation into bankruptcy in order to seize its assets, launched egregious prosecutions of businessmen who oppose him politically, and grossly interfered in the domestic affairs of neighboring countries. He is conducting a brutal war of butchery and scorched-earth destruction in Chechnya, and openly encourages nostalgia for the days of Stalinist empire and repression. The Bush administration may have no choice but to work with him on issues like nuclear proliferation and terrorism. It doesn't have to reward his creeping fascism with high-prestige presidential visits -- least of all on an occasion intended to mark the victory over Nazi fascism. What made all of this so much worse -- and the president's attendance at the Kremlin-sponsored pageant so much more troubling -- was Putin's repellent defense of Russia's prewar collaboration with Nazi Germany. The Soviet Union had been justified in signing the infamous Molotov-Ribbentrop pact, Putin claimed, because it had to ensure the ''security of its western borders." His foreign ministry denied any wrongdoing in the Red Army's bloody occupation of the Baltic republics. ''One cannot use 'occupation' to describe those historical events," said the Russian ambassador to the European Union. But occupation was exactly what the Soviets inflicted on the Baltics, along with slavery, mass killing, and exile. Putin also described the end of the Soviet Union -- which led to the liberation of Eastern Europe and the emancipation of tens of millions of human beings -- as ''the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century." In fact, the crumbling of the Iron Curtain was one of the 20th century's finest chapters, and Putin's inability to say so speaks volumes about his hostility to democracy and freedom. The real geopolitical catastrophe of the last century was not the fall of Soviet communism but its rise and rule -- the 70-year reign of a murderous ideology that killed more people, crushed more souls, and inflicted more cruelty than any other ''ism" in history. Nazi Germany in all its malignance never came close to matching the degree of evil achieved by Soviet Russia. But whereas a conscience-stricken Germany has deeply and contritely admitted its sins -- most recently on Tuesday, when every senior member of the German government attended the dedication of a new Holocaust memorial in Berlin -- Russia never has. It would be unthinkable for an official German celebration to include swastikas and pictures of Hitler, yet the Victory Day celebration in Red Square featured banners with the communist hammer-and-sickle and images of Vladimir Lenin. Russia's communist heritage has never been meaningfully repudiated. The atrocities of Soviet communism have never been punished -- or even, in most cases, owned up to. Which is why the pomp and circumstance in Moscow this week could not help being as much an exaltation of Russia's Stalinist empire as of the Nazis' defeat. So long as Russia refuses to break with its past, it will never be inoculated against a return to autocracy. No American president belongs on the Red Square reviewing stand next to the man who is dismantling what remains of Russian democracy -- and who still makes excuses for crimes like Molotov-Ribbentrop and the occupation of the Baltics. Free Mind's Comments in blue italics: During the 1934 Long March, China’s first powerful Communist figure, Zhang Guo Tao, lost out to Mao. Mao tricked Zhang’s army so that it was wiped out by warlords in Singjiang Province by telling him that it would be advantageous to open up a Soviet supply line. At the time, Zhang had 80,000 men while Mao’s army only had 30,000. Zhang later defected to the Nationalist side, to Dr. Zhu Jia Hua, while both parties were making a tribute to their joint ancestor, the Yellow Emperor’s tomb. Mao climbed to the forefront, to be the world’s despot, piggybacking on Stalin’s success in oppressing Europe. The Western Hemisphere seems not to want to include China as a serious ally, or not at all, for some odd reasons, as if Chinese are not human beings, and the Chinese don’t count, their sacred blood shed do not seem to register or of concern. Chinese people really do not like Russians, no matter what the propaganda says. I went with a group of students to study Qi Gong and martial arts at Shaolin Temple. We went for a foot herb medicine treatment, and massage. I asked the women there where they were from and was told they were from Manchuria. I was surprised because I don’t think Henan is a better economic place to be. But I was told by a massage owner why she came here to China proper to make a living. She gave me a curt answer: The Russians would never let go of these girls. Russians are infamous for bullying Chinese in Manchuria. The oppressed, like The Chinese or the Baltic nations, all know very well about the oppressors. It is not like by making a trip at the presidential level, people will put down or assuage their fear. Social rooted illnesses take ways to cure; they cannot be coerced by attending a pompous show at Red Square. Like the Hammer and Sickle as a symbol on the Soviet flag, the Chinese Communists have the 5-star flag, but to the oppressed it is the very repulsive symbol of annihilating the other side, the weaker, the kinder. To march forward toward peace, these symbols must be removed. If a Tang Dynasty farmer is holding a sickle in cutting wheat in an ancient calendar imagery, he is a diligent farmer. But for the communist having sickles, it means it is out getting their throats, and they can’t identify with that violent image. How to Integrate China? Part of the Integration process: Take the Sickle image out, throw out the Russian aggressive sickle. So to Integrate China back, or to make adhesive ties from Russia to the Baltics, it does take social works and for the sickle to be erased will be the best thing to do for China. However, it does take planning and to undo the symbol of hate crimes. This is most Chinese people’s desire, it is just that they do not want to have an uprising against the communist government, because they like Hu JinTao, and Wen JiaBao, but they don’t think of them as party great leaders so much as good Chinese men.

Monday, May 09, 2005


http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年05月09日03:37 新华网
Chinese President Hu Jin Tao and Russian World War II Veterans that Fought in Manchuria.
At the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the surrender of the Nazis.
Excerpt from his speech to the veterans.
5月8日,专程到莫斯科参加俄罗斯纪念卫国战争胜利60周年庆典的中国国家主席胡锦涛,在中国驻俄罗斯使馆亲切会见当年曾在中国东北抗日战场上和卫国战争中浴血奋战的俄罗斯老战士代表。新华社记者 胡海昕 摄 点击此处查看全部新闻图片   新华网莫斯科5月8日电 中国国家主席胡锦涛8日在莫斯科会见参加中国抗日战争老战士代表时发表重要讲话。讲话全文如下:   会见参加中国抗日战争的俄罗斯老战士代表的讲话   (2005年5月8日,莫斯科)   中华人民共和国主席 胡锦涛   尊敬的各位老战士,亲爱的同志们,朋友们:   在世界反法西斯战争胜利60周年之际,我来到莫斯科参加俄罗斯纪念卫国战争胜利60周年庆典。今天有机会同当年在中国东北抗日战场上和卫国战争中浴血奋战的俄罗斯老战士代表见面,感到十分高兴。首先,我代表中国政府和人民,向你们表示崇高的敬意!向伟大的俄罗斯人民表示良好的祝愿!   60多年前,法西斯侵略者悍然发动侵略战争,给中俄两国和世界许多国家的人民带来了巨大的灾难和浩劫。在那场正义与邪恶、光明与黑暗的殊死搏斗中,世界反法西斯力量同仇敌忾、相互支援、并肩战斗,终于打败了侵略者,拯救了人类文明,赢得了世界和平。   在第二次世界大战的欧洲主战场上,英雄的苏联军民用满腔热血和宝贵生命捍卫了国家的主权和尊严,并同其他国家的人民一道把法西斯侵略者送上了历史审判台。苏联军民为世界反法西斯战争的胜利付出了世所公认的巨大牺牲,建立了不可磨灭的历史功勋,谱写了惊天动地的壮丽诗篇。   在第二次世界大战的亚洲太平洋主战场上,不屈不挠的中国军民进行了长期艰苦卓绝的斗争,牵制并消灭了凶残的日本侵略者的大量兵力,为世界反法西斯战争的胜利作出了重大贡献,上千万中华儿女在抗日战场上英勇捐躯,在世界反法西斯战争史上谱写了可歌可泣的光辉篇章。   在那场人类历史上空前惨烈的战争中,中苏两国人民并肩作战,结下了生死与共的友谊。当时,中华民族的许多热血儿女,包括毛泽东主席的长子毛岸英,毅然投身苏联红军抗击德国法西斯的作战。在中国抗日战争的关键时刻,苏联红军开赴中国东北战场,同中国军民一道对日作战,为中国人民赢得抗日战争的最终胜利提供了重要支援。在座许多老战士参加了中国东北战场的抗日激战,为中国人民抗击日本侵略者的斗争作出了宝贵的贡献。我向你们表示衷心的感谢。在当年的战斗中,苏联红军将士勇敢作战,不少人壮烈牺牲,他们的英雄业绩永远铭记在中国人民心中。   历史是一面映照现实的明镜,也是一本最富哲理的教科书。牢记历史、不忘过去,是为了珍爱和平、开创未来。我们纪念世界反法西斯战争的胜利,就是要更好地珍惜和维护来之不易的和平,使战争悲剧不再重演,让各国人民永享太平。   近代以来,中国人民饱受外来侵略和压迫之苦,深知和平的珍贵。中国将坚定不移地高举和平、发展、合作的旗帜,坚定不移地走和平发展的道路,坚定不移地为维护世界和平、促进共同发展而奋斗。   中华民族和俄罗斯民族都是伟大的民族。中俄两国人民应该戮力同心,携手前进,同护和平,共促发展。中俄建立和发展战略协作伙伴关系,完全符合两国和两国人民的根本利益。我衷心希望,我们两国人民永远友好下去,同世界各国人民一道努力,共同建立一个持久和平、普遍繁荣的和谐世界,共同开创人类社会更加美好的未来,让中国人民和俄罗斯人民永做好邻居、好朋友、好伙伴,让世界上一切爱好和平的人们永沐和平、稳定、发展的阳光。   最后,祝各位老战士健康长寿、幸福快乐!祝各位来宾身体健康、万事如意!   谢谢大家。  相关专题:纪念反法西斯胜利60周年 Here is a partial English translation of Hu Jin Tao's speech to the Soviet veterans at the celebration of the 60th anniversary of the surrender of the Nazis: “In that cruel war, Chinese and Russian people were shoulder to shoulder fighting the war, and made friendships to die and to live. At the time, many Chinese, including Mao's eldest son, Mao AnYing, went to the Soviet Red Army to resist against German Fascist war. At the crucial juncture during the Chinese war against Japan, the Soviet Red Army came to China's Manchuria battlefield, and fought together with the Chinese military and civilians against Japan. This won the eventual victory for Chinese people against Japan and provided substantial aid and support. To the old veterans who are present and who once participated in person to fight in Manchuria in resisting against Japan's severe battles, also to make precious contributions, to help Chinese people to fight against the Japanese invaders, I want to express my thanks wholeheartedly. In the fighting, the Soviet red army bravely fought, many were sacrificed, and their heroic records will be imprinted on Chinese people’s hearts.” Free Mind’s comments in blue: Hu Jin Tao is just repeating the Communist propaganda. In Manchuria, the Soviet Red Army fought with Mao against the Nationalists, but not against the Japanese. Justice for the Jews and the Chinese Nationalists, please! The question is who really are these Russian veterans? Did they point their guns at the Nationalists or the Japanese? Or could they tell? Nationalists were the ones who made many sacrifices in the war against Japan, with 50 million dead, much more than Germans or Russians. They defended China with their lives. But now they can’t claim honor for their work. In the end, they got killed by the Communists. At least the Jews can tell the world to prosecute the Nazis, because they were the killers. But the Nationalists did the work, fought for their freedom, and in the end, they were accused by the Communists of being corrupt. After all the Nationalist sacrifices, the world seems to turn their back and are laughing when the Nationalists are crying. I would like to borrow a song by the Bee Gees, Called “I Started a Joke”. I started a joke, which started the whole world crying, But I didn’t see that the joke was on me, oh no. I started to cry, which started the whole world laughing, Oh, if I’d only seen that the joke was on me. I looked at the skies, running my hands over my eyes, And I fell out of bed, hurting my head from things that I’d said. Til I finally died, which started the whole world living, Oh, if I’d only seen that the joke was on me. I looked at the skies, running my hands over my eyes, And I fell out of bed, hurting my head from things that I’d said. ’til I finally died, which started the whole world living, Oh, if I’d only seen that the joke was on me.

Saturday, May 07, 2005

Bush recognizes U.S. role in Soviet occupation, Europe trip to laud World War II victory, decry division of continent

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7745789/ Kevin Lamarque / Reuters President Bush looks at Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus, left, during a joint news conference along with Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga, second right, and Estonian President Arnold Ruutel, at Society House in Riga, Latvia, on Saturday. The Associated PressUpdated: 11:56 a.m. ET May 7, 2005RIGA, Latvia - U.S. President Bush said Saturday the Soviet domination of central and eastern Europe after World War II will be remembered as "one of the greatest wrongs of history" and acknowledged that the United States played a significant role in the division of the continent. Bush said the agreement in 1945 at Yalta among Soviet leader Josef Stalin, President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill "followed in the unjust tradition of Munich and the Molotov-Ribbontrop pact." The decisions at Yalta led to the Soviet annexation and occupation of the Baltic countries for nearly half a century. "Once again, when powerful governments negotiated, the freedom of small nations was somehow expendable," the president said, opening a four-nation trip to mark the 60th anniversary of Nazi Germany's defeat. "Yet this attempt to sacrifice freedom for the sake of stability left a continent divided and unstable." During a speech at a Riga cultural center, Bush commended the Baltic people for keeping "a long vigil of suffering and hope" during 50 years of oppressive Soviet occupation. He said the United States has a "binding pledge of the alliance" to help protect the freedom of the Baltic nations. "In defense of your freedom, you will never stand alone," he said. Visit angers RussiaEarlier, Bush suggested that Moscow recognize the lingering pain caused by the decades-old Soviet annexation of the Baltics and said Russia has no cause to be angry at U.S. involvement in democratic progress on its doorstep. SPECIAL COVERAGE • Latest on Bush's European trip• EU needles Russia with V-E Day message• NBC: Bush meeting Putin on troubled ground• NBC: Germans still grapple with WWII legacy• Putin questions Allies’ bombing of Dresden• Bush to remind Putin of Baltics' occupation• Special Report: D-Day at 60• Citizen Journalist: Share combat memories Bush's decision to bracket his trip to Moscow with visits to this Latvian capital and the ex-Soviet republic of Georgia prompted a letter of protest from Russia. Moscow views Bush's travel itinerary -- along with U.S. support for democratic change in Ukraine and Georgia -- as a sign of inappropriate meddling in its neighborhood. The Yalta agreement carved up post-World War II Europe, giving Stalin the whole of Eastern Europe. The agreement led to much criticism of Roosevelt, who was accused of delivering Eastern Europe to communist domination. The meeting took place in Crimea, in the Soviet Union. Russian President Vladimir Putin's government recently angered Poland by saying it should be grateful for the Yalta treaty, which consigned Poland to the Soviet sphere for decades. 'Freedom prevailed'Bush said the victory over Nazi Germany soon gave way to decades of standoff with the Soviet Union. "The great democracies soon found that a new mission had come to us: not merely to defeat a single dictator but to defeat the idea of dictatorship on this continent. Through the decades of that struggle, some endured the role of tyrants, and all lived in the frightening shadow of war. "Yet because we lifted our sights and held firm to our principles, freedom prevailed." Bush met earlier with the leaders of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and said afterward that Russia has no cause to be angry at U.S. involvement in democratic progress on its doorstep and suggested that Moscow recognize the lingering pain caused by the decades-old Soviet annexation of the Baltics. "The idea of countries helping others become free -- I would hope that would be viewed as not revolutionary, but rational foreign policy and decent foreign policy and humane foreign policy," Bush said. "I think countries ought to feel comfortable with having democracies on their borders. "I will continue to speak as clearly as I can to President Putin that it's in his country's interests that there be democracies on his borders," Bush said. Bush saluted the Baltic leaders as models for Russia and elsewhere. "You rank very high as far as I'm concerned in the freedom movement," he said. Bush acknowledged the Baltics' lingering resentment over the Soviet Union's 1940 annexation of their homeland that led to 50 years of oppressive occupation. Though Bush did not directly call for Putin to apologize, the White House hopes the president's high-profile dive into the matter will encourage the Russians to confront a dark spot in their history, in which the end of World War II saw the Baltics merely trade Nazi domination for communist rule. Putin has dismissed such calls, saying Russia apologized after the breakup of the Soviet Union and he sees no reason to apologize again. 'Unavoidable questions'In his speech, Bush recalled that the United States continued to support the Baltic countries during Soviet oppression by flying the flags of free Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia -- illegal in those countries -- over diplomatic missions in the United States. But he said that the defeat of Nazism was a paradox because it spread further captivity in Europe. "The end of World War II raised unavoidable questions for my country: Had we fought and sacrificed only to achieve the permanent division of Europe into armed camps?" Bush asked. "Or did the cause of freedom and the rights of nations require more of us? "Eventually, America and our strong allies made a decision: We would not be content with the liberation of half of Europe -- and we would not forget our friends behind an Iron Curtain," he said. The Munich agreement resulted in the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia, and the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact consigned the Baltic republics to Soviet rule. Free Mind's Comments: 1. Making a pact of exchanging one’s soul and beliefs, like the story of Faust selling his soul to the devil, reflects the sordid "Les Miserables" European version of chaos for the masses, like hell fire. If you make an agreement like selling out Czech, and Hitler breaks the pact, Russia’s Stalin wants to make another agreement to sell out Poland. After repeatedly getting sold out to different occupiers, where shall the oppressed turn to help? Which villain is worse? The earth is punctuated with so many scars. 2. Unnecessarily, America gave away too many concessions to the Soviets in the secret Yalta treaty. Then it backfired with the Korean war, with Americans trying to fight tooth and nail over a small territory after losing the big China. When the pro-left American president FDR could have easily sent a few representatives to be solidly neutral or at the minimum, divide China up with Yangtze river as a natural line. 3. Churchill only had selfish aims, and totally ignored China and treated China as an inferior group. We should get world historical justice to judge him. 4. Karl Marx believed that the Slavic race was inferior to that of the Germans, and that the Slavic race was disappearing. After Peter the Great’s modernization, Russia had the accidental luck to emerge as the new world power, countering the Turks. Turkey was trampled for lack of any modernization programs, so was another major old civilization, China because she was under Qing styled control and dominance. 5. The World tragedy is that the new order endorsed by FDR, Stalin, and Churchill is facing a problem of their own creation, the emergency of mainland Chinese Communists. So who should dictate the peace if the peace doers do themselves in?

Bush begins democracy talks in the Baltics, Europe trip to hail World War II victory, decry postwar occupation

http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7745789/ Kevin Lamarque / Reuters President Bush and first lady Laura Bush, left, arrive in Latvia and appear alongside Latvian President Vike Freiberga on Friday. Posted by Hello The Associated PressUpdated: 4:24 a.m. ET May 7, 2005RIGA, Latvia - President Bush, diving into a delicate dispute between Russia and other parts of the former Soviet Union, is on friendly turf here where streets are adorned with American flags and he is being pinned with the nation’s highest medal. Still, while he wants to highlight democratic reform in this ex-Soviet republic, he is being careful not to alienate Moscow, which sees Bush’s stop here as a sign of meddling in its neighborhood. On the one hand, Bush wants Latvia to give a greater role in society to its Russian residents. On the other, he is nudging Moscow to acknowledge the pain that decades of Soviet occupation caused Latvia and its neighbors. Bush was greeted at the imposing Riga Castle, situated along a river that winds through the city’s old city, by an honor guard and the playing of both countries’ national anthems. He was given the “Three-Star Order, first class,” the nation’s top medal by Latvian President Vaira Vike-Freiberga. “I’ve been telling the (Latvian) president that it’s such a joy to come to the country that loves and values freedom and to be in the presence of a president who speaks so clearly about the need for people to be free and the recognition that a free world will lead to peace,” Bush said. “So Madame president, thank you for your hospitality. Thank you so much for being our friend.” Post-war policies cast shadow on visit Bush’s joint meeting Saturday with the leaders of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia underscores still-simmering anger at the Soviet Union’s annexation of their countries during World War II — resulting in an oppressive occupation that lasted 50 years. SPECIAL COVERAGE • Latest on Bush's European trip• EU needles Russia with V-E Day message• NBC: Bush meeting Putin on troubled ground• NBC: Germans still grapple with WWII legacy• Putin questions Allies’ bombing of Dresden• Bush to remind Putin of Baltics' occupation• Special Report: D-Day at 60• Citizen Journalist: Share combat memories “The form of government that the Baltics had to live under was not of their choosing,” the president said in one of a series of pre-trip interviews with foreign media outlets. Bush was reinforcing that message later Saturday in a speech that the White House hopes will encourage the Russians to confront a dark spot in their wartime history, in which the end of World War II in Europe saw the Baltics merely trade Nazi domination for communist rule. Bush tried once before, when he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin in Slovakia in February, to convince the Russian leader that resolving the issue with the Baltics is in his best interests. “You need to work with these young democracies. I explained to him that it’s best that there be democracies on his border,” Bush said he told Putin. Acknowledging U.S. role in annexation Bush, however, acknowledged that the United States and Britain share a portion of blame for the Baltics’ pain. The 1945 Yalta agreement that carved up post-World War II Europe was forged by Soviet leader Josef Stalin, U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt and British Prime Minister Winston Churchill. “There’s no question three leaders made the decision,” Bush said. The Baltic leaders have pressed the Russians to denounce the occupation. Russia has rebuffed the request, insisting the countries willingly joined the Soviet Union in 1940. As a result, Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus and Estonian President Arnold Ruutel are boycotting Monday’s military parade in Moscow celebrating the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe. Bush is to attend those ceremonies as part of a five-day European tour. Still, he added the Latvia stop as well as one next week in the newly democratic ex-Soviet republic of Georgia. Both nations are resisting Kremlin influence and turning West. Independent since 1991, Latvia and its Baltic neighbors joined the European Union and NATO last year. Also last year, Georgia replaced its corrupt, Moscow-leaning leader with pro-Western President Mikhail Saakashvili, who is refusing to attend the Moscow celebrations because talks have failed to produce an agreement on the closure of Russian military bases in Georgia. Asked if Russia poses a threat to its smaller neighbors, Bush said, “I certainly hope not.” But he added that Latvia has little to fear if his hopes turn out to be false. “We will stand with Latvia if a larger country tries to intimidate the people,” he said. Balancing act for BushAt the same time, well aware of Russia’s importance to many U.S. priorities, the White House made sure to emphasize the parts of Bush’s Riga speech aimed at trying to defuse Russian pique over the president’s itinerary. Bush and his aides said he would focus on encouraging Latvia to better protect minority rights, a reference to the large ethnic Russian population in Latvia. “A true democracy is one that says minorities are important and that the will of the majority can’t trample the minority,” Bush said. Bush’s meetings and speech were part of a busy less-than-24 hours he was spending in this country of 2.3 million on the Baltic Sea. He was also meeting with local leaders and laying a wreath at a monument in a Riga square that is Latvia’s leading symbol of independence. By afternoon, he was to travel to an American veterans cemetery in the Netherlands for more ceremonies marking the anniversary of the World War II defeat of Nazi Germany. Later Sunday, Bush goes to Moscow for a private meeting with Putin and Monday’s World War II victory commemoration. He closes his trip on Tuesday with a visit to Tbilisi, Georgia.

亲民党主席宋楚瑜率团拜谒中山陵并发表演讲 Qin Min Party Leader Soong Led the Group to Visit Sun Yat Sen Mausoleum

http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年05月07日10:35 中国新闻网 宋楚瑜随后在祭堂前为中山陵题词 Posted by Hello  中新江苏新闻网5月7日电 (记者陈光明) 亲民党主席宋楚瑜率领亲民党大陆访问团今天上午拜谒了中山陵。   上午九点十五分,宋楚瑜率领亲民党大陆访问团乘车抵达中山陵博爱广场,随即从正门进入中山陵园。  今天的南京城又是晴空万里,阳光明媚。东郊钟山风景区内松柏苍翠,鲜花吐艳,巍峨的中山陵在阳光下显得格外壮观。   宋楚瑜一行沿着铺有三百九十二级石阶的墓道拾级而上,前往拜谒地———中山祭堂与墓室。墓道两边等候已久的市民纷纷向宋楚瑜一行鼓掌欢迎.   九时三十分,在一片肃穆中,拜陵仪式正式开始。宋楚瑜作为主祭人向孙中山坐像敬献黄色花环。献花毕,访问团成员向孙中山坐像行三鞠躬礼。   司仪宣读《祭文》,祭文歌颂了孙中山的丰功伟绩和高风亮节。祭文宣读完毕,访问团成员默念三分钟。随后依序进入墓室,凭吊孙中山棺椁。   整个拜祭活动大约十分钟。宋楚瑜随后在祭堂前为中山陵题词,以志纪念。随后,在博爱广场向媒体发表了演讲。   相关专题:亲民党主席宋楚瑜访问大陆

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Comments on John F. Kennedy's 1961 Inaugural Address

And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. http://www.jfklibrary.org/j012061.htm Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction. Free Mind’s comments in blue italics: Kennedy was aware of the nuclear science being developed by Communist China and Russia, and was urging the peace. This arms race led to the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed. Kennedy’s strategy was to keep American powerful, so that to rest assured nuclear weapons would never be employed. This made the US foreign policy strategy that the Republic of China in Taiwan could never return to China because of the fear of the Chinese nuclear might. Many people’s hope to return home to China was sacrificed. But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course--both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war. So let us begin anew--remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate. Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms--and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations. This is why Bush wants to bring Iran and North Korea under multilateral control, not a unilateral or bilateral talk, but multilateral talks, six countries. Sometimes, studying the inaugural address, you can see into the mind of a president, which really is the ‘state of the national fate and major issues’. It is important to learn how they cope with these dangerous and critical issues, mostly in the foreign relations. So this is the best training and analysis of the “Foreign Relations, or diplomatic training”, one can train oneself. Quote Kennedy In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility--I welcome it. Just like the Chinese Nationalists who were defending freedom from the danger of being swallowed by the old invaders the imperialists Qing, and new foreign colonial conquerors, Britain, France, Germany, the perennial invasive Russians, and their nemesis rising to power, the Japanese eager to test their Meiji reconstruction power gained from emulating the west. And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own. http://www.jfklibrary.org/j012061.htm Inaugural AddressPresident John F. KennedyWashington, D.C.January 20, 1961 Vice President Johnson, Mr. Speaker, Mr. Chief Justice, President Eisenhower, Vice President Nixon, President Truman, Reverend Clergy, fellow citizens: We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom--symbolizing an end as well as a beginning--signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forbears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago. The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary beliefs for which our forebears fought are still at issue around the globe--the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God. We dare not forget today that we are the heirs of that first revolution. Let the word go forth from this time and place, to friend and foe alike, that the torch has been passed to a new generation of Americans--born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage--and unwilling to witness or permit the slow undoing of those human rights to which this nation has always been committed, and to which we are committed today at home and around the world. Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price, bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe to assure the survival and the success of liberty. This much we pledge--and more. To those old allies whose cultural and spiritual origins we share, we pledge the loyalty of faithful friends. United there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures. Divided there is little we can do--for we dare not meet a powerful challenge at odds and split asunder. To those new states whom we welcome to the ranks of the free, we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have passed away merely to be replaced by a far more iron tyranny. We shall not always expect to find them supporting our view. But we shall always hope to find them strongly supporting their own freedom--and to remember that, in the past, those who foolishly sought power by riding the back of the tiger ended up inside. To those people in the huts and villages of half the globe struggling to break the bonds of mass misery, we pledge our best efforts to help them help themselves, for whatever period is required--not because the communists may be doing it, not because we seek their votes, but because it is right. If a free society cannot help the many who are poor, it cannot save the few who are rich. To our sister republics south of our border, we offer a special pledge--to convert our good words into good deeds--in a new alliance for progress--to assist free men and free governments in casting off the chains of poverty. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. Let all our neighbors know that we shall join with them to oppose aggression or subversion anywhere in the Americas. And let every other power know that this Hemisphere intends to remain the master of its own house. To that world assembly of sovereign states, the United Nations, our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace, we renew our pledge of support--to prevent it from becoming merely a forum for invective--to strengthen its shield of the new and the weak--and to enlarge the area in which its writ may run. Finally, to those nations who would make themselves our adversary, we offer not a pledge but a request: that both sides begin anew the quest for peace, before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction. We dare not tempt them with weakness. For only when our arms are sufficient beyond doubt can we be certain beyond doubt that they will never be employed. But neither can two great and powerful groups of nations take comfort from our present course--both sides overburdened by the cost of modern weapons, both rightly alarmed by the steady spread of the deadly atom, yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind's final war. So let us begin anew--remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness, and sincerity is always subject to proof. Let us never negotiate out of fear. But let us never fear to negotiate. Let both sides explore what problems unite us instead of belaboring those problems which divide us. Let both sides, for the first time, formulate serious and precise proposals for the inspection and control of arms--and bring the absolute power to destroy other nations under the absolute control of all nations. Let both sides seek to invoke the wonders of science instead of its terrors. Together let us explore the stars, conquer the deserts, eradicate disease, tap the ocean depths and encourage the arts and commerce. Let both sides unite to heed in all corners of the earth the command of Isaiah--to "undo the heavy burdens . . . (and) let the oppressed go free." And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion, let both sides join in creating a new endeavor, not a new balance of power, but a new world of law, where the strong are just and the weak secure and the peace preserved. All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days, nor in the life of this Administration, nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin. In your hands, my fellow citizens, more than mine, will rest the final success or failure of our course. Since this country was founded, each generation of Americans has been summoned to give testimony to its national loyalty. The graves of young Americans who answered the call to service surround the globe. Now the trumpet summons us again--not as a call to bear arms, though arms we need--not as a call to battle, though embattled we are-- but a call to bear the burden of a long twilight struggle, year in and year out, "rejoicing in hope, patient in tribulation"--a struggle against the common enemies of man: tyranny, poverty, disease and war itself. Can we forge against these enemies a grand and global alliance, North and South, East and West, that can assure a more fruitful life for all mankind? Will you join in that historic effort? In the long history of the world, only a few generations have been granted the role of defending freedom in its hour of maximum danger. I do not shrink from this responsibility--I welcome it. I do not believe that any of us would exchange places with any other people or any other generation. The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it--and the glow from that fire can truly light the world. And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you--ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man. Finally, whether you are citizens of America or citizens of the world, ask of us here the same high standards of strength and sacrifice which we ask of you. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to lead the land we love, asking His blessing and His help, but knowing that here on earth God's work must truly be our own.

Bush walking fine line with trip to ex-Soviet republics

http://www.usatoday.com/news/washington/2005-05-04-bush-russia-trip_x.htm By Oren Dorell, USA TODAY WASHINGTON — On its surface, President Bush's trip to Europe looks like a simple visit to help his friend, Russian President Vladimir Putin, celebrate the 60th anniversary of the end of World War II in Europe. Putin is likely to be pleased by Bush's Russian visit, but displeased when the president visits former Soviet republics. Posted by Hello In reality, though, the trip is also a carefully choreographed diplomatic mission that will demonstrate U.S. concern about a Russian retreat from democratic principles, while signaling support for U.S. allies who were once dominated by the former Soviet Union. The "Great Patriotic War," as World War II is known in Russia, cost 27 million Russian lives, and its end is widely celebrated in Russia. But it also heralded the consolidation of Stalinism, the birth of the Soviet empire and the start of the Cold War. Baltic states were swept into the Soviet Union, where they would stay until the Soviet collapse in 1991. "Bush has a problem," says Radek Sikorski, a fellow at the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative Washington think tank. "He wants to do Putin a favor, but he doesn't want to come across as supporting neo-Stalinism." Provocative visits Bush arrives Friday in the Latvian capital, Riga, where he will meet with leaders of Latvia, Estonia and Lithuania on Saturday. All three countries were subsumed into the Soviet Union at the end of World War II, and the leaders of all three have publicly disputed Putin's contention last week that the collapse of the Soviet Union was a "major geopolitical disaster." The presidents of Estonia and Lithuania have declined the Russian invitation to the celebration in Moscow. Latvia's prime minister will attend but will use the trip to talk about the Soviet "occupation." On each leg of the trip, Bush will participate in meetings intended to demonstrate his support for independence and sovereignty in the states of the former Soviet Union, countries that Russia still feels are in its sphere of influence. In Latvia, Bush will visit the Freedom Monument, which symbolizes Latvia's independence. In Georgia on Tuesday, he will speak in Freedom Square in Tbilisi, the original flashpoint of the democratic movement that began in Georgia and later spread to Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan. In each country and in Moscow, Bush will hold roundtable discussions with human rights and democracy activists. "If you look at all the trips together," said national security adviser Stephen Hadley in a briefing Wednesday, "I think it will be an opportunity for the president to celebrate freedom" and to "make clear that ... sovereignty needs to be respected." Irritating the Russians Bush's itinerary has caused consternation among Russian officials. "How can an ordinary Russian imagine this partnership we are trying to create with the United States" when Bush is making Moscow uncomfortable with visits to surrounding countries, asks Alexander Lukashevich, senior counselor at the Russian Embassy in Washington. Lukashevich says Latvians have discriminated against Russian-speaking Latvians, which makes Bush's trip there objectionable. "What provoked that decision I don't know." A complicated relationship has evolved between the United States and Russia. The two countries fought as allies during World War II and were rivals during the Cold War. They drew closer after the breakup of the Soviet Union and during their common fight against terrorism after the 9/11 attacks. The two nations need much from each other. The United States needs Russia's oil, its help in the war on terror and its support in curbing nuclear ambitions in Iran and North Korea. And Russia needs U.S. backing in its quest to become a full member of the Group of Eight industrialized nations and of the World Trade Organization. Yet, lately the relationship has been tested. Putin proposed measures to eliminate direct elections of parliamentary candidates and empower him to appoint regional governors. And the Russian government has eliminated Russia's independent broadcast media, according to Human Rights Watch. And Putin and Bush don't see eye-to-eye on changes in the region. Putin last week offered a warm reception to Belarus President Alexander Lukashenko, just days after Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice branded Lukashenko Europe's last dictator. And in March, the Russian president complained that the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, which monitors security and human rights, is encroaching in its former sphere of influence by encouraging democracy in Ukraine, Georgia and elsewhere. "There's increasing concern in the United States about Russia putting pressure on its smaller neighbors," particularly Latvia and Georgia, says Fiona Hill, a Russia scholar at the Brookings Institution, a think tank. Bush's visit "is definitely a signal to the Russians (to)'back off.' "