Tuesday, August 30, 2005

General Zhang ZiZhong 張自忠將軍戰死沙場

漁光曲 Song of the Fishermen
In 1935, Song of the Fishermen was the first Chinese film that ever won an International award.
Comments by Free Mind 5月28日1940年 江邊的淒愴冷雨飄落 張自忠將軍遺體由前線運來時﹐國民政府軍政界民眾站列江邊﹐向為國殉身的英勇﹐他的棺木遺體致敬﹐無限哀傷。 On 5.28.1940 The cold rain is falling on the bank of Yangtze River in Chongqing, YiChang. General Zhang ZiZhong's body is being sent from the frontline. The Nationalist government and the people are standing on the bank to pay tribute to his coffin with great sadness. At this moment, Jiang Qing is acting in the ethnic show "Fishermen's Uprising to Annihilate the Family" to gain the favoritism from Mao Zedong. At the front the Nationalists led bitter battles against the Japanese army, but in Yenan, the Communists are utilizing the ancient folklore of Uprising to stimulate the riots against the landlords by taking advantage of an instable situation. They are able to use the theatrical art to do advertising for their own uprising to strike down the Nationalists and to persecute anyone who has some normal income or owning some land even just a little lot. 此時﹐ 江青因演“打漁殺家”﹐獲得毛澤東的青睞。 前方作戰﹐延安﹐卻積極用原本古老的正義起事﹐激起人們對不穩定局勢的暴動行為。 以民族戲劇做宣傳教導。 對地主進行鬥爭﹐打擊國民黨軍民。 1942﹐ 美國會通過中國的租界法案﹐中國學員有送往美接受空軍訓練的機會。 Story of P-40 Warhawk Pilots fought together shoulder to shoulder, China and America fought against the Japanese invasion 美國製造一萬三千架P-40飛機﹐有數十萬中美英加澳飛行員飛過它。 國民黨飛行員8。18。1944年執行轟炸日軍軍火庫﹐六架飛機﹐迫降﹐ 國民黨游擊隊救起﹐四方躲避日軍搜索。 外有日軍﹐八路﹐離開西安一兩百里。 America manufactured over 13,000 P-40 planes. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese, American, British, Canadian, and Australian pilots flew it. There were six planes on 8.18.1944 carrying the mission of bombing the Japanese arsenal warehouse, but were forced to land. They were saved by the Nationalist side of the guerrillas. They tried to escape the Japanese searching. On the outskirts they had the Japanese army, and 8th Route Communist army threatening, from Xian 100 to 200 kilometers. P40 American Major Bill Turner dropped a package, with anti-inflammation pills, a bottle of wine, 4 packs of Camel cigarettes, and some money. Then he landed to save him to open up the P-40’s stomach with wireless little door, stuffed the injured pilot in, and the plane swung back to Xian. 進言胡錦濤 還人清白與正義﹐勇于認錯﹐ 才有民族複合復興重建的可能性。 Advice to Hu Jintao Courageously return the Justice to the Nationalists, this will enable the reconstruction of Chinese people and the remaking of a newer stronger Chinese culture with grace. http://military.people.com.cn/BIG5/42964/3593215.html 宜昌發現日軍記錄:張自忠臨死有說不出的威嚴 2005年08月04日19:37 【字號 】【留言】【論壇】【打印】【關閉】 新華社武漢8月4日電 (記者楊興國)湖北省宜昌市檔案館近日整理出的一本侵華日軍戰地記錄,再現了與以前史料不盡相同的著名抗日愛國將領張自忠壯烈犧牲的細節。  據宜昌市檔案館保管利用科科長程錫勇介紹,過去有關張自忠將軍以身殉國的史料中,隻記載了1940年5月棗宜會戰期間,國民革命軍第33集團軍總司令張自忠將軍,於5月7日親率僅剩的2個團加總部直屬特務營由宜城渡過漢水與日軍作戰。5月9日至13日,張自忠將軍所率的部隊陷入日軍包圍之中,5月16日下午,張自忠將軍在宜城南瓜店與日軍激戰中不幸以身殉國。至於張自忠將軍戰死疆場的細節,一直沒有詳實史料。 About General Zhang ZeZhong died for the country During May 1940, Nationalist army number 33 commander Zhang ZeZhong, led 2 Tuan and spy workers to pass Han Shui River and battle against Japanese army. From May 9th to 13th, Zhang fought in Yi Cheng city Pumpkin town and in the severe combat, he was sacrificed. There is never any detail on history.  宜昌市檔案館收藏了一本侵華日軍戰地記錄《231聯隊史》,作者是侵華日軍華中派遣軍第11軍團39師231聯隊原隊長浦銀次郎,投降時任宜昌警備司令官、陸軍少將,戰后被遠東國際法庭判處無期徒刑。A Japanese has published 231 Union army history, the author was sentenced after the war by the Far Eastern Tribunal as life sentence, he was number 11 army tuan and #39 Shi battalion, team 231, team leader.  程錫勇告訴記者,這本《231聯隊史》記載了張自忠將軍戰死疆場的悲壯一幕:“第四分隊的藤岡一等兵,是沖鋒隊伍中的一把尖刀,他端著刺刀向敵最高指揮官模樣的大身材軍官沖去,此人從血泊中猛然站起,眼睛死死盯住藤岡。 The history was documented as thus: How Zhang died. #4 group’s soldier, took a bayonet to hit the large built enemy highest commander and he stood up in the pool of blood and his eyes fixated at the solider. 當沖到距這個大身材軍官隻有不到三米的距離時,藤岡一等兵從他射來的眼光中,感到有一種說不出的威嚴,竟不由自主地愣在原地。這時背后響起了槍聲,第三中隊長堂野軍曹射出了一顆子彈,命中了這個軍官的頭部。他的臉上微微出現了難受的表情。與此同時,藤岡一等兵像是被槍聲驚醒,也狠起心來,傾全身之力,舉起刺刀,向高大的身軀深深扎去。在這一刺之下,這個高大的身軀再也支持不住,像山體倒塌似的,轟然倒地。” Not over 3 meters distance, Japanese solider feels a compelling dignity and was transfixed at the location. Then from the back there were gun shots, the third team leader fired a bullet to hit the officer’s head. His face had a pained look. Then the solider as if shocked by the gun shot, with all his might, hardened his heart, raised the bayonet to cut into his body. Then this large built man could not support himself anymore to fall like a mountain with a loud sound.  程錫勇介紹說,日軍戰地記錄還寫到,張自忠將軍犧牲時著的是便服,他的荷包裡揣著“國民政府”頒發的傷殘証,日軍從中國軍官的遺物,終於認定尸體是張自忠將軍。殺害張自忠將軍的日軍,也對張將軍的忠勇深表崇敬。除文字記述之外,還附有一張張自忠將軍戰死經過圖。 In the document, it says that General Zhang was wearing civilian clothing, and in his pocket he has “Nationalist government” certificate of injured disabled card. He then identified from the body to be General Zhang, and he expressed respect toward his brevity, also enclosed how General Zhang was killed in the battle.  張自忠將軍戰死沙場的消息傳出后,當時舉國上下為之震驚。根據當時國民政府指示,奉命增援的38師在16日夜奔至南瓜店,夜襲日軍,奮勇搶回了遺體。1940年5月28日,張自忠將軍的遺體被運往重慶,國民政府舉行了隆重葬禮。8月15日,延安各界人士舉行張自忠將軍追悼大會。1982年,中華人民共和國民政部追認張自忠為革命烈士。 虓翩G新華社 (責任編輯:庄紅韜) Nationalist sent order to attack the Japanese army on the 16th, by sending number 38 Shi Battalion, and took his body back. On May 28th, 1940, General Zhang’s body was sent to Chongqing. It had a grand memorial.


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