Monday, October 24, 2005

Media Neutrality and Apolitical Reporting Should be the Norm Rather than the Exception

Media Neutrality and Apolitical Reporting Should be the Norm Rather than the Exception The corrupt elite White House paparazzi have got to go! The Invasion of the spoiled young starlet paparazzi into the "People’s House". They are making more income than senators, and they have the air of self-importance of questioning and sneering at the administration. They are wearing expensive jewelry, and designer suits when the fellow citizens drowned in the flood. They are ill-mannered, unmoving, cold blooded, squabble with themselves on TV, and lack sympathy in their understanding tragedies. They should be the culprits because they act like they are the boss, and threaten Karl Rove, so Bush is forced to keep Rove in the background for the past few months. In fact, they helped or slowed the response to Hurricane Katrina because of their celebrity status swimming pool party on 8/25 in the president’s ranch. The management procedures and evacuations could have been implemented more effectively with Rove and efficient aids surrounding the president, rather than their frivolous desires to preoccupy themselves in the crucial days prior to the 8/29 Katrina landfall. They are judgmental and are not honest in their reporting. They are so critical that they divert the administration’s attention at the time that they need to do work. To quote former FEMA director Mike Brown on September 1, “I knew what was going on in the Superdome, but the White House didn’t”. According to CNN’s coverage all day on September 1, Bush was doing fund raising with the Red Cross, not the real administrative rescue work. And yet a CNN reporter was saying, “We were all laughing in the White House as Bush went down to the second hurricane, Rita”. The reporters were indicting and trying the important top aids before the investigation was complete, so that the president had to distance himself from his aids like Rove and McClellan, and others. This gave the young starlet more access, more coverage, and a promotion to the limelight, to advance her career. They are in Bush’s way in trying to go to the Emergency Center, and they tackled him. So if aid came to advise him to go to Northern Command in Colorado, in order to extricate himself from looking bad and inefficient, they attacked back by saying, “His response to Rita was not necessary, as no one got killed, just by Tornado, and Bush mainly went there for photo Ops”. American people are fed up by these comments. We wonder why the President is reduced to have no liberty to go where he wants to go? If it is the White House women team responsibility to keep a tab on him, and to dictate his every move, are they infringing on the executive power? According to Richard Prince’s report on April 22, 2005 CNN's naming of White House correspondent John King as national correspondent means "that the CNN White House Unit on-air line-up of Suzanne Malveaux, Dana Bash, and Elaine Quijano will become what some media historians see as the first all-women White House correspondent team in the history of television," ABC News' "The Note" reported. The press has done a good job in silencing Rove, and McClellan. Bush still has an over 80% approval rating among Republicans. Perhaps this is the point, to have him lose this Republican base. The press has tried to divide the Republicans about Harriet Miers, even before her Senate Hearing has started, and the press is always exaggerating “the growing divide” of the Republican Party, and whatever scandals Republicans like DeLay, Frist and Lott are involved in, no matter how small or unimportant. The American people need to discuss the issues, they do not always need a crisis. The media always tries to create crises. Democracy is based on discussion, not on agitated hyped-up commotions. The press hopes that they can remove the tactical advisor Rove, and next to dismantle Rumsfeld, the federal government, and the Republic can fall like domino. The ultimate goal can be obtained to have a disabled Bush. They say, “Not a dead duck, but a lame duck”. The news reporters that make $200,000 can parlay the journalism worthy a million with their face on Time magazine and internatonal stardom. We just want updates, not soap operas, or National Enquirer’s level of reporting. In their disrespectful way, with overly arrogant attire and gestures, they are losing all appeal to the public, but are insulting American people’s IQ with their stories attacking the president. People are saying that the reporting is too political, without a sense of media neutrality, and balanced reporting needs to be instilled urgently.


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