Monday, November 07, 2005

President Bush’s Latin America Geopolitical Summit and Ancient Chinese Strategist Su Qin

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez addresses a rally during Bush's visit to Argentina
President Bush’s Latin America Geopolitical Summit and Ancient Chinese Strategist Su Qin This is the first time that President Bush went to Argentina, Brazil and Panama. It gives a great illustration of the American geopolitical contours. In particular, the encounter of the force by Venezuelan President Chavez and his demonstration was a poignant echo of the rising discontent over American imperialism by Latin Americans. Chavez asked the rest of the Latin countries to rise in unison to oppose American imperialism. What he needs is Su Qin’s strategic help with the counteracting war strategy. Su Qin was the six countries’ shared and delegated prime minister during the Warring States (475-221 BC). Su Qin believed that if you are cutting the land or making concessions to a powerful empire, you are not going to survive in the end. He admonished and persuaded the neighboring Chu Country to stand on their backbone, and not to be served up to the neighboring bully. Su decided to get the rest of the 6 countries, all formulated in their geological formation, as satellites along a longitudinal line to connect them into a block against the voracious enemy from the west. The Chinese Nationalists should have learned strategy from Su Qin, to form a united frontline against the overall colonial powers. But instead, their strategy was bilateral with each country, in the hope that the other country would come out to intervene. The Old Marshal’s strategy was pro-Japan, yet still being friends with Russia. But his son, a.k.a. “the Young Marshal”, could not balance this at all. Such a desire never paid off, as both Russia and Japan were trying to gain advantage from China. 戰國時的謀略家蘇秦,東周晚期 Su Qin ( - 317 BC) was the strategist in Luoyang, Henan Province, during the WARRING STATES era, late Eastern Zhou dynasty. Throughout the entire history, he is the only person who was serving in the capacity of a concurrent prime minister for 6 different countries. He wore six countries’ seals under his belt. He had the authority to sign any treaty at anytime. Look at how Su Qin took full advantage of the diplomatic channels to reach his goal--to get six states to form a coalition. Su Qin is a legendary persuader in Chinese History. In 1973, artifacts were discovered from a Han Dynasty tomb in Hunan Province, China. Among these artifacts are the “Warring States’ Zhong-Heng Strategists Books”, containing Su Qin’s writing on persuasion techniques. Su Qin combined the Yin-Yang and Open-Closed theories as his central approach. Su Qin headed to the state of Zhao in about 335 BC. By 333 BC, he succeeded in convincing all six lords to form a coalition. They agreed not only to defend against “Qin”, but also against any aggressor(s) amongst themselves. They all appointed him as their prime minister to enforce the coalition agreement, the only person in Chinese history to have the honor of serving six states concurrently. “Qin” became so wary of the coalition that it did not send its troops out of its territory for at least 15 years. Su Qin was assassinated in 317 BC. Su Qin was the powerful strategist during the most dynamic era, the Warring States era. Zhan Guo (475 – 221 B.C.) with 7 countries, Qin, Chu, Yan, Qi, Wei, Zhao, Han Su Qin’s methodology was He Zong (unify the geopolitical longitude countries). These are the states to the right of the Qin Empire. There was the HanGuGuan Pass that leading to關東 GuanDong(East region to the Pass). The Qin Empire itself was called關西Guan Xi (West of the Han Gu Guan pass, and Tong Guan pass). The pass is near the Yellow River makes a right angle turn into Henan Province, and the section is the middle stream. Su Qin was powerful enough to restrain the Qin soldiers beyond the Han Gu Guan Pass for 15 years. The Qin Country was not able to conquer all of China until 221 B.C., 96 years after Su Qin’s death. Patent by Free Mind Free Mind’s great love toward China Proper and great discovery on Chinese and Japanese Lingual roots: These terminologies originated from here, China proper soldiers were called the Guan Dong army. The Three Kingdom Wei country’s army is called Guan Dong army, and was recorded in the poem and history. The Wei king and General曹操 Cao Cao wrote a poem about his Guandong army with affection and pride. However, this Guan Dong army phrase became the same as the WWII Japanese invader army killers in China. Japan also has Guan Dong and Guan Xi regional terminology. -------- information One of the largest and most famous geopolitical coalitions in ancient Chinese history was based on power calculations similar to assessments of CNP. The director of the military research division of the General Staff Department of the People's Liberation Army (PLA), Colonel Chai Yuqiu, recounts that in 334 B.C., during the Warring States era, the strategist Su Qin proposed that the six states of the vertical pillar of the strategic rectangle that made up the Warring States geopolitical game board unite against the hegemonic state of Qin. Su Qin explained that together, the land of the six nations was five times greater than the territory of Qin, and their combined military power was ten times greater than that of Qin. If the six nations united together to attack Qin, it would be destroyed. Su Qin successfully persuaded all six to "unite vertically" (he zong) to prevent their destruction, one by one, by Qin's hegemony. It was not until the next century that Qin's leading strategist was able to break up this coalition, which had been based on quantitative calculations of comparative power. (501) ------------------ It looks like President Bush is calling the united front from the Latin countries to go against China, the rising power as that of Su Qin vs the powerful Qin Empire. November 7, 2005 President Bush Meets with President Torrijos of Panama Casa AmarillaPanama City, Panama “At the FTAA, 29 countries -- I mean, at the summit on the FTAA, 29 countries said, let's make sure in 2006 we continue discussing a way forward for the FTAA -- 29 of the 34 countries. There was a strong approval for the concept of working together to put agreements in place that will enable us to compete with China in the long run, for example. And so I found the spirit for free trade to be strong. There were five nations that said, well, we don't want to do it as soon as 2006. On the other hand, I went to Brazil yesterday, and there was strong agreement in Brazil that we work together to advance the Doha Round of the WTO. “ “The impression I came away with, which is an accurate impression, is that there's a lot of people who recognize -- by far, the vast majority of countries recognize it's in our nations' interests to advance the trade agenda. “ 地理學在縱橫學中的地位    所謂縱橫之學,究竟為何?    據蘇秦游說各國的言辭觀之,蘇秦於地理,尤其是經濟地理,極其精通。    比如,蘇秦之說秦惠王曰:「秦四塞之國,被 山帶渭,東有關河,西有漢中,南 有巴蜀,北有代馬,此天府也。」    其說燕文侯曰:「燕東有朝鮮、遼東,北有林胡、樓煩,西有雲中、九原,南有□沱、易水,地方 二千餘里,帶甲數十萬,車六百乘,騎六千匹,粟支數年。南有碣石、鴈門之饒,北有棗栗之利,民雖不佃作而足於棗栗矣。此所謂天府者也。」    其說趙肅侯曰:「趙地方二千餘里,帶甲數十萬,車千乘,騎萬匹,粟支數年。西有常山,南有河漳,東有清河,北有燕國。」    其說韓宣王曰:「韓北有鞏、成皋之固,西有宜陽 、 商阪之塞,東有 宛 、 穰 、 洧 水 , 南有陘山 , 地方九百餘里 , 帶甲數十萬,天下之彊弓勁弩皆從韓出。」    其說魏襄王曰:「大王之地,南有鴻溝、陳、汝南、許、郾、昆陽、召陵、舞陽、新都、新郪,東有淮、潁、煮棗、〔六〕無胥,西有長城之界,北有河外、卷、衍、酸棗,地方千里。地名雖小,然而田舍廬廡之數,曾無所芻牧。人民之眾,車馬之多,日夜行不絕,輷輷殷殷,若有三軍之眾。」    其說齊宣王曰:「齊南有泰山,東有琅邪,西有清河,北有勃海,北所謂四塞之國也。齊地方二千餘里,帶甲數十萬 , 粟如丘山。三軍之良,五家之兵,進如鋒矢,戰如雷霆,解如風雨。即有軍役,未嘗倍泰山,絕清河,涉勃海也。臨菑之中七萬戶,臣竊度之,不下戶三男子,三七二十一 萬,不待發於遠縣,而臨菑之卒固已二十一萬矣。」    其說楚威王曰:「楚,天下之彊國也;王,天下之賢王也。西有黔中、巫郡,東有夏州、海陽,南有洞庭、蒼梧,北有陘塞、郇陽,地方五千餘里,帶甲百萬,車千乘,騎萬匹,粟支十年。此霸王之資也。」    俗話所謂三句話不離本行。蘇秦的游說既然每每從地理入手,地理學想必在縱橫學中佔有極大的份量


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