Nobody knows the whereabouts of the original Forbidden City in China.
So when the clue comes to you via an unintended way, then you stumble on a more forgotten human trek to the terminology and original location before the evolving geological and human civilization migration.
The civilization had the terminology from China Proper, and it moved to the south, Nanjing, and north to Beijing.
Britain’s Palace may not move its site, but its global influence and empire seems to wane and British royal blood’s history, and the future goes on.
Prince William just joined the army.
They still remember the history.
Like Oliver Cromwell’s invasion of Ireland, the British invaded China, and subject the weakened state. The Nationalist mind was to climb out of the shame and struggle out of the derelict rubble and human shame and a will to rebuild the derelict Great Wall, knocked down by the invaders Qing tribe.
They should make atonement for burning the Chinese Yuan Ming Yuan Palace.
But the Qing’s written languages are far gone, unlike the beginning of the Conquest, the royal tomb still had both Chinese and Qing language on.
The invaders forgot their own culture and language, and yielding to the land they occupied. So we have much trouble in remembering the original Forbidden City.
August 21, after dedicating a wreath, Prince Charles led the military and political leaders to salute to London center memorial monument. He mentioned in his speech that the British army in Far East struck the “Japan Brutality”.
For the war memorials, the front row are the WWII veterans, they are raising 30 war flags, and led by the Irish pipes marching on.
Prince Charles told the war veterans, “You are a special generation—sturdy, loyal and on your post. For so many years, you are the anchor, corner stone of this country. “ He mentioned that the British troops fought back against Japan’s violent crime. He feels regrettable that the Europeans understand so little about the Far Eastern war field.
英国纪念战胜日本 查尔斯致词提反击日本暴行
http://www.sina.com.cn 2005年08月23日01:30 新京报
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