Saturday, October 29, 2005

Who is running the White House? The White House Correspondents?

Who is running the White House? The White House Correspondents? Analysis: The Media is Rising Fourth Power in the Old Check and Balance System among the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial Branches. The country has been galvanized by the Senate confirmation hearing process for the Supreme Court Justice nominee Harriet Miers. But the Senate never conducted such a hearing because of the interference noise of the media. To quote, Senator Specter, “Miers was tried by a one-sided press, and radio shows, not by the hearing process.” 1. Religious Aspect The evangelical Republican conservative base suspected that Miers was not their type of person, and they wanted her to prove it. This is in spite of the fact that Karl Rove told James Dobson, the evangelical leader, that she is an evangelical Christian, and is pro-life. But that never was quite enough to soothe the fear of the conservatives. During the campaign, they supported Bush, and now they want Bush to give them someone in the Supreme Court. It proves the strong evangelical force is alive, they are activists, and they want Bush to install someone who will overturn Roe vs. Wade. So the religious issue got the momentum to push her out. 2. The political aspect During the preliminary interviews with the Senators prior to the Senate hearing, scheduled for November 7, she was requested to turn in internal documents from the White House, to prove her qualifications, but Bush believed that turning the documents over would jeopardize executive privilege, as she was the White House legal counsel, and the documents are sensitive. Before the Republican base is drained and divided, the Senate Majority Leader Frist told President Bush to “cut the loss”, and the next day she resigned. 3. The Media Role The media is meddling and superseding the work of the legislature. The executive power is being cut down by the media. The process is supposed to be that the President nominates someone, and the Senate holds a confirmation hearing. But in this case, she was attacked by people on both left and right sides of the political spectrum, whose objections were magnified by the anti-Bush press such as CNN, so she was forced out without a Senate hearing taking place. Keeping the process quiet seems to be the only way. Dana Bash, 10/28 on CNN “Susan Malveaux says she talked to a senior adviser about the replacement for Libby.” It looks like the White House correspondents are in charge of the decision making process. So that is why president could not react to Katrina, he was with the correspondents and they were running the things. They nailed Karl Rove and Scott McClellan, so they are in charge. The second time, for Rita, he ran things himself, and did well, so to reverse his fortune. No wonder that Dana Bash had the audacity saying that “we were all laughing at the President at the White House” during his hurricane work in the south. According to her pal, Quijano, “there was not one death due to Rita, but only from a tornado.” So one can deduce that the President was able to reverse his fortune the second time around because he could ‘rebel against them”. Americans are not in favor of unethical correspondents. Elaine Quijano 10/27/05, Thursday “But privately, at the same time, White House officials are also acknowledging some missteps in the rollout of Harriet Miers' nomination. Also, one senior aide expressing concern over what would have happened had Harriet Miers made it to those hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee -- one senior aide saying that it could have been a -- quote -- "intractable scenario" on live TV.” This is an improper indictment, and the clandestine transactions between White House senior aide and the White House Correspondents are not transparent, are dubious and perhaps jointly in a conspiratorial way played a role in ousting the president’s nominee. This oversteps the Senate and the people’s rights. They predetermined the outcome for Miers is a dead end and an ‘intractable scenario’, before it reached to the Senate Judiciary Committee. This looks like a conspiracy against Miers between the White House aides and the White House correspondents, because jointly they overrode the Senate's role to have a hearing on Miers. So nowadays the White House Correspondents are the new rising power, which supersedes the people’s chosen representatives and Congress. If the President didn’t consult with the White House press in advance, then, after they were privy to the new nominee, they would cross-examining her, and until the flying rumors and sentiments were so out of control, it was deemed to remove her, simply to predict, if not, ‘it would have an intractable scenario’ on live TV. What are the skeleton bones that they are not telling us about? What is the secrecy, between the Correspondents and the Executive power and their efforts concerted shrouded in dark, to override Congress? This violates the Constitution. On CNN tape transcript October 24, 2005, Quijano’s reasoning against Miers is that: Conservatives are not satisfied of her credentials and her “intellectual” ability. Actually if Elaine watched other high intellect TV shows differing from CNN’s, which demonstrated high ‘intellect’ and ‘high standard and expertise’, is that the Conservatives for 20 years have been waiting to seek a solid conservative role model who can voice their agendas, like pro-life/anti-abortion, in order to overturn Roe vs. Wade. They had doubt that Miers is the person, and were worried that she would betray them. Conservatives were chanting to get Miers to prove that she is a true conservative, without any ambiguity, but she was not able to prove this. Meanwhile, secretly, Democrats were happy. Some conservatives started to run ads against Miers, but they were supporters for John Roberts. Things started to get out of hand. Before the conservatives further split apart, the president might have decided to ‘cut his loss’, as Senator Frist suggested when he called on Wednesday night, just to drop the nomination on Thursday morning. Great fears of the Conservatives and a possible revolt against Bush During his campaign, he relied on Evangelical votes, now they want him to give them their ‘ideal voice person’ in the Supreme Court. But Bush gave an ambivalent, albeit, a pioneer female lawyer, but she was not enough to please the Conservative ‘activists’. She is not as well versed as Fitzgerald, but in her own right, is a top lawyer, to quote Bush, “She's been consistently ranked as one of the top 50 women lawyers in the United States.” The downfall of Miers can be attributed to the press’ desire to wreck anything Bush proposes. The evangelicals’ fear that Miers did not have allegiance to them was magnified and repeated by the press to the point that it looked unlikely that she would be confirmed. The demand for the internal documents was the way the Democrats used to force the issue of executive privilege, by demanding to scrutinize Bush’s private documents; this intentionally made her nomination awkward for President Bush. Bush Analysis: During the election, Evangelicals supported him, and now they still expect him to live up to his image.


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