Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Tang dynasty Xiang Yan Royal Temple Estate

Tang dynasty Xiang Yan Royal Temple Estate. I traveled there last fall, and I honored my father by asking the mason to carve my father’s name on a stone tablet at the temple. Today is the anniversary of my father’s death. The entire temple estate was Tang Xian Zong Emperor Li Chun’s residence for seven years. Emperor Tang Xian Zong, Li Chun 778-820 A.D. The eleventh Tang dynasty emperor, known as the Revival King (805-820). In the chaotic divisive feudal era, Li Chun resolutely applied force, won a sequence of victories, and gained for himself the reputation as the “Reconstruction King”. He used talented Prime ministers like Pei Du and Li Jiang, to reform the Yangtze and Huai River region tax for increasing revenue. But he also indulged in trusting the eunuchs which led to their powerful maneuvering the court in the late Tang dynasty. 唐憲宗 李純 (778-820) 唐代中興君主,在位時面對籓鎮割據的混亂局面,憲宗果斷用兵,先後取得一系列的勝利,從而嬴得「中興」的美譽,但寵信宦官,終導致晚唐宦官專政。 中國唐代第十一代皇帝(805~820年在位)。即位後重用裴度、李絳等有才能的宰臣,整頓江淮稅賦以增加


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