Monday, December 12, 2005

Message to Rice and Credit to Bush

Message to Rice and Credit to Bush Comments on President Bush’s latest speech on Iraq, December 12, 2005. Remarks by Senators after Bush’s Speech Senator Levin: “You need to amend the Iraqi Constitution. You must share the resources, to bring the three ethnic groups together in Iraq” Senator Reed: “The Bush Administration should tell the Iraqis to make an amendment to the constitution. They need to achieve a broad base, this is essential to defeat the insurgency. The President made a wishy-washy speech, in the area where you need clarity.” Free Mind Comments: You need to tell the Iraqis that an amendment to the constitution is not only necessary but crucial. This will result in Iraqi unity and avoid large scale civil wars. President George W. Bush, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, December 12, 2005: “Under Saddam, Iraq was a country where dissent was crushed. A centralized economy enriched a dictator instead of the people; secret courts meted out repression instead of justice; and Shia Muslims, and Kurds and other groups were brutally oppressed. “ Comparative study on Saddam and Chiang Kai Shek If Saddam and Chiang are considered tyrants, then all citizens from all ethnic groups suffered under them. In Iraq, Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds all suffered under Saddam’s rule. Do not provoke racially biased remarks to divide the groups, because this is not correct or fair, and violates God’s principle. People make great errors by thinking that Chiang Kai Shek was equivalent to Chinese Nationalists, and vice versa; Even though Saddam is a Sunni, the Sunnis as a group are not equivalent to Saddam or Saddam loyalists, and Saddam not equivalent to the Sunnis. Ramsey Clark’s Statements on the Insurgents: Mr. Clark believes that if a country is in jeopardy, and is being invaded, and insurgents want to overthrow the government, then of course, any government can apply ways to control the crowd. This is different from annihilation or seeking personal revenge when there is a revolt. We almost never prosecute the Insurgent Mao and his followers when he didn’t help the legitimate Chinese government battle the invasion by Japan, but we investigate Chiang Kai Shek with a microscope. We should learn about Sunnis in depth, and be careful not to fall into the trap of drawing the conclusion that Saddam did not persecute Sunni dissents. Today, a Sunni Indian stood up and praised the US works in Iraq as a case in point, that he as a Sunni did not enjoy special benefits under Saddam, and he thanked President Bush for removing Saddam. In China and Taiwan, Chiang Kai Shek is our example to draw upon. Chiang treated all dissenters with the same severity, not only the local Taiwanese dialect-speakers, but also Mandarin-Speaking Chinese. He kept a tight rein on the people that came to Taiwan from mainland China. But Chiang Kai Shek enriched the Taiwanese local farmers, while the military, government, and teachers were all underpaid. Lee Deng Hui’s rhetoric and radical fascist reactionary hatred is mobilized toward all the Mandarin-Speaking Chinese that came to Taiwan, or were born on Taiwan Island, this is a racist attitude, as many of these people had fears toward Chiang as well. We praise President Bush for handling the Taiwan Strait crisis very well, so far so good, as there has not been any fighting between mainland China and Taiwan Island. For this, I am sure God will help Bush and credit him with this virtue. If Bush doesn’t want to be thought of as a racist in the Hurricane case, then he should not prefer Shiites, Kurds over Sunnis. We urge President Bush to give everyone a fair chance and a decent way of living in Iraq, and to persuade the Iraqis to amend their laws so that Sunnis can truly return to the table, and can find cohesive unity in something where dignity is present. Only in this way, can long term peace be achieved and a shared bright outcome for Iraq and the U.S. can be enjoyed by the generations to come. Only in this way, can victory be obtained with everyone proud of the system, and the U.S. animosity will be dissolved in the new Iraq, and the Sunni young will look upon America and American President Bush as a liberator, not as an annihilator, so they will not seek revenge. Some Media Portrayal is a Disservice to the American People Many callers to C-SPAN complain that CNN does not have positive reports, instead focusing on the snapshots of shootings or bombings, misleading the American audiences, and this coverage is a disservice to our country. Most of these soldiers served in Iraq from 2004 to 2005. If some of the press still disbelieve this being the fact, and demand the president to express his views on Secretary Rumsfeld’s candid remarks on the quality of reporting, they should conduct a survey themselves to see if it is true, or perhaps based on each TV station. One thing that is true, American lives are being shed and they are sacred and soldiers’ voices do count, and they seem to agree with Rumsfeld that the media is giving an unfair and unbalanced view on Iraq. If we can’t call them all back right away, at least, we should minimize their loss and respect their voice. Freedom of speech applies to foot soldiers too, not just to the Washington elite or White House correspondents. The viewers need on-location in-depth positive and negative reports, not touched up, not sensational, and not freely criticizing the administration by abusing the First Amendment.


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