This is a sad photo of the Nationalist capital being raped and annihilated in 1937. It started on December 13, and the killing spree lasted for six weeks. Later, Japanese two cities were bombed under Truman’s order.
Although no American media has any report on the anniversary of this historical incidence, I may report this as an exclusive coverage in order to pay homage to the Nationalist people and government for their courage and struggles against the advanced mighty military Japanese brutal regime.
I have in past articles mentioned the reasons for this unfortunate annihilation to have taken place. But one day, justice is going to be more prevalent throughout every corner of the world.
The main lesson is that you can’t let another country divide you. The communist were used by Stalin to attack the Nationalists, and to capture Chiang Kai Shek to force him to have a unified front against Japan. Japan forced the war on China 5 years before China was ready, when the government was undergoing very fast military exercises and training, and buying planes from Italy and tanks from Germany. But they were still far outnumbered and decimated. But the hearts of the people never surrendered to Japan.
Let me praise China on their courage, to give the Nationalists honor and due credits for having protected the land. The Chinese Communist Party is starting to give credits to the Nationalist government and troops for resisting against Japan, and there are libraries for people to pay tribute and recognition to the Nationalists.
This will eventually help the truth to prevail even to the most gruesome aggressive countries’ callous people.
The first lesson is that Chinese must love one another and respect the wealthy coastal regions as well as the poor interior regions. Secondly, if China is fair to the poor cotton farmers living in the interior, to fight against the cheap U.S. cotton farm subsidy which is damaging to the Chinese textile industry, they can seek solutions by offsetting the numbers of Boeing purchase, or Russian’ weapons. Otherwise, the inner poor regions will be victimized by both domestic policy and foreign governments’ high hands. Thirdly, it is the government’s responsibility to take care of the inner region from assault by foreign competition. Fourth, the American Congress today a passed bill to protect a specific group like the Philippine immigrants. Meanwhile, people from Korea and Taiwan are complaining about waiting 6 years to immigrate, while Bush gave a preference to Mexican immigrants in his latest policy.
Title: Recognizing the centennial of sustained immigration from the Philippines to the United States and acknowledging the contributions of our Filipino-American community to our country over the last century.
My comment: Why is there no media coverage of the anniversary of the Nanjing Carnage?
The World Bank director Paul Wolfowitz wants to favor Indonesia vs. France on the tariff issue, because he worked in Indonesia before as an ambassador.
1) America is borrowing the good example of the ROC creation of National Assembly, the Constitution, and the Election of the Legislators in 1946-1947, the minute that the country could take a breather. But Stalin would not want it, and insisted China to be taken over by the Communists, and Mao subjected China into a disaster with 35 million killed, comparable to the victims under Stalin’s regime.
So one can be philosophical to look at the Iraq case in contrast to the ROC in 1946-1947. Is it a blessing in disguise that Iraq can have a democratic system with billions of dollars in aid?
2) Is America committing a crime in overly killing like the 30,000 President Bush quoted the other day?
3) China must find a niche in dealing with trade wars, and not to let the poor inner region people sink into oblivion, balancing the plight of the living standard with excessive military weapons purchases and a luxurious rich class.
4) With the Swiss bank money returned by the Lafayette scandal, set up a foundation and publishing houses and media centers to honor the nationalists who fought hard, worked hard in Taiwan and China in name of humanity.
5) Set up an institute with Chinese sets of egalitarian laws and humanity.
To brag that communists are more patriotic to China than Nationalists will in the end be squashed by the world power.
My prayer to God is to empower the weak and the kind Chinese Nationalists so that their human dignity can be sustained.
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