Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Bada Mountain Man, Ming Prince 八大山人

即青云谱道院,位于南昌市南郊,该道院已有2500多年的历史,清代的著名画家朱耷就隐居在此。 朱耷(1626-1705),别号八大山人,他19岁那年,明朝被清灭亡,他便长期隐居在青云谱道院当道士。朱耷在绘画上独辟蹊径,是清代水墨写意画派的大师,对后世画家的影响很大。 A Ming Prince that I love with my soul I’ll come visit you and pay you a tribute, my dear Ming people. You represent the passion and deep love forever on a sorrowful ethnic group and nation that was occupied and forced to surrender. But your heart didn’t ever forget your culture and your gentle people. Just like I can never forget about my grandparents and their deep love. As your descendants, I understand your art very much with an unfathomable painful expression. Green cloud music score Taoist estate, is situated at the south of Nanchang, the capital of Jiangxi Province. It has over 2500 years of history. Famous painter Zhu Da, a.k.a. Ba Da Shan Ren Eight Big Mountain man, 1626 – 1705, Ming prince lived in seclusion here since when he was 19, in 1645, the year Ming dynasty was taken over by Qing tribe. He was the water ink impressionist master and influenced generations of painters to come.


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