Sunday, January 01, 2006

當風生水起時 When Wind Rises and Water Surges

當風生水起時 When Wind Rises and Water Surges 萬古千秋浪濤濤 留得我心泛餘情 Many thousand autumns billowing Left my heart inundated with remnant feelings 不敗英雄永恆恨 一國佳人痴心戀 Perennial victory for a hero’s regret That romancing a country’s beauty 白碑自有傳人懂 何需違心論他人 A blank stone tablet will have someone to interpret Not to discourse on others that you negate from your heart 空谷幽蘭自溢香 瀟瀟雨歇我獨行 Forlorn valley with wild orchid giving out fragrance on its own Whistling pattering rain just ceased I walk alone 人生一波一浪花 臺上臺下皆惘然 A wave and a billow splash On stage or off stage, it is a wonder lost in time 流年輪轉黃道度 又是風生水起時 Roving year wheel around the ecliptic degrees Again it is the moment that wind rises and water surges Free Mind writes for the 2006 New Year 蘇莊 作于 2006 新年


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