Sunday, May 14, 2006

Mother's Day Poem

Immortal Loving Poem of Mother and Child in China on Mother’s Day 孟郊(751~814),字东野,唐朝武康(今浙江德清)人。孟郊出生寒微,早年与皎然、陆羽、韦应物等人交往。屡次参加科举而不得中,直到贞元十六年(796年),他四十六岁时才进士及第,写下“春风得意马蹄疾,一日看尽长安花”的诗句。又过了四年当上一个小小的溧阳尉,因不屑俗务,不治官事,被罚半俸,于贞元二十年(804年)辞官。后游历长安洛阳等地,与韩愈结为终身至交。由于韩愈的推荐,元和初年入河南尹郑余庆幕,任河南水陆转运从事,试协律郎,并定居洛阳。元和九年随郑余庆到外地任职,途中暴病而亡,终年64岁。 Meng Jiao 751-814, Tang Dynasty man from Zhejiang. Meng made friends with tea god Lu Yu and poet scholar Wei Ying Wu. It was not smooth for his official career, and at 46 he passed the middle ranking official test as a provincial level officer, a candidate for highest imperial examination. Famed poem as “In exhilarating spring wind the hooves sound urgently announce, I’ve seen all of the blooming flowers in Chang An capital.” He traveled to Luoyang, made friends with great scholar official Han Yu, and worked for the Transportation Department in Henan. He resided in Luoyang. 人们曾把孟郊与韩愈并称“韩孟诗派”,主要是因为他们都尚古好奇,多写古体诗。孟郊的五言古体,用语刻琢而不尚华丽,擅长寓奇物于古拙,与大历、贞元诗人相比,他更接近汉、魏风骨。 People equate his poems to the style of Han Yu, a classical master, because they both are aimed at renewal of classics. Meng Jiao, with 5 characters per sentence, with great use of metaphors and symbolism as a natural unpretentious form, he was close to the Han and Wei style of purity. 孟郊的诗中最有名的是写母子之爱的《游子吟》:“慈母手中线,游子身上衣。临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。谁言寸草心,报得三春晖。”《游子吟》题下自注:“迎母溧上作”。诗是作者居官溧阳到故乡武康迎接母亲时的作品。 Meng Jiao’s most famed poem “Exiled Son Song” is about a mother and son’s love. “Gentle mother holds threads in her hand That is the exiled son’s garment Before he leaves, the sewing gets dense Afraid that you return late Who says that the one inch heart of grass Can return three springs’ shining” This poem was produced when the author was an official in a remote place and came back to his hometown to pick up his mother to move her to his workplace. “To Bring Mother to Work Place”.


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