Thursday, April 20, 2006

On the Deep Meaning of a National Ceremony

On the Deep Meaning of a National Ceremony 論大邦國禮儀的深遠意義 古時﹐大國到小國時﹐小國人民﹐無以致意﹐僅以野人獻曝﹐團圍著跳舞﹐一片陽光明媚下﹐輕歌曼舞舉國上下歡慶。 In ancient times, when a big country went to a small tribe to visit, the people only offered sunshine and encircled the guests to dance as a celebration. 聽說﹐諸葛亮遠征到小國﹐野人以一方泥土﹐代表服從致意﹐免兵戎相見。 We heard that when Zhu Ge Liang (PM for the 3 kingdom era) went on an expedition to Sichuan, a small country’s barbarian offered up square soil in a container as the symbol of obedience and to avoid the military conquest. 胡錦濤訪美﹐用杜甫登上泰山的比喻﹐非常得體。 Hu JinTao visits America today, and he used the metaphor of Tang great poet Du Fu climbing up the Eastern Mountain range Tai Shan. It is quite appropriate, as it has been a great location for the emperors to show respect and goodwill for the country. 唐代詩人杜甫登泰山﹐而言”會當凌絕頂﹐一覽眾山小“。 Du Fu said “When you came to the top, you survey around the humbling smaller hills.” 古時天子到五嶽的泰山﹐敬拜天之禮。 When you climb up to Tai mountain top (Tai Shan is one of China's great 5 mountain ranges, the eastern Yue mountain range Tai Mountain, in Shangdong, Yellow Emperor, and Xia dynasty founder Yu, and Qin Shi Huang first emperor all went to pay tribute at Tai Shan to treat it as sacred, an ancient ceremony ritual to crown the mountain as the king, symbolically, for the nation, the emperor says, praying for the big earth, thanks for the good earth, our people respect our mountains, and geography), you see many smaller hills. 胡錦濤的哲理其意深遠﹐話中有話﹐布希聽懂此哲理的可能性不大﹐仍需不斷地點明他來。 Within his words, he contained other meanings of words. The chance that Bush understands this philosophy is not very high. It took me a deep dream to study in my unconscious to get what Hu is trying to imply. "It is good that he looks at great Chinese men from the past for advice, rather than Mao. Chinese culture is a great culture, that is what makes China great, not Communism. I think Hu means that the U.S and China are the most powerful countries in the world, and are at the high mountain top, so they can see all of the problems of the world (hills) from their vantage point." 如泰山鼎立人間。 貴國吾國友好﹐如五嶽之首泰山鼎立人間﹐是以遠古禮儀制度﹐皇帝必行天禮﹐替天行道﹐放眼望去﹐皆各小山頭。 Friendship between two countries is like the leading Tai Mountain range. With ancient ritual institutions, the emperor pays tribute to the heaven, and exercise the Tao and law of heaven to stretch the vision, all but small hills. 必沒有摧殘而是生生不息。一方的領土﹐文化凝結的意識﹐如文化之幼苗﹐是春風吹又生。一代人的犧牲﹐傾滅了﹐下一代再傳下去。 No eternal destruction but renewal. One land with civilization accumulating consciousness, as a sod, is a spring wind blowing born again. One generation even is sacrificed; another generation passes down the line. China and America are wide scope high range mountain countries, and it is of necessity to cooperate, to stretch our imagination with a wide angle. 中美都是高度大國﹐有必要合作﹐登高望遠極目四望﹐向廣遠角度來看。 二虎鬥必有一傷, 或兩敗俱傷. 兩大超強國﹐環望眾小山﹐應同富同強﹐應謀求戰略的同盟﹐而化解歧見。 What he is saying is when two tigers fight, there will be one injured, or worse, both will be injured. If you look around at the mountain top, there are many tops of the hills. Two super powers should coexist together, assisting in a strategic alliance, and resolve the diversions. 萬頃草原﹐起于一小草種子。一切因果﹐皆於其善良的居心﹐而必會造成廣無垠的疆土。 是敵是我﹐儘繫於一念之間。 “Acres of prairie starting from one seedling”. By Elizabeth Su Chuang Every result has a cause. If it is based in kind, it will generate limitless territory. Being an enemy or being on my side, is hinged on one thought. There is no destruction but eternality for generations to come. Hu Jintao seems to use the poem metaphor to urge Bush to be on his side. 必沒有摧殘而是生生不息。 春眠不覺薄暮晚﹐矇矓夢中人得釋而霍然而悟。 自由心 Free Mind 寫與中國領導人胡錦濤會見美國領導布希於白宮的一天 Spring rest until light dusk. From the evening dream came the realization Free Mind writes for the Meeting of President Hu and President Bush in the White House Spring Time 據《史記封禪書》記載:"黃帝封泰山,禪亭亭。"這句話說的是,黃帝在泰山封禪時在山頂祭天,在"亭亭山"祭地。文物專家竟然在泰山南麓22公里的雲亭山找到了黃帝封禪的遺址。而《尚書舜典》則記載了舜封禪的情形:"歲二月,東巡狩,至於岱宗。岱宗,泰山也。柴,望秩於山川。"所謂"柴"就是燒起柴火祭天,我們可以想像,4000年前在泰山之巔的熊熊煙火中,我們先民以虔誠之心祭拜天地。 Notes: According to History Book digest the Ceremony to Crown the Mountain documented as thus: “Yellow Emperor crowned the Tai mountain, and at the mountain top, paid tribute to heaven”. It was found at the Cloud Pavilion mountain relic at 22 kilometers south foothill of Mount Tai. In the Shang Book Shun Emperor Protocol”, it documented Shun King crowning the Tai Mountain also. The burn the bonfire to worship heaven. 4000 years ago, at the peak of Tai Mountain, in the huge fire flames, the ancestors worship with noble respect for the sacred earth and heaven.


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