Tuesday, May 09, 2006

West Wing Story

To quote a comedian's satire line about the West Wing: “When the slut reporter took on the Press secretary job…” It is perhaps close to the real truth. Scott McClellan served up to the whims but got fired. The reason is that he could not guarantee the entourage list to please Bush each time. So despite he helped Bush to be with his favorite concubine girl to be smuggled along with Bush on Air Force One, he once had a rotating guy reporter, and that’s the time when the news broke out that McClellan was leaving by Ed Henry on Air Force One. Derelict at work is to describe the severity of this Presidency, that Bush is swayed by who is on the Air Force One. Rove also used to schedule the travel itinerary for Bush, so he was to be blamed. But because he was the mastermind behind Bush’s successful campaign, he is spared his neck, just is isolated not to interfere with Bush’s tour list anymore. When Young Martial killed the Manchurian big general Yang, he eventually lost the backbone and support in critical time of trouble, Bush will find that in time of crisis, he will only have his concubine press with him, and to be lost in the enemy zone. There goes the Bush dynasty! We hear the Sunni little girl crying that “I hate Americans. My father was killed when he was kneeling down to pray in the mosque.” This was during “Operation Swarmer”, Bush had this CNN bad virtue reporter covering the grand deeds of attacking Sunni’s peaceful residential areas and touting the success! God will do justice to Bush and this evil reporter Filipino Quijano and their plots against the kind people like Sunnis and Chinese in Philippines. Philippine president rounded up the Chinese vendors and confiscated $2 million worth of merchandise and subjected many in poverty. What is odd is that the government let in the containers and let go of the real bribery officials. The terrorists should spare the good Americans because we are kind for all human kind. We Americans don’t condone the bad hearted acts by these illegal acts against normal human conscience. So In God, we must all trust. In God’s accounting book, all crimes and evil must be repaid and redeemed eventually. We understand that Roosevelt didn’t have the same humanity for the Chinese as well as the European counterparts, so that 35 million Chinese were sacrificed, and 3 million Chinese Nationalist soldiers died for the glory of protecting their nation and the world peace. The world’s most sacrificed war on earth’s history. American Presidents owned this blood conscience debt to the Nationalists, and we can’t call it quits and democracy for American only, until All Human Races are truly treated fairly and with equality. Bush never recognizes and admits the Chinese Nationalist achievements; however, this debt to the Nationalists doesn’t go away, it builds upon itself with heavy interest.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Greets to the webmaster of this wonderful site. Keep working. Thank you.

9:00 AM  

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