Thesis on China Proper Titan Capitalist Thinkers Rise and Fall: Generating Commodity Capital Value Biography
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Thesis on China Proper Titan Capitalist Thinkers Rise and Fall: Generating Commodity Capital Value Biography
Hu Jintao says “People are the foundation”.
Mencius’s democracy theory: People are the most precious, the country next, the ruler is the lightest of all.
This is returning back to the China Proper intrinsic value system, unfortunately Bush totally misses the point.
非常好的理論給當今新興崛起的中國定位, 雖然美國不懂。
西漢董仲舒﹐獨尊儒術﹐士農工商的階級觀﹐致使商代以降的周代的春秋戰國時代﹐輝煌人物代表﹐如陶朱公﹐呂不韋﹐建樹的國家利益的經營者﹐萎縮不進化﹐ 中原先人如陶朱公﹐已被遺忘﹐日後的受外族侵略﹐更是背直不起來﹐生活落後﹐遑論光榮傳統﹐遺風早被蒙古﹐每十戶﹐受制於外﹐談民族自尊心﹐何在﹖非為自由身﹐才有朱元璋的起義。
Western Han dynasty Confucius scholar advocated to the emperor Han Wu Di to only concentrate on the top class, the intellectual scholar class, and to abolish or to put down the rest flourishing schools of thoughts. The top class is the scholar official, under that is the agricultural, the labor class is the third, the worst lowly class is the business class. This made the splendid entrepreneurial titans like Tao Zhu Gong, Lu Bu Wei, the national enterprisers to wither and not advance, a tradition since Shang Dynasty, extended into Zhou Dynasty’s two eras, the Chun Qiu and followed by Warring states era.
The marvelous robust vibrant tradition was forgotten. Afterwards, the invasion and enslavement made Chinese Han China Proper ethnics bent their back in front of the masters, and they forgot their glorious past, and barely could keep the tax payment, let alone ancient values. Under Mongolian tight rein control, every 10 families, there is a master to serve, where is the national pride, the self-respect made the revolution against the foreign invasion the Mongolian expelled and established the Ming dynasty.
Western Han dynasty historian Sima Qian was also a traveler in Chinese geography. He climbed up Kwai Ji Mountain to visit the Xia Founder Da Yu’s cave. He understood the original works. Based on a clear conscience and will, he gave the descendants a precious documentation of biographies across all walks of life.
The titan merchants behavior profiling biography gave us the reflection of the business transactions and enterprising.
More than 200 years ago, when America was in its robust founding stage, Hamilton created treasury department.
More than 2000 years ago, Chinese nationalized the central currency system under the First Emperor of Qin Shi Huang, and was by his biological father, the Prime Minister Lu Buwei’s titanic business endeavors.
RMB is linking to the world’s balance in trade.
Business partners also bring in interference. American senator Lindsey extends to September to reevaluate the pressure on China to float the RMB, if not, to levy a 27.5% tariff.
China is riding the tiger and can’t get off when China joined the WTO. Any benefit? Or simply ask to lose less in negotiation.
When God closes one door, he opens another door for us.
America middle class advancement is depending on the world. If you invest in world funds, you make great strides.
3 years ago, you have $300,000, today, you have one million if you were invested in Global funds, but if you invest in U.S. fund, you still have $300,000 or less.
You can learn from the ancient Chinese tycoons to counter the US pressure. You should add the American smartness, to make a computer system work piece by piece. As Sun Yat-Sen wanted us to “Unite Theory with Action and experimentation”. Trial and error is the fundamental spirit of the western success story.
Originiated from the Ming Dynasty, ‘Rationalism’ vs. ‘Heart Philosophy’.
China proper original nature and great ability, such as the invention of the earthquake instrument, from my China proper hometown man.
But after years of suppression, discriminating against Business class, and foreign invasion, the Chinese became enslaved, indoctrinated, shaved the hair with a queue style, became the laughing stock of the west, and accorded with “Yellow fever” from encroachment by British navy and opium addiction.
The west doesn’t know that all these were not original China Proper men archetype; it was a converted slave by the Qing tribe.
So many China Proper values should be reconstructed and reengineered, engendered again to be in our life once again, now we have been revived.
To be the new Chinese, is to search the China proper roots from an alienated self, and to learn and add the American ‘mobility from trial and error’, with no fear to err, to connect with the world, not to have hate crimes, or confusion as the Arabic nationalism and to not be hostile toward other nations, but not to bend too low to cater to American’s whims either.
Be firm and to seek out humanity, will begotten the humanity is China Proper’s philosophy. To take care of the middle class. A fundamental nation’s founding must have a strong middle class, not to have few to reap huge profits. If you support communists, you get to become super class, but one day this elite of communists will collapse.
The communist responsibility is heavy. As such China must go out to prove that Chinese democracy was ahead of the west democracy cradle, namely Greek democracy. Because even before in Xia Dynasty, as the first non merit system took on, it was all meritocracy, not through passing down to the sons. This Yao and Shun idealistic meritocracy was on the China proper ancient national college Luoyang University’s mural paintings.
China doesn’t need America to ask it to convert into democracy. Nationalists already had founded the democratic construct and institutes. Since 1946, Mao hindered the progression. If without the Nationalist Senate to counter the Executive power, Taiwan already would have became independent and founded the Republic of Taiwan.
Sun Yat-Sen’s law adviser invited foreign law experts to be in Shanghai to set up legal institutes, and in DongWu SuZhou University Legal department. Nationalist trained personnel became great legal founders in Shanghai and went to work in the Hague International court, and this managed to aid Chinese Communist rising in the line of the international law arena. The Father of Atomic research in China was also a nationalist educated scholar, and responsible for purchasing science equipment, they all ended up in educating the Chinese in the atomic sphere.
The Communists are based on so many achievements by the Nationalists, they are numerous. The suggestions are for the references.
If they strike down the Nationalist to cover the historical facts, one day, people will demand answers, so reform is only for the sake of stability.
Communism is Soviet orbit sphere, to be out of orbit track is the people’s understanding just without telling it, this is the ongoing process, without renunciation, or proclamation.
Deng Xiao Ping to let only a class to get rich, is the initial stage, now you need to emphasize the average people now.
When you have a stable economy, people are lenient toward the central bureau government. But continuously given great profits to a selective few, ignoring the middle class benefits, it will lead to discomfort, resentment, and eventual chaos. The more social item to build, the one pointer the government will score.
The index of the people is what the stability poll is at.
Bush index 33% is all time low, he can’t make ember burn again.
Because he doesn’t know the facts, and he is only for a group and ignores the middle class.
The Republican Party 23% is worse off than Bush’s poll.
So the election may point otherwise to what he likes.
Bush fires all the people who listen to him.
The new one Tony Snow will discipline the unruly and will not cater to Bush’s whims so much.
One thing Snow says is that Bush “raids the public funds” which he has been doing almost daily.
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