Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Gates, Hu and Bush

Gates, Hu and Bush In an autumn day, I saw Mr. Bill Gates in San Francisco Commodore computer show. He gave me a card saying Redmond, Washington. As if a Halloween costume, he was in a black cocktail suit, not in a business suit. He was tall and young, reserved yet anxious about something, inquisitive and curious. Then he went away. My Microsoft PhD cousin uncle says I should visit Seattle, and I probably should have called to see if I can be listening in the audience when Hu visited Microsoft. But I’m probably too much a Taoist to be an opportunist to meet all these great men, so I passed the opportunity. As maybe it is too mercenary to appear for me that I would pop up to see Seattle for the first time, just when Hu comes to visit. For Bush, the conundrum of a good job 4.7% unemployment rate, but a low approval rating of 36% is analyzed as thus: 1) His PR is failing. While a good economy will protect him from everything, still he needs a good clean image. His old chief of staff was too lax on standards, too indulgent in his desires, and he was in trivial pursuit not in running the country. Katrina is an example. His Mexican trip missing the first lady also is a suggestion of his running into a secret affair there. Though he doesn’t appear like a womanizer, he is off somehow. 2) He is possibly in encouraging ‘ethnic cleansing’. In state sponsored forums like “China’s Influence in East Asia”, We hear the remarks from Indonesian media personality on Anti-China remarks are very chilly and violent just like the Nazi against the rich Jews “Indonesia has less than 4% Chinese population, but over 74% wealth are controlled by Chinese.” We already know that Indonesia through time to time, would slaughter Chinese in anti-China incidents. 3) China’s cheap goods offset the high rising gasoline cost, for a family to pay over $200 a month for gas is like a tax. So why is there no inflation despite the high gas prices? This is because Chinese cheap consumer products rescue the U.S. If America overly complains against the currency, before long, the cheap items will all be inflated by the rise of the currency value, then American inflation will set in, and it will be too late to turn back. Possibly the 1929 crash will occur again, the world is jammed, the incumbent Republicans will surrender to the Democrats for 20 years like Roosevelt and Truman. (1933 – 1953). America’s predicament is in that to have a stronghold in Asia, America must have Taiwan, and Japan, and if retreating, then America is losing the lead in Asia. So the Race is on, “China vs. America”. But given the history, it is China ROC that is always assisting the US, and US received a tremendous amount of money from military purchases, yet, America is acting in betrayal of it, is winding down to the current effect. The Cause and the effect in India’s Karma is reenacting on America. When America betrays a nation, America must pay back in her own redemption by God. No one has the power to claim number one by randomly going to a Philippine China town to confiscate all items, and to punish the end retailers, but forgo the real governmental custom officials, and those receiving the containers in luxury living grafts corruptions are high and dry. Hundred of families left without any living means, so this is $2 million obtained, given to the poor as Robin Hood, will only mean the small corrupted individuals got punished like flies, but real pythons in their lair and snarling away. Ethnic cleansing makes one shudder. God really doesn’t approve of this. Going to church doesn’t cleanse one’s crime.


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